
Recent Public Health Research Papers

Public health, as a discipline, focuses on improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of the community. Emphasis is on preventing ill health and disease among large groups of people. People with public health degrees work to keep communities healthy through child wellness, disease prevention, education, disaster relief, clean water, access to healthcare, etc.

To help you with your research work we have curated some recent public health research papers published on our academic research database.

Check them out below;

Investigating the Prevention and Mitigatory Role of Risk Communication in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case of Bloemfontein, South Africa

A questionnaire survey was used to collect the data required to achieve the research objectives. Risk communication as a disaster risk reduction strategy implemented concurrently with imposed regulations was found to have played a vital role in mitigating the virus spread. Get Access Here


Women’s Mental Health: The Impact of Covid-19 and the Need for Immediate Action to Address It

The research documented by Brian J. Honermann on past epidemics highlighted the consequences of infectious disease outbreaks on mental health. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic is a physical health crisis, it has also contributed greatly as a major mental health crisis for women. Read/Download Here


Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Well-being of the People of Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria

The study assessed the effects of covid-19 pandemic on mental well-being of the people of Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. Read/Download Here


Prevalence and Strategies to Reduce Malnutrition Among Children of 0-5 years in Ifedore LGA, Ondo State, Nigeria

Malnutrition remains one of the major problems confronting children in Sub-Saharan Africa(SSA). The nutritional status of children influences their health status, which is a key determinant of child survival. Read/Download Here


Effects of Corona Virus Pandemic on Community Health Services in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria

The objectives of this study were to; assess effect of the Corona Virus pandemic on community health services in Ilorin South Local Government Area of Kwara State. A descriptive research design of a survey method was employed for this study. Read/Download Here


Bridging the Gap: An Analysis of the Food Safety and Hygienic Culture of International Fast Food Franchises and Local Fast Food Restaurants in Georgetown, Guyana

The researcher conducted a gap analysis on Guyana’s food safety training standards utilizing the Codex Alimentarius (General Principles of Food Hygiene) international standard. Read/Download Here


Timeline of the Biggest Pandemics in History

A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, “all” and δῆμος, demos, “local people” the ‘crowd’) is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people. Read/Download Here


Factors Influencing Men’s Involvement in Antenatal Care Services: a Cross-sectional study in a Low Resource Setting, Central Tanzania

Background: Men’s involvement can impact the delays in the decision to seek health care and in reaching a health facility, which are contributing causes for increased maternal mortality. Despite of the call to involve men in antenatal care, their participation is not well understood. Read/Download Here


Knowledge Of AIDS And HIV Risk-Related Sexual Behaviour Among Nigerian Naval Personnel

Background: The epidemic of HIV continues to grow in Nigeria. Personnel in the military are at increased risk of HIV infection. Although HIV-risk related sexual behavior of Nigerian police officers has been studied, little is known about the sexual behavior of their counterparts in the Navy. Read/Download Here


Cytokine Profiles Among HIV and Malaria Co-Infected Pregnant Mothers and their Babies Post Delivery

This study examines the impact of HIV and malaria on the levels of cytokines in peripheral blood from mothers and their newborns. Read/Download Here


Role of Sexual Risk Behaviors and Sexual Attitude in Perceived HIV Vulnerability Among Youths with Disabilities in Two Nigerian Cities

The role of sexual attitude and sexual risk-behavior in the perception of HIV vulnerability and differences among youths with disability and able-bodied youths was investigated. Read/Download Here


An Exploratory Study Into The Usefulness Of The District Health Annual Report To The Dhmt* In The Management Of The District Health System

For a developing country like Ghana, which has chosen the PHC strategy to achieve health for all by 2000 AD, the management of the district health system is understandably of vital importance. Read/Download Here


Socio-Cultural Context Of Developmental Milestones In Infancy In South West Nigeria: A Qualitative Study

Developmental milestones are generally understood to be milestones of neurological development such as neck control, sitting without support, crawling and standing. Child health care providers routinely use normative data on such milestones to evaluate child development. Read/Download Here


Evaluation of a School-based Reproductive Health Education Program in Rural South Western, Nigeria

This quasi-experimental study compared the relative efficacy of teacher instructions alone, peer education alone, and a combination of these two on reproductive health knowledge, attitude, perceived self-efficacy and sexual practices among secondary schools students in the lbarapa district of Southwestern Nigeria. Read/Download Here


Apopo’s Tuberculosis Research Agenda: Achievements, Challenges And Prospects

This article describes Anti-Persoonsmijnen Ontmijnende Product Ontwikkeling (APOPO) recent use of specially trained African giant pouched rats as detectors of pulmonary tuberculosis in people living in Tanzania. Read/Download Here


Are Tanzanian health facilities ready to provide management of chronic respiratory diseases? An analysis of national survey for policy implications

Chronic respiratory diseases in Tanzania are prevalent and a silent burden to the affected population, and the healthcare system. We aimed to explore the availability of services and level of health facilities readiness to provide management of chronic respiratory diseases and its associated factors. Read/Download Here


Angiotensin II type 1 of Receptor A1166C Gene Polymorphism and Essential Hypertension in the Efiks of Calabar

Hypertension is a multifactorial disorder because of the interaction of risk genes and environmental factors. Angiotensin II is a well-known vasoconstrictor that exerts most of its influence through the angiotensin Il type 1 receptor. Read/Download Here


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