How to Write Project / Research Paper Result Section

Most times, after writing and submitting chapter three (methodology) of our research paper, we often have challenges with chapter 4 which is the heart of a project where compilation of results gotten through data collection are done. This article will give you steps to write a good project / research paper result.

First, to write a project result, you must have sourced and gathered data to analyze and summarize in chapter four. A good project result must have clarity and the information will be presented and explained in a way that any reader can understand. Following these steps, you will get an insight to writing good research results.

Steps to Writing a Good Project Result

1. Introduce your chapter properly:
To introduce your chapter, you have to tell your reader what to expect and what the chapter entails. You have to state what instrument you gathered your data with and the response rate. You can give an overview of the results.

2. Explain and organize the data:
Using tables or charts, you can achieve this aim. Your data analyses and presentation of the results/findings can be put in rows and columns and totalled at the end. The use of percentages and mean is also needed. The presentation of the results/findings should be very concise and clear that even a layman can understand it.

3. State null hypothesis:
After each table, you should be able to draw statistical conclusions for accepted or rejected hypotheses. You should also state it's relationship with the research problem, your results/findings and explain the result. You can use a decisive rule to attain if the result is significant or not.

4.  State your research problem and answer it:
To make it easier for the reader, you can re-write your research problem (2 or 3 depending on what type of study you choose), state each question then answer with the table and a brief discussion following it.

5. Present the questionnaire/ interview questions properly:
If you used a questionnaire or an interview (whichever method), the questions must rhyme with the results questions compiled in this chapter, however, this will be the compilation of the results not merely stating the questions.

Now, let's look at the other things you have to look at out for while writing your chapter four.

Ten Things to Keep in Mind When Preparing a Project Result (Chapter Four).

  1. In a quantitative study, the results can begin with a description of the sample (e.g., sample size, description of participants (inclusive/ exclusive criteria stated), percentage of response rate, e.t.c).
  2. In descriptive study, statistics (e.g., frequencies/percentages for categorical variables, means, standard deviations, and ranges for continuously measured variables) are presented.
  3. You must briefly explain the type of study you used as well as the methodology in the opening paragraph.
  4. For each table, the first paragraph should briefly restate the problem, taken from Chapter 1.
  5. Point out salient or relevant results and explain the object of each question.
  6. Tables and figures must be numbered carefully.
  7. The data must be presented in a clear, concise and easily understandable form.
  8. You can defend the raw data in this chapter but if bulky, you can explain it better in the next chapter or in the appendix.
  9. In a qualitative study, the data collected is called "findings" while in a quantitative study it is called "results".
  10. Clarity cannot be over-emphasized, however the results/findings must be summarized.