There are always new developments and research titles about marriage and divorce across the world. Almost every society and culture on earth are seeing changes in the way matters concerning divorce and marriage are regarded and handled. Some cultures witness much more radical changes and evolution in the concept of marriage and divorce more than others.
What does new research about divorce and marriage reveal?
Are the specific changes going on in marriages?
What is the prevalence of divorce in today’s marriages?
Does new research throw light on prevailing reasons for divorce?
What are the major issues that lead to divorce in recent times?
What is the modern view and relevance of marriage?
What are the recent trends in the Institution of marriage?
What are the roles of in laws in marriage?
Early marriage in some cultures, practice, impact and effects
New research about divorce and marriage seek to throw more light on some of the above questions and more.
If you are doing some research around marriage and divorce topics you may be looking for some recent materials. Unless you are doing a historical research marriage and divorce are topics that have pretty much undergone changes in the past few decades.
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See below preview of some research titles about divorce and marriage that you may find useful.
(1) The Problem Of Divorce And The Role Of Pastoral Care And Counselling In The Ghana Armed Forces
Marriage is God’s ordinance for humankind from the beginning of creation. It is intended to be a life-long relationship, but it is being thwarted by the problem of divorce in both the faith and secular societies. Unfortunately soldiers who are known to be disciplined personnel are also affected with the phenomenon of divorce in contemporary times. This study was conducted to explore the fundamental issues of divorce in the Ghana Armed Forces and how pastoral care and counselling can be intensified to help strengthen marriage and family life.
(2) Factors Influencing Divorce: A Case Of Mwiteria Circuit In Imenti North- Meru County, Kenya
Divorce is unexpected experience among married men and women that cut short their life dreams against the divine intended purpose for marriage and family as a unit. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing divorce among Christian couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit.
(3) Causes of Divorce in Nigeria
This study aimed at analyzing factors that influence early marriages among Barbaig communities in Hanang District. Specifically, the study sought to provide an overview of the magnitude of the problem of early marriage, identify factors contributing to early marriages, determine the role of parenting in the problem of early marriage and identify possible factors that may contribute to reduction of early marriages among Barbaig communities in Hanang District.
(9) Socio-Cultural And Religious Implications Of Mixed Marriage In Nsukka Area Of Enugu State
The oppositions of mixed marriages from families, religious groups and cultural groups led to the topic “the socio – cultural and religious implication of mixed marriage in Nsukka L.G.A of Enugu State”. The researcher used both primary and secondary sources in gathering information. The data from primary sources like oral interview were used. The secondary source includes textbooks, encyclopedia, Journals, News papers, published and unpublished materials like hand outs, seminar papers and internet materials.
(10) The Effect of Divorce On Women and Children in Uganda “The Legal and Customary Perspective”
This study is an investigation of the legal and customary impacts of divorce on women and children in Uganda. The study will explore the problems that divorcees (women) and the children of these families are faced with and interventions that have been employed to address the trauma that they are faced with. This chapter will present the background to the study, the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, the objectives of the study, the research questions, the hypothesis, the scope of the study, the significance of the study and justification of the study.
(11) Factors Contributing To The Failure Of Modern Marriage In Tanzania: A Case Of Mbinga District
This study examines the factors contributing to the failure of modern marriage in Mbinga district (Tanzania) as a case study. The objective of the study was to understand the main factors contributing to the failure of modern marriage especially social-cultural, economic, technological and political factors. The study employed a descriptive case study and exploratory research design, and deployed mixed method approach for triangulation purposes of data collection, presentation and analysis, in depth interview, questionnaires and documentary review were applied.
(12) Double Decker Marriage in Nigeria (Issues, Problems and Solutions)
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