Chika Akanoh

Top 5 Ways To Save Money While in School.

Students are never broke as opined by all and sundry. The reason for this assertation is not far fetched. It…

8 years ago

8 Brain-Boosting Hobbies To Keep Your Brain Alert, Manage Stress and Maintain Balance (INFOGRAPHICS)

Generally, Students know the importance of studying efficiently, working real hard and taking their education seriously. By doing so, they…

9 years ago

How to Improve your Handwriting-Project Writing

You write huge sense with an eligble, bold and clean hand writing, You are my Hero. -Chika(2016). If you understand…

9 years ago

Sources of Nigerian Law

Sources of Nigerian law denote where Nigerian law came from. The major question is that where did we get the…

9 years ago

2016 African Development Bank (AfDB) Internship Program (Session II)

JOB DETAILS The African Development Bank is a regional multilateral development bank, engaged in promoting the economic development and social…

9 years ago

A List of Collective Nouns (Ships, Cows, Trees, Bees and so on)

And the little Boy said, "Aunty, please help me with my assignment. It's on Collective Nouns" In plain words, I…

9 years ago

Nigerian Academic Scholars Fellowship: UK Leventis Fellowship at University of London

Leventis Fellowship Course(s) Offered: African studies Course Level: Graduate (fellowship, research) Provider: Leventis Foundation Country to Study in: UK Scholarship…

9 years ago

How to Deal With Inability to Sleep-Insomnia

"If humans need 12 hours of sleep every day and you get 4 hours, It's a disorder and abnormal."_Chika Getting…

9 years ago

Unilever Future Leaders Trainee Programme 2016

Unilever invites application for the Unilever Future Leaders Programme. The Unilever Future Leaders Programme is about developing tomorrow’s leaders, today.…

9 years ago

How To Build A Long Lasting Friendship, 5 Important Key Points.

Friendship helps us to understand who we really are. Friendship is solidified by mutual trust and support by both parties…

9 years ago

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