
List of Civil Engineering Project Topics on Concrete

If you are a research student looking to write a thesis or project on concrete for civil engineering students we have compiled a list of some relevant project research topics/ideas on concrete.

Concrete, a term in civil engineering or construction, is a structural material consisting of hard, chemically inert substance known as aggregate (usually sand and gravel) that is held together by water and cement.

As a key component of civil or construction engineering some of your research may be related or in some way have something to do with concrete. So hopefully you find this compilation useful.

If you want to dive in straight away and browse our entire database for civil engineering project topics on concrete projects as well as thesis, dissertations and research papers on concrete, see the below link


Some Civil Engineering Research Topics on Concrete


Mechanical Properties of Concrete

The main aim of the research is to study the mechanical properties of concrete and heir effects in concrete stability and failure.
He fractures mechanical properties in particular uniaxial tensile strength Ft, young’s modules Eo and fractures energy Gf as sell as the shape of the stress strain and the stress- deformation relation  were investigated for high strength and normal strength concrete. | Project | 125 Pages | See Full Document 


Effect of Crude Oil Contaminated Sand on the Engineering Properties of Concrete

A considerable fraction of sand in Niger Delta Area of Nigeria is contaminated with crude oil. The contaminated sand is largely utilised by local contractors for the production of concrete. However, there is need to establish its suitability in concreting. Previous works have centered on hardened uncontaminated concrete in crude oil environment but not on concrete made with Crude Oil Contaminated Sand (COCS). This research was designed to evaluate the effect of COCS on some engineering properties of fresh and hardened COCS concrete. | 160 Pages | Thesis | See Full Material


Strength And Microstructure Of Lateritic Concrete Containing Palm Kernel Shell (Pks) As Partial Replacement For Coarse Aggregates

This research work reports the investigation carried out to determine the strength and microstructure of lateritic concrete containing palm kernel shell (PKS) as partial replacement of coarse aggregates. The study employed different mix proportions, which resulted in casting and testing 148 cubes at 7, 14, 21, 28, 60, and 90-days of curing, to determine the best and economic proportion that will give compressive strength. | 72 Pages | Thesis | See Full Material


Comparative Study On The Strength Of Lightweight Foamed Concrete Using Different Reagents (Lithofoam & Sodium Lauryl Sulphate)

This project presents the results of the investigation conducted on a lightweight foamed concrete using different reagents; Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) and Lithofoam, with a view to determining its potential as a construction material in Nigeria. The properties investigated on the foamed concrete having target density of 1800kg/m3 were: workability, bulk density and compressive strength. | 66 Pages | Project | See Full Material


Enhancing Concrete Properties with the Use of Coconut (coir) Fibers and Admixture

In countries where industrialization is on the rise there is a corresponding increase in waste production resulting from industries which eventually upsets the environment and community for which they provide. While most of these waste generated are hazardous and should be managed, others could be put to appropriate use either directly or after been recycled. | 76 Pages | Project | See Full Material


Use Of Recycled Concrete As Coarse Aggregate For High Strength Concrete

This study is concerned with the production of high strength concrete using recycled concrete aggregates as alternative to natural aggregates. The study includes also the determination of the proportions, characteristics and components of concrete mixes required for production and use in multiple applications at suitable prices. | 116 Pages | Thesis | See Full Material


Comparative Study of Strength of Truss Reinforced Concrete Beam and Conventional Reinforced Concrete Beam 

This work presents comparative study of strength of truss reinforced concrete beam and conventional reinforced concrete beam. Two sets of 0.15 x 0.15 x 1m beams were cast. One set was cast using truss as a system of reinforcement at spacing of 100mm, 150mm and 200mm. The other set was cast using longitudinal bars and links at spacing of 100mm, 150mm, and 200mm as the conventional reinforcement. In all 27 truss and 27 conventional reinforcement beams were cast. | 170 pages | Thesis | See Full Material


Some Later Days Structural Properties Of Concrete Containing Palm Oil Empty Bunch Ash (Poeba) As Partial Replacement Of Cement In Concrete

In an attempt to reduced non-renewable material usage, reduce green-house substances and at the same time be relevant to our environment, this research presents the progress of investigation going on to evaluate some properties of POEBA as partial replacement of cement in the production of structural concrete. This research work is carried out to determine the properties of Palm Oil Empty Bunch Ash (POEBA) when used as partial replacement for Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in concrete | 70 pages | Project | See Full Material


Investigation Of The Structural Characteristics Of Lime-cement Concrete

This work investigated the structural characteristics of lime cement concrete using 30 selected mix ratios. The properties studied include, compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength, shear strength, poisson ratio, modulus of elasticity, and modulus of rigidity.  A total of 360 concrete cube specimen, 360 concrete prototype beam specimen, and 360 concrete cylinder specimen were cast and cured in open water tanks. 3 specimen were cast for each mix proportion. | 282 pages | Thesis | See Full Material


Strength Assessment of No-Fines Concrete Pavement

The purpose of this project work is to assess the strength of No-fines concrete pavement. No-Fines concrete is use in low traffic volume, pathways, sidewalk and parking lots. No-fines concrete is produced by using ordinary Portland cement, coarse aggregates, and water. In this study, Two (2) batches of no-fines concrete each with two different water – cement ratio 0.36 and 0.45 and cement – coarse aggregate 1:4 and 1:6 were prepared to find the mix that generated high compressive strength and splitting tensile strength | 79 Pages | Project | See Full Materials


Effect Of Using Basalt And Limestone As Coarse Aggregate In Concrete Mixtures

In this study, concrete mixtures were tested to effect of basalt and limestone as coarse aggregate and evaluate their efficiency on fresh and hardened concrete to achieve the design compressive strengths of [25N/mm2]. By using different proportions is 25%, 50%, 75% and100 %from the weight of coarse aggregate. The study was carried out for 6 types of concrete mixes designed by British Standard, compressive strength of concrete and workability were measured in the reconstruction of maturing for ( 7, 28 and 56) days. | 85 pages | Thesis | See Full Material


Rice Husk Ash And Grinded Rice Husk Effect On The Compressive Strength And Workability Of Concrete

The importance of concrete in modem society cannot be underestimated. There is no escaping from the impact of concrete on everyday life. Concrete is a composite material which is made of filler and a binder. Typical concrete is a mixture of fine aggregate (sand), coarse aggregate (rock), cement, and water. Nowadays the usage of concrete is increasing from time to time due to the rapid development of construction industry. | 71 Pages | Project | See Full Material 


The Effect of Silica Fume (S.F) on the Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete

Concrete is a composite material consisting of aggregates enclosed in a matrix of cement paste including possible pozzolans, has two major components, cement paste and aggregates. The strength of concrete depends upon the strength of these components, their deformation properties, and the adhesion between the paste and aggregate surface [ 1 ]. In recent years, the construction industry has shown significant interest in the use of high strength concrete (HSC), in applications such as dams, bridges and high rise buildings. | 84 pages | Thesis | See Full Material 


Structural Performance Of Lateritic Concrete Containing Palm Kernel Shell (PKS) As A Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate

Sand has traditionally been used as fine aggregate in structural concrete. It is usually imported from relatively distant places at high costs, and this increases the overall cost of making concrete and of providing housing in various Nigerian communities. This study investigates the performance of 409/o of laterite as fine aggregate in place of sand, and specifically seeks to determine whether lateritic concrete containing pies would satisfy the minimum compressive strength requirement of BS 8110 (1997) for use in reinforced concrete works, which is 25 N/mm. | 75 Pages | Project | See Full Material


More Research Resources on Concrete in Civil Engineering







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