Theoretical Framework - Meaning, Importance and How to Write it

In a world like ours where there are many changes and unending knowledge existing, there is a constant need to carry out more researches and review literatures to be able to keep afloat in the demanding changes of every sector. To this effect, we make researches and in researches, we come across theoretical framework/reviews.
For many of us who don't see the essence or importance of theoretical framework / reviews, this article is here to put us out of the mystery of a jam -work and give you an insight to creating a great and commendable theoretical framework.
Today, we will look at:
- the meaning of theoretical framework/ review.
- it's essence and importance theoretical framework in research.
- how to write a good theoretical framework.
Meaning of Theoretical Framework in Research.
Grant & Osanloo (2014) described theoretical framework as one of the most important aspects in the research process though often misunderstood by doctoral candidates. It explains the application of a theory in a dissertation providing also a strong evidence of academic standards and scholastic functions.
In plain words, theoretical framework is the explanation of previous proven theories and how they may apply to your new study.
What is the Importance of Writing a Theoretical Framework?
You may ask why you are writing a theoretical framework in your research work and may even ask if it is really important to write one. Fortunately, the answer is yes.
A research work is not complete without a theoretical framework for these following reasons:
Importance of Theoretical Framework in Research.
- It provides a theory-driven approach to the current study.
- It gives the study a well-defined and proven basis of argument.
- It offers an explanation of the study's significance and validity.
- It shows where the researcher intend to fill in gaps of knowledge and practice.
- It provides broader guidelines and a general set of ideas within which a research study can be fit in.
- It provides the structure to define how the scholars shall approach the thesis as a whole.
Having gone through and understood the essence and importance of theoretical framework, making a good theoretical framework should be the next course of action.
Steps in Writing a Good Theoretical Framework.
The steps are focused on using theory-driven thinking and emphasizing on the relation of a theory to a selected topic. You are advised to explore theories being used in completed dissertations, doctoral studies, encyclopedias, other literatures and handbooks.
The steps are as follows:
- Identify your key concepts and the key terms from your problem statement and research questions.
- List the constructs and variables that might be relevant to your study.
- Have a list of theories and take notes on how and where they were used.
- Review past related literature to find theories related to your research work.
- Select a theory.
- Test whether the theory fits your study. You can critic or challenge a theory.
- Search out good seminal works related to those theories to learn how they were been used.
- Show how your research fits in the selected theory.
- You may combine different theories in a new and unique way, evaluating and explaining it's relevance.
- Use the theory as a basis for interpreting your research results.
- Identify and learn more about relevant theories.
There you go, the meaning, importance and steps to writing a good theoretical work. Now you are ready to ace that research topic. Good luck!