
Here are Some Examples of Research Topics in Agriculture and Fisheries

If you are writing or about to carry out some research related to agriculture and fisheries, these are some recent examples of research topics in agriculture and fisheries.

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Now for some examples of research topics in agriculture and fisheries;

1. The Role of Fisheries’ Marketing Extension on Development of Nile Fisheries’ Production and Marketing Case study of Fishermen and Merchants in Almorda Market – Omdurman Locality – Khartoum St

The purpose of the study was to study the role of fisheries’ marketing extention on development of nile fisheries’ production and marketing for fishermen and merchants in Almorda fish market in Omdurman Locality in Khartoum State. To achieve this purpose adescriptive analytical approach was used to collect the field data. And A systemic random sampling approach was used to select a sample size of 100 Respondents (50 fishermen and 50 merchant( in Almorda Fish Market in Khartoum State.

2. Perceived Effect of the Integrated Coastal Fisheries Governance Programme on Food Security Status of Fishing Households in Shama District in the Western Region of Ghana

This study sought to find out the effect of the Integrated Coastal Fisheries Governance programme on the food security status of households in shama districts. A multistage sampling technique was used to select 140 fishermen in shama district and structured interviews schedules were used to collect data from the respondents.

3. Stock Assessment And Socio-Economic Characterization Of Fisheries In Lake Baringo, Kenya

The fisheries sector is significant to socio-economic development through provision of employment, income and food security. Global fisheries resources face unsustainable fishing pressure. In Kenya, unsustainable harvesting is due to use of management measures not informed by stock assessment studies.

4. Integration Of Ethno-Fishery Into Modern Fisheries Management In Mwanza Region Tanzania

This thesis presents results of a study that examined local indigenous knowledge and traditional management practices in Kayenze ward in Ilemela, Mwanza Region.The general objective of the study was to investigate and propose ways to integrate ethno-fishery knowledge into modern fisheries management…

5. Preliminary Studies On Impacts Of Ocean Acidification On Diversity Of Fish Species Landed By Artisanal And Semi-Industrial Fisheries And Coastal Community Livelihoods In Ghana

Increased absorbance of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has led to the changing of the chemistry of the oceans. In addition to already existing stressors, the resultant ocean acidification poses multiple threats to marine species biodiversity and goods and services and livelihoods that depend on them. The study set out to determine possible impacts of this phenomenon on the abundance and diversity of fin and shellfish species and ichthyoplankton in the artisanal and semi-industrial fisheries of Ghana, and the degree of reliance of the local fisher folks on these two fisheries

6. Proximate and Macro Element Composition of Four Fish Species from Lower River Benue Makurdi Benue State Nigeria

A study was conducted on four fresh water fish species: Protopterus annectens, Labeo coubie, Auchenoglanis occidentalis and Mormyrus rume from lower river Benue, Makurdi to determine the proximate and macro elements composition of these fish species from lower river Benue Makurdi. A total of 600 fish samples were collected, 50 samples from each species for the period of three months. Fish samples were collected and transported to the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture laboratory for analysis.

7. Assessing The Current Status Of Local Floodplain Fisheries In The Okavango River, Kavango East Region, Namibia

Globally, floodplains are acknowledged as hydrologically important, environmentally sensitive, and ecologically productive ecosystems that perform several natural functions. They provide both cultural and natural services that are of great value to society (Peel, 2012). Flooding occurs naturally along river’s and is an integral part of a healthy watercourse. It is believed that flooding may nurture life in and around rivers as the waters transport nutrient-rich sediments that contribute to a fertile environment for growth of plants that maintain and support biota

8. Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Purse Seine and Drift Gill Technologies Among Artisanal Marine Fishers in the Central Region of Ghana

This study compares the performance of two predominantly employed marine fishing technologies (purse seine and drift gill net) along the coastal stretch of central region in Ghana. Against this backdrop, productivity and technical efficiency differentials of the purse seine and drift gill net technologies is assessed. Factors delimitating fishers from achieving the maximum attainable output levels were also modeled to quantify their effect on inefficiency

9. Aspects Of The Structure And Sustainability Of The Fisheries In The Cross River Estuary Of Nigeria-The Role Of Community-Based Management

This study focused on aspects of the structure and sustainability of the fisheries in the Cross River estuary with a view to addressing the unsustainable fishing activities in the Cross River estuary. The physicochemical characteristics of water were analyzed in order to determine the quality of water and health status of fishes in the study area. These included surface temperature, pH, DO, turbidity, salinity, alkalinity, phosphate and nitrates.

10. Assessment Of Modern Technological Application On The Improvement Of Small Scale Fishing Industry In: A Case Of Ilemela District, Tanzania

This study was carried out in Ilemela District, Mwanza. The objective of the study was assessment of technological application on the improvement of small scale fishing industry in Tanzania. A descriptive study with cross-sectional design and non experimental design were used in order to assess the technological application on the improvement of small scale fishing industry in Tanzania. Questionnaires, In-depth interviews, focus group discussion and intensive documentary reviews were used for data collection purposes.

11. Post-Harvest Losses In Artisanal Fisheries Production In Mtera Dam, Tanzania

A study was conducted to determine the effect of post-harvest losses on artisanal fisheries production in Mtera Dam, Tanzania, based on specific objectives: (1) to analyze factors associated to post harvest loss, (2)to quantify the amount in post harvest losses at Mtera Dam, and (3) to evaluate mitigation measuresto overcome post-harvest losses. A cross-sectional research design was adopted whereby both quantitative and qualitative research approaches were used. The sample size of this study was 108 respondents comprising 34 from Iringa, 51 from Chamwino and 23 from Mpwapwa districts.

If you have specific research topics in agriculture and fisheries that you need materials for you can search our extensive Research Database for papers, thesis, dissertations etc. 

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