ABSTRACT The study sets out to find out on one hand, the present structure of resources in agricultural production and secondly, to delve deeper into the controversy surrounding the comparative efficiency in resource use by sharecroppers and owner farmers in agricultural production. The approaches used to assess the structure of the resources are frequency distributions, descriptive analyses and estimation of cost composition of individual resources. In assessing the comparative effic...
Abstract This study analyzed the value chain in rice production systems in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Purposive and random sampling techniques were used in the selection of respondents for the study. The Rice value chain actors comprised rice farmers, processors and traders. Data for the study were obtained from primary sources using questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Functional analysis, Value Chain Map, Costs and Returns analysis, Linear Programming tec...
ABSTRACT This study analyzes the profitability of maize products in Nigeria. It determines the socio-economic characteristics and processing activities of the processors; it identifies the various processed products from maize and then estimates costs and associated returns to maize processing. It also identifies constraints to maize processing; analyzed the factors that influence profit and investigate the specific effects of identified constraints on the processor’s growth potential of...
ABSTRACT The study examined the economic analysis of cassava production among smallholder farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were: to examine the socio-economic characteristics of the cassava producers, determine the factors influencing the level of profitability accruable to the cassava producers, determine the cost and returns of cassava production, also to identify the...
ABSTRACT The research was undertaken with the broad objective of carrying out an analysis on the comparative economic analysis of semi-automated and automated methods of garri processing, in Oyo State. The specific objectives were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents in the study area, estimate the profit of the two categories of the methods of garri processing in the study area and identify the factors that influenced the profitability of the garri processors. A ...
ABSTRACT The study examined Productivity and Efficiency of Maize-based Cropping System Farmers in Hong Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents; identify the various maize-based cropping systems in the area; determine the profitability of maize-based cropping systems in the area; estimate the technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of the famers; determine the optimal p...
Abstract: Mobile phone supports farmers to have access to lucrative beef cattle markets by increasing access to timely market information. This study focuses on use of mobile phone in beef cattle marketing among smallholder farmers in Girar Jarso district, Oromia region, Ethiopia. Specifically the study were designed to assess the contributions of mobile phone in beef cattle marketing, to identify factors affecting use of mobile phone in beef cattle marketing and to identify the constraints...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in the Yilo Krobo district to investigate the potentials and constraints of the rapidly growing mango plantations in the area. A total of forty (40) famers were randomly selected from five (5) communities in the district for the study. Descriptive statistics, matrix ranking, Net Present Value and Benefit Cost Ratio were the main techniques used to analyze the results. The result shows that the farmers grow as many as eleven (11) varieties of mango of whic...
The study was conducted at Bahi District to assess contribution of paddy production toward annual household income among smallholder paddy producer. The study had three specific objectives, to determine level of paddy production at Bahi district, to determine household income earned from paddy and other sources and to analyse factors affecting paddy production among smallholder producers. Data were collected through interview, observation, focus group discussion and documentary review. Both d...
ABSTRACT The study investigates the determinants of adoption of improved wheat varieties in Robe and Digelu Tijo Districts in Oromiya region. The objectives of this study were to assess factors that affect the adoption and intensity of use of improved wheat varieties production in Arsi zone with specific reference to Robe and Digelu Tijo districts. Three kebeles were randomly selected from each district and primary data were collected from 150 selected wheat producin...