ABSTRACT In the context of the prevailing trend towards more natural products, there seems to be an increasing preference for raw milk consumption as raw milk is associated with several perceived health benefits that are believed to be destroyed upon heating. However, many human pathogens can be isolated from raw cow’s milk and these pathogens vary from campylobacter to Escherichia coli. The aim of this review is to highlight the risk and benefits related to the consumption of raw and paste...
Although, there are different poultry production systems in Ethiopia, the backyard productionsystem is the predominant oneandit is characterized bysmall flocksize, poor management, and not effective in terms of production and productivity. The demand of thecountry for egg production has not been achieved yet. Thus, there is a need to introduce an environmentally friendly, productive and sustainable production system that can better profit the producers and satisfy egg demand of the country. T...
Crossbreeding of temperate breeds with local cattle has been practiced for several decades in the country to improve the production and productivity of local animals. However, the interventions made so far were limited to highland agro-ecologies and partly in midlands. There is no improved dairy cattle technological options in Ethiopia for lowland agro-ecologies particularly for heat stress zones. Thus, this project was initiated between the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBR...
Although swine production has great potential to alleviate poverty in Ethiopia, little attention has been given to the sub-sector. Swine production and marketing has not been characterized until recently in the country. Therefore, there was a big information gap in the area. To fill this gap and improve the system, a collaborative research was initiated between EIAR and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA). Brazil is one of the top swine producers and exporters in the wor...