International Affairs Research Papers/Topics

Uganda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Policy Implementation in East African Community

ABSTRACT The study aimed at accessing the relationship betweei. Uganda’s Mm istry of Foreign Affairs and policy implementation in East African Community. The objectives of the .study were; to examine the role of Uganda’s .Minis~y of Foreign Affairs on policy implementation in East African community, to identify the challenges faced by Uganda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on policy implementation in East Affican community and to access the solutions to the challenges facing Uganda’s Mi...

The Contribution Of UNHCR And Refugee Welfare In Uganda. A Case Study Of Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement Camp In Kamwengye District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS VLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES viiiABSTRACT IXCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION1.0 IntroductionI Background of the Study1 .2 Contextual background 31.3 Problem Statement 61.4 Purpose of the Study 71.5 Objectives of the study 71.6 Research Questions 71.7 Scope of the Study 81,8 Significance of the Study 8CHAPTER TWO 9LiTERATURE REVIEW 92.0 introduction 92.1 Conceptual Framework 92.2. Nature of the contribution ...

Masculinity and Experiences of Sexual Violence: Case Study of Male Congolese Refugees in Kampala Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.0 Introduction II . I Background to the Study .~I . I . I Contextual Background 2I . 1 .2 The Present Context: Refugee and asylum seeking procedures in Uganda 4I .2 Statement of the problem 6I .3 Purpose ofthe study 7I .4 Specific Objectives 8I .5 Research Questions 81.6 Scope of the study 81.6.1 Conceptual scope 81 .6.2 Geographical Scope 91.6.3 ...

Parliament and Human Rights in Uganda, (1986-2017)

The research was conducted at the Parliament of Uganda. The parliament is situated in Central Division Kampala District. Much of the field work was carried out at the parliament premises, though other tours were made at the head offices of Uganda Human Rights Commission (Ntinda Nakawa Division). The researcher carried out the research on the Topic “Parliament and Human Rights in Uganda, 1986 — 2017”. The research methodology used was interview. Members of Parliament on Parliamentary Com...