If you are carrying out postgraduate research in agronomy and are looking for research topic ideas we hope this article helps with some pointers.
As a field of study that covers the application of science and technology to the improvement and management of food crops, one can come up with diverse agronomy research topics for Masters (Msc) and Phd work.
Check out some new, relevant agronomy research ideas, out of hundreds or even thousands of agronomy thesis and research topics in our research database.
Many of these thesis, research topics in agronomy are focused on Africa and African countries as case study.
Effect Of Vine Lengthon Growth, Yield And Nutrient Concentration of Sweet Yellow Passion Fruits (Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa) In Embu County, Kenya: Sweet yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) is widely gaining adoption in Kenya, emerging as an important high market value horticultural crop. However, its current yields are low due to poor agronomic practices among other reasons. The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of vine length on growth, yield and nutrient concentration of sweet yellow passion fruits in Embu County and evaluating orchard management practices for sweet yellow passion fruits by farmers, with a special focus on canopy management.
Tillage, Crop Residue And Inorganic Nitrogen Effects On Crop Yields, Soil Carbon And Nitrogen In Kirimari Ward In Embu County, Kenya: Integration of crop residues, inorganic N and appropriate tillage system is an important strategy for improving soil fertility, enhancing crop yields and reducing food insecurity. Such integration under zero tillage systems could enhance soil structural development and nutrient management hence mitigating against soil impoverishment through nitrogen and carbon losses.
The Effects Of Erosion Control Practices, Management, Weather And Soil Properties On Corn Yields On Soils Of Southwestern Iowa: In many areas of the United States, soil erosion has become a serious agricultural problem and the State of Iowa is no exception. People attribute this to several causes but increased production of row crops is the principal cause.
Socio –Economic Aspects Of Sheep Preding For Productive Families In Blue Nile State-Sudan (Case Study: Blue Nile State): This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of sheep owned by productive families sheep in Blue Nile State between 2013 to 2016. During this period designed questionnaire to cover (50 )of the animal breeders in two villages (Alazzaza and Wad ElFaki) to evaluate (Education, Animal type, Housing, Nutrition, Concentrates, Care of animal, Nutrition responsibility , Monthly expenditure, Health status of receiving , General condition, Mothers mortality, Newborns mortality, Ewe parity rate , Abortion rate, Milk production, Project benefit, Economic benefit from the project …
Effect Of Microdosing Fertilizer On Growth And Forage Yield Of Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L): A field experiment was conducted in winter season 2017/2018, at the experimental farm of the College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), at Shambat, to study the effect of microdosing fertilization at two different application times on forage barley. A spilt plot arrangement on completely block randomized design (RCBD) was used with three replicates.
Effect Of Selected Soybean Accessions On Germination And Attachement Of Striga Hermonthica On Maize: Production of maize in Western Kenya is adversely affected by Striga hermonthica, a hemiparastic weed that produces numerous seeds that remain dormant in the soil for even more than 20years. These characteristics coupled with continuous cereal cropping have contributed to the high level of Striga seeds in the soil and the accompanying maize yield losses
Effects Of Irrigation And Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels On Water And Nitrogen Use Efficiency And Yield Of Drought Tolerant Hybrid Maize (Zea Mays L.) In Embu County, Kenya: Food grain shortage in Kenya is attributed to low rainfall and poor distribution in maize growing areas particularly as well as low soil fertility associated mainly with nitrogen deficiency. Use of irrigation water and nitrogen fertilizer is likely to solve this food security challenge. This study was conducted over two seasons covering 2012 and 2013 with the aim of establishing optimal irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer rates for drought tolerant hybrid maize (Zea mays L.)
Effect Of Integrating Chicken Manure And Nitrogen Fertilizer On Nutrient Uptake, Growth And Yield Of Hybrid Maize (Zea Mays L.) In Malawi: The use of mineral and organic fertilizer to produce maize in Malawi is essential to ensure high yields, due to a decline in soil fertility. Smallholder farmers however, apply sub-optimalamounts of inorganic fertilizers to produce maize due to high prices. The objective of the study was to evaluate effect of integrating chicken manure and mineral fertilizer on nitrogen uptake, growth and yield of hybrid maize in Malawi as a low cost measure.
Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Yield And Quality Response To Nitrogen, Phosphorus And Potassium Fertilizer Rates In Rwanda: Potato is a strategic commodity with the potential to improve food and nutrition security and to generate income in Rwanda. Despite its potential, potato intensification remains low, translating into low yield. The low yield is occasioned mainly by the decline in soil fertility. In addition, farmers adapt a blanket fertilizer recommendation rate which is not sensitive to the actual crop needs.
Evaluation Of Fodder Production And Nutritional Qualities Of Some Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) Genotypes Under Rain-fed And Irrigation In North Kordofon State: Field experiments were conducted for two successive rainy seasons (2014/15 and 2015/16) and for two successive irrigated winter seasons (2014/15 and 2015/16) in sandy soil at experimental Farm, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, University of Kordofan, Elobeid. The aim of this study was to evaluate 10 forage Sorghum genotypes under rain-fed and to investigate the effect of these 10 genotypes and watering interval (7 and 10 days) under irrigation on growth, yield and quality of forage sorghum.
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The various Thesis posted on this platform are very insightful on the various research work being undertaken on the continent.