Population Studies Research Papers/Topics

Effects Of Spousal Decision Making On The Type Of Contraceptive Method Used In Ghana

ABSTRACT The literature suggests an important linkage between inter-spousal decision making and contraceptive use. Decision making in a spousal relationship helps to support spousal growth as compromises can be reached on sensitive topics, especially those regarding fertility preference, the type of contraceptive method to adopt, and other reproductive health issues that affect the woman’s overall health and well-being. However, the effect of decision making on contraceptive method choice...

Determinants of Womens in Health Care Decision Making in Ghana, 2017

ABSTRACT Knowledge on the factors that determine a woman‟s autonomy in health care decision making is necessary for her improved health outcome. This study sought to identify some demographic, socio-economic and cultural factors that have an influence on women‟s autonomy in health care decision making in Ghana. Some characteristics of the women‟s husbands or partners were also included in the study (husband/ partner‟s education and employment status). The study used the Ghana Demogra...

Determinants Of Malnutrition Among Children Under The Age Of Five In The Three Northern Regions Of Ghana

ABSTRACT In Ghana, the main barriers to scaling up nutrition interventions have been identified at the national level yet there is a knowledge gap regarding the determinants of malnutrition at the regional, district and sub-district levels where nutrition interventions are directly carried out. In the three northern regions, malnutrition is an underlying cause of high morbidity and mortality among children under the age of five. This study, therefore, used the 2008 GDHS and binary logistic re...

Child Labour and School Attendance in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of child labour on school attendance in Ghana. It particularly tests the significance of children’s work and their schooling outcome. The 2006 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey dataset on children aged 12-14 years with descriptive analysis, cross tabulation and binary logistic regression models were employed for the analysis.  The results show that children labour whether economic or domestic has a substantial effect on children’s school attendance...

Age And First Marriage of Children Ever Born in Ghana

ABSTRACT  In Ghana the fertility rate of 4.2 children per woman is still greater than the global average of 2.53. In view of this, various policies and strategies have been adopted to make family planning programs and methods available so as to bring about a reduction in fertility. However this has not yielded the desired results since fertility has not observed much decline. This current study examines the relationship between age at first marriage and children ever born in Ghana by the use...

Women’s Autonomy And Reproductive Health Behaviour In Ghana

ABSTRACT Ensuring optimum reproductive health through universal access to family planning services is key to human development. Though knowledge of contraception is high in Ghana its use among married women is very low, a phenomenon attributed to women’s lack of power or autonomy in sexual relationships. This study primarily sought to examine the levels of women’s autonomy in Ghana and determine the extent to which women’s contraceptive use is precipitated by their autonomy in relations...

Housing and Household Characteristics and Payment for Solid Waste Disposal in the Greater Accra Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Rapid urbanisation, population growth, introduction of environmentally unfriendly materials like plastics and changing lifestyles have created serious environmental problems in most districts and localities within the Greater Accra Region especially in the area of solid waste disposal, management and financing. This study analyses the factors that influence household’s payment for solid waste disposal in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana.  Using the Ghana Living Standard Survey ...

Household Characteristics And Educational Attainment Young People In Poor Urban Communities In Accra

ABSTRACT This study investigates the relationship between household characteristics and educational attainment of young people in poor urban communities in Accra. The study uses the urban health and poverty survey (EDULINK 2011) Round two data, with 326 household heads with young people aged 15-24 years. The objective of the study is to examine household characteristics that determine young people educational attainment in poor urban communities and also the level of education in poor urban c...

Correlates Of Knowledge Of Ovulation Cycle Among Women In Urban Poor Communities In Accra

ABSTRACT This study uses the Urban Health and Poverty Survey (2011) data to investigate the correlates of knowledge of ovulation cycle among women in urban poor communities in Ghana. Knowledge of the ovulation cycle of a woman is pivotal in the practice of the traditional methods of delaying childbirth and preventing unwanted pregnancies. These methods include periodic abstinence (rhythm), withdrawal, and country-specific folk methods. Bivariate analysis shows Catholics have the highest propo...

Determinants Of Antenatal Care Utilization Among Women In Ghana

ABSTRACT. Antenatal care is the most important health input that can help reduce maternal mortality and child birth complications. Though it appears that most women are attending ANC, a lot of them are not completing the attendance. For ANC to function to contribute to saving of life, it must be completed. Completed ANC involves attending and utilizing ANC for a minimum of four times for uncomplicated pregnancies, so that subsequent visits may only be required upon detection of complication (...

Correlates Of Health Behavior In Urban Poor Communities

ABSTRACT Despite an increase in the number of people living in poor urban communities in Ghana, little is known about their health behavior. This study examined the correlates of health behavior in three urban poor communities in Accra, Ghana. The third round of EDULINK survey carried out by the Regional Institute for Population Studies from August-September, 2013 Agbogbloshie, James Town and Ussher Town was used. A total of 775 individuals aged 15-59 years were selected for the survey and fo...

Gender, Vulnerability To Environmental Change And Migration In The Volta Delta, Ghana

ABSTRACT Migration has long been a response to unfavourable environmental conditions, and an engine for population redistribution. Studies acknowledge that gender influences vulnerability to environmental change and migration. However, there is a paucity of empirical research on the interconnectedness between vulnerability to environmental change and migration from a gendered perspective. Further, studies rarely migration intentions, actual migration and immobility migration in a holistic man...


Abstract Peace and security are sine qua non for development; and they are intrinsically linked to demographic change. People are likely to move out en masses where there is extremely low personal security, real or perceived. Even in non-conflict societies, personal security is especially compromised through crime, persecution, domestic violence and public disorder. Perceptions of personal security determine people’s participation in social, economic and political activities, and have an im...


ABSTRACT Remarkable increase in life expectancy in Ghana has resulted in a major health threat where there is a major shift from infectious and parasitic diseases to chronic non- communicable diseases that mostly affect older people and posing a great danger on global health. Modifiable lifestyles are major determinants of adult chronic diseases, morbidity and mortality. With a rapid increase in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases in most developing countries as a result of ageing and...


ABSTRACT Unequal distribution of socio-economic resources predisposes adolescents to the consequences of risky sexual behaviours. This study aimed to identify the extent to which two socio-economic factors wealth quintile and educational level influence risky sexual behaviour among adolescents’ aged between 15 and 19 in Ghana. Data from the 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (GDHS) were analysed. A total sample of 902 unmarried adolescent males and 929 unmarried adolescent females wer...

31 - 45 Of 48 Results