Law Research Papers/Topics

Guarantorship; Analysis Of The Law And Practice In Uganda

ABSTRACT Uuarantorship is a green area of study in Uganda with very little information and familiarity among the academia. This has been caused by the insufficiency of the legal regime. unscrupulous desire by the creditors. to keep off the guarantors from precisely making informed decisions. The fact that guarantees are becoming popular with the expanding banking sector. therefore the research undertakes to discover solutions to the existing problems in the operation oi" the guarantorship. T...

SSA Research 85 PAGES (26537 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Study Of The Role Of Radio In Promoting Social Development In Uganda (A Case Study 88.8, 89.2 Cbs Fm)

TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..... . DEDICATION ................ . -APPROVAL .................. . LIST OF TABLES ............. . TABLE OF CONTENTS ... . ... ) ... . ...... 1 . ........... II . ... Ill . .. IV ················v CHAPTER ONE............... . .. I 1.00. INTRODUCTION..... ........... ......... . . ...... . .............. I 1.01. BACKGROUND OF RADIO BROADCASTING IN UGANDA ............... I 1.02. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM......... ,.· ....... 5 1.03. GENERAL OB...

SSA Research 40 PAGES (9490 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Role Of The Police In The Administration Of Justice Case Study Of Uganda

ABSTRACT The research on the role of the police is presented in the following study that was undertaken to reveal the trend of the police's role in the administration of criminal justice in Uganda from the time it was formed to the present day. The study is divided into sections in which section one introduced us to the role played by a democratic police institution, gave us a background of the study, problem statement, objective of the study, research hypothesis, the research methodology th...

SSA Research 27 PAGES (6980 WORDS) Law Thesis
Effectiveness Of The Current Electoral Process System In Promoting Democracy In Uganda

ABSTRACT Democracy means people and rule, in other words people have a say in who to govern them and how they can be govemed. Democracy is widely considered to be necessary and important tool. If a country is to develop, politically, socially and economically, and the right to participate in the political and economic life of ones state is guaranteed in most African Constitutions as well as in regional. Thus the value democracy lies in the hands of the people and heir ability to fully and fr...

SSA Research 67 PAGES (16575 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Independence Of The Judiciary As Abasic Principle Of Constitionalism In Uganda: Case Study 2000-2010

Contents Contents·······························'.·········································································································· 1 Declaration ..................................................................................................................................... iii List of Statutes .....................................

SSA Research 55 PAGES (12705 WORDS) Law Thesis
Analysis Of The Pro Bono Service Providing Institutions In Uganda. A Case Study Of Uganda Law Society

ABSTRACT Legal aid is provided by Countries and persons that recognize the social obligation to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor persons. Legal aid service provision is usually distinguished as primary legal aid and involves legal representation, legal advice, mediation and legal counseling. On the other hand, secondary legal aid involves human rights training, legal awareness, law reform, legal research and advocacy. In most developed Countries such as England and Wales, Au...

SSA Research 88 PAGES (21489 WORDS) Law Thesis
A Critical Examination Of Child Labour Protection Laws In Uganda: A Case Study Of W Akiso District

ABSTRACT The study critically examined child labour protection laws in Uganda taking a case study of wakiso District In Wakiso district, child labour is a major problem compromising future generations and undermining human capital. It is estimated that over 28.4 per cent of all children between the ages of five and 14 years are involved in child labour activities in Wakiso District. It is an accepted fact that despite legislation, in Uganda the problem of child labour still persists. In this ...

SSA Research 93 PAGES (27631 WORDS) Law Thesis
Critical Examination Of The Uganda Laws On Sexual Harassment In Tertiary Institution Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ... ......... ... ...... .............. .. .............. ........ ..... ........ ...... .... .. .. .............................. .. ... ..... ..... ......... ..... i • APPROVAL ... .............. .... .. ... ....... ........ ........................ ...... ....... ............ ........ .................... .......... .............. '.' .. ..... ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................... ... ... ... ..................................................... ..... .. ...

SSA Research 86 PAGES (30103 WORDS) Law Thesis
An Assessment Of The Application Of The Welfare Principle In Orders Made In Respect To Children In Uganda

ABSTRACT This study is based on analysis of the application of the welfare principle in orders made in respect to children in Uganda. The study was guided by historical constructs of the welfare of children, the existing international protection mechanisms for children's welfare and Uganda's state of protection of children's welfare. The study was qualitative in nature and, it established the existing knowledge on children's welfare globally and Uganda in general. The study scores that welfa...

SSA Research 77 PAGES (26533 WORDS) Law Thesis
Land Conflicts And Effects Thereof In Kampala City: A Review Of Land Legislations In Uganda

ABSTRACT The study is an analysis of different land legislations in Uganda in relation to acquisition, use ownership, transfer and entire management of land use. The land question being a worldwide phenomenon and Uganda being part of the entire world, land has remained an unsolved issue for a long time although; a couple of laws have been put in place to save the situation. The study further analyses the causes and effects of land conflicts in Uganda and particularly in Kampala district. Kam...

SSA Research 89 PAGES (24078 WORDS) Law Thesis
Critical Analysis Of The Law Regulating Sexual Offences

ABSTRACT. The study was carried out in order to asses critical analysis of the law regulating sexual offences. Sexual offences in Uganda like rape, defilement, prostitution among others are on increase due to poverty, western influence, pornographic literature and script as discussed above. The law regulating sexual offences in Uganda is available but the enforcement mechanism as a Lacuna therefore this study critically analyzes the law and policy, the law, policy, causes and recommendation ...

SSA Research 67 PAGES (16938 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Protection Of Women's Rghts In Uganda; Acritique And Analysis Of The Divorce Act Cap 246

ABSTRACT The cardinal aim of the study is to critically analyze the protection of women's rights in Uganda under the Divorce Act Cap 249. In research the researcher set out to find whether the Divorce Act is effective in the protection of women's rights in Uganda. The researcher found that the Divorce Act in one way or the other does not confer equal rights to men and women hence it does not protect women's rights per se. The researcher made various recommendations for the reform some of whi...

SSA Research 74 PAGES (18453 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Fight Against Terrorism And The Applicability Of International Humanitarian Law A Case Study Of The Middle East.

TABLE OF CONTENTS _Toc293903411 DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................................... ; CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... ;; DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...

SSA Research 58 PAGES (18699 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Role Of The Judiciary In The Protection Of The Institution Of Marriage

ABSTRACT The institution of marriage has faced many challenges, for example many rights of spouses are violated by different persons. Usually, men dominate all the affairs of the society and women are left to watch things happen even when they are the ones who participate more but earn less. The researcher looked at the various rights of spouses in any given marriage, how those rights have been violated and also what the judiciary has done to fight the violation of those rights. The researche...

SSA Research 91 PAGES (20915 WORDS) Law Thesis
The Effectiveness Of The Industrial Court In The Settlement Of Labour Disputes In Uganda

ABSTRACT The Industrial Court was reestablished in 2006 by the enactment of the Labour Disputes (Arbitration and Settlement) Act No. 8 of 2006, with a great mandate in the settlement of labour disputes in Uganda. However to date Ugandan workers and employers are yet to feel the impact of this important institution. Due to the above situation the researcher was encouraged to investigate the effectiveness of the Industrial Court in the settlement of labour disputes in Uganda. The researcher us...

SSA Research 60 PAGES (17420 WORDS) Law Thesis

151 - 165 Of 212 Results