
A List of Collective Nouns (Ships, Cows, Trees, Bees and so on)

And the little Boy said, “Aunty, please help me with my assignment. It’s on Collective Nouns”

In plain words, I was disgraced. I couldn’t even remember 40% of Collective nouns or a group of ‘this’ is called ‘that’.  After some google help, I remembered there are people like me everywhere hence, this blog post.

A collective noun is a word for a group of specific items, animals or people. For example collective nouns for ships are: Fleet of Ships and Armada of Ships. You can check out 100 examples of collective nouns

Read below a list of collective nouns I compiled from my search:

a group of ships is called a fleet,
a group of cows is called a herd,
a grouped of lions is called a pride,
a group of baseball players is called a team,
a group of ants is called a colony,
a group of caterpillars, frogs, soldiers is called an army,
a group of circuits is called bank,
a group of flowers is called bouquet,
a group of worshippers is called congregation,
a group of wolves is called pack,
a group of trees is called orchard
a group of books is called library
a group of fishes is called school
a group of ants, bats, beavers, lepers, penguins is called colony
a group of grapes is called bunch
a group of hyenas is called clan
a group of kitten is called Kindle
a group of singers is called choir
a group of thieves is called gang
a group of bees is called hive
a group of clothes is called a wardrobe

See More below:

an armada of ships
a Batch of cookies
a battery of tests
a bed of clams, snakes
a belt of asteroids
a bevy of beauties
a brood of hens
a bundle of nerves
a bunch of grapes
a caravan of camels
a chain of islands
a class of students
a cloud of gnats
a clowder of cats
a clutter of cats
a clutch of chicks, eggs
a company of actors

a corps of giraffe
a coven of witches
a crowd of onlookers
a culture of bacteria
a deck of cards
a den of Cub Scouts, snakes, thieves
a division of soldiers
a drove of cattle
a fleet of airplanes, ships
a flock of birds, sheep
a flight of swallows
a flotilla of ships
a forest of trees

a gaggle of geese
a galaxy of stars
a host of sparrows
a knot of toads
a leap of leopards
a litter of puppies, kittens
a lodge of beavers
a mob of kangaroos
a murder of crows
a nest of mice, snakes
a orchard of trees
a pack of dogs, hounds, wolves
a panel of experts
a parliament of owls
a pit of snakes
a platoon of soldiers
a pod of whales
a pride of lions, peacocks
a quiver of arrows
a range of mountains

a school of fish
a shrewdness of apes
a slate of candidates
a sloth of bears
a sounder of boars, pigs
a squad of players, soldiers
a stand of flamingoes, trees
a swarm of ants, bees, flies
a team of horses, oxen, players
a thicket of trees
a tribe of monkeys, natives
a trip of goats
a troop of apes, of Cub Scouts, kangaroos
a troupe of actors, performers
a unit of soldiers
a wad of bills, money
a wealth of information
a yoke of oxen

Next time that Child comes calling, defend yourself. Share on

Chika Akanoh

Chika Akanoh is a Content Marketer at Afribary. Always on ground to bring you latest project writing Tips, Scholarships, Competitions, Inspirational, Humour and Current affairs. For Project Materials in all fields, click on 'Library' above

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