ABSTRACT This study adopted experimental design to investigate the suitability of abandoned solid waste site soil (ASWSS) as a foundation material for building construction. Measurements of geotechnical properties of stratified random soil samples of ASWSS and adjoining natural soil (NS) at depths 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 m were obtained from six test points in Kaduna, Nigeria. The soil samples were subjected to sieve analysis, Atterberg limits (liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index...
ABSTRACT The over dependent on the utilization of industrially manufactured soil improving additives (cement, lime etc), have dept the cost of such stabilized soils financially high. The hitherto have continued to deter the underdeveloped and poor nations of the world from providing accessible pavement to their rural dwellers who constitute the higher percentage of their population and are mostly, agriculturally dependent. A number of researchers have studied the physical and chemical propert...
ABSTRACT Construction industry has complexity in it nature because it contains large number of parties such as clients, consultants and contractors. The factors that influence construction management practice differ from country to country, due to prevailing conditions. The objective of this project is to identify factors that influence construction management practice in Nigeria construction industry and elicit perceptions/ranking of the severity using relative importance index of the variou...
ABSTRACT The traditional methods of analysis of frames are based on first-Order Solution which has many simplifying assumptions, the chief of which includes negligence of shear and axial deformations. In its formulation, the existing second order solution neglected the contribution of shear deformation as well as the contribution of axial force in the curvature of the element. In the attempt to estimate the effect of shear deformation, A, Chugh super-imposed to the conventionals (traditional)...
ABSTRACT ( . 1, Routing of solid waste collection vehicles in Nigeria poses a challenging task I because ol' attitudinal and liapliazard infi-a structural problems to contend with. 1, New decision procedures for solid waste collection problem are introduced in this study. 'The problem objective is to minimise the overall cost, which is essentially I based on tlie distance travelled by vehicle. The study proposes heuristic methods to generate a feasible solution to an extended Capacitated Chin...
Certification ........................................................................................ , . Dedication ............................................................................................... Acknowledgement ........................... ... ............................................. List of Tables ........................................................................................ List of Figures ........................................................................
ABSTRACT Generally, for existing Insulation co-ordination studies the power system has been modeled either by deterministic mathematical techniques or by statistical methods. The shortcoming of the existing conventional mathematical technique of Insulation co-ordination analysis is that it assumes that the power system dynamics is linear. This makes analysis of over voltage response of the system under transients less optimal for determining over voltage withstand of system elements. Thus, th...
ABSTRACT The assumed deflection shapes used in the approximate method such as in the Galerkin method were normally formulated by inspection and sometimes by trial and error , until recently, when a systematic method of constructing such a function in the form of Characteristic Orthogonal Polynomials (COPs) was developed in 1985. However, vibrational analysis of plates with different support and boundary conditions are much more complicated. This project used Characteristic Orthogonal Polynomi...
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of addition of carbide on sewage degradation. To provide answers to the above objective, some laboratory tests were conducted which include Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total coliform, pH and Suspended Solids (SS) tests. Six experimental set ups of 5liters of sewage were constructed in the laboratory under anaerobic condition. Each of the sewage contained 0g (which served as control), 1g, 2g...
Abstract Fire safety is an important consideration in many structures and spaces because of the danger and damage that it may pose. Given so, a fire risk assessment is not often conducted on construction sites or while the building is under construction. They only assess this after the construction or before they provide an occupancy permit. Thus, this study assessed the level of fire risk of construction sites in Nueva Ecija. The study included 61 respondents all over the province. The study...
ABSTRACT The use of solar energy for cooking offers an alternative source of energy to the high cost of petroleum products and the diminishing wood fuel products for cooking and heating applications. An effective solar cooker is the one that can be used throughout the day and in the evening when there is no sunshine. Most areas in Kenya can be considered as a high potential solar energy area because Kenya is located on the equator. Most of the solar cooker designs do not have thermal storage...
ABSTRACT This work investigates the structural characteristics of soilcrete blocks (lateritecement blocks and laterite-sand-cement blocks) produced with locally available and affordable laterite. Scheffe’s simplex method and Osadebe’s regression theory were used to formulate mathematical models for optimisation of properties of soilcrete blocks which include compressive strength, split tensile strength, shear strength, flexural strength, Poisson’s ratio, modulus of elasticity, shear mo...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at developing mathematical models on the hydraulic performance of Sandbags as Checkdam for erosion control. Pilot studies were carried out at two sites. Site ‘A’ was a natural gully at a location in Ezinihitte-Mbaise, Imo State while site ‘B’ was an artificial channel excavated on the slope of Otamiri River at Federal University of Technology, Owerri. Artificial runoff was simulated into site ‘B’ by pumping water from Otamiri River. Sandbags of variou...
ABSTRACT This work investigated the structural characteristics of lime cement concrete using 30 selected mix ratios. The properties studied include, compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength, shear strength, poisson ratio, modulus of elasticity, and modulus of rigidity. A total of 360 concrete cube specimen, 360 concrete prototype beam specimen, and 360 concrete cylinder specimen were cast and cured in open water tanks. 3 specimen were cast for each mix proportion. ...
ABSTRACT Isolated or Stand-alone power systems with the use of renewable energy sources have become cost-effective and a convenient option for areas where grid connection is neither available nor feasible. A hybrid combination of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) is considered to be the best suited alternative to an expensive grid extension for remote areas around the world. This research focuses on creating a model for electricity generation from a mix of renewable resources (hydro, sola...