There is a significant cultural implications in marriage in Africa. Traditionally marriage is seen and held as a lifetime contract and obligation in many African cultures.
In many countries and instances, marriage is not just a union between a man and a woman. It is also seen as a union that brings two different families (that of the bride and groom) together with rites and symbolic ceremonies.
So it is little wonder that until much more recently divorce was not a recurring or popular theme in many African marriages. This even as there are provisions for divorce in many African cultures.
If you are looking for research titles on marriage and divorce in African countries or cultures here are 25 papers that may be relevant for you, depending on what topic you are working on.
NOTE: You can check out our entire database on marriage and divorce related research.
Below are some selected research on marriage including critical analysis, exploring effects of laws and marriage practices, inter-cultural marriages in some African societies and more.
(1) A Critical Analysis On The Law Relating To Marriages In Uganda
This research work looks critically at the law around and related to marriage and practices in Uganda.
(2) Contextualising Jesus’ Teaching on Marriage and Adultery in Selected Church Denominations in Ibadan
Conflicts between Jesus’ teachings on marriage and adultery and some church traditions have resulted in misinterpretation of some bible passages and wrongly premised church doctrines. Previous research has highlighted Jesus’ teachings as a stratagem against the high rate of marital problems among Christians, but has not adequately examined the conflict between Jesus’ teachings and church traditions on marriage and adultery. This study, therefore, examined Jesus’ teachings on marriage and adultery in the Synoptic Gospels to determine the extent to which they aligned with selected church traditions and the effects of these on the churches.
(3) Problem and Prospect of Inter- Cultural Marriage in Nigeria
The research examines the place of inter-cultural marriage in the context of marriage been a universally acknowledged and very important institution in human society, as it is the foundation of group life and a requirement for human survival. The historical research methodology was adopted and the research utilized both primary and secondary sources of data collection. While the primary source of data collection was derived through oral interview from sensible individuals, on the subject matter. The secondary sources focused on journals and textbooks relevant to the research topic.
(4) Perceptions and Practices of Early Marriage in BoRama District, Somaliland
This study was undertaken to assess women’s perceptions and practices of early marriage in Borama district, Somaliland.The study was guided by the following research objectives; to determine the perceptions of Somaliland women on early marriage in Borama district, Somaliland, to examine maniage practices in Borama district, Somaliland and to establish the cultural inclination of Somali land women on early marriage in Borama dist1ict, Somaliland. This study adopted cross-sectional survey design using both the quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. The researcher to collect infonnation from a cross-section of a given population.
(5) Factors Influencing Divorce: A Case Of Mwiteria Circuit In Imenti North- Meru County, Kenya
Divorce is unexpected experience among married men and women that cut short their life dreams against the divine intended purpose for marriage and family as a unit. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors influencing divorce among Christian couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of infidelity on divorce among couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit, to evaluate the influence of domestic violence on divorce among couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit, to assess the impact of socio-cultural factors that influence divorce among couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit and to investigate the economic factors that influence divorce among married couples in MCK Mwiteria Circuit.
Lot of factors are responsible for conflict in some homes among which are violence against wife and children which result to broken homes and at times divorce, hence breed criminals and juvenile delinquents in the society. Descriptive survey research design was adopted with a sample size of 100 fresh couples, 50 male and 50 females, three measuring scales were used, five null hypotheses were tested, in which all was significant hence the hypotheses were accepted. To this end it was suggested and concluded that conflict handling styles and strategies should be taught to would-be couples during courtship so as to avert conflicts in marriages since conflict is inevitable it should be well managed among couples and not leading to broken home and divorce.
(7) A Critical Analysis of the Evolution On the Law Governing Divorce in Customary Marriages in Uganda
The study was undertaken to review the law governing customary divorce in Uganda. The purpose of the study was to ensure among others that; the provisions of the laws governing customary divorce in Uganda are in conformity with the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, national laws and international and regional human rights standards and practices, are up to date with the changing socio-economic circumstances of Uganda, and that the law is accessible to the people and its implementation can be better realised.
(8) Sharing of Properties Under Customary Marriages in Uganda: An Examination of the Law
The study aimed at examining the law of sharing of properties under Customary Marriages in Uganda. The Objectives of the study were; to review the existing legal framework for the protection and distribution of property, to analyze the effectiveness of the institutional framework governing property sharing in customary marriages, and to examine the effects of the law of sharing of properties under customary marriages in Uganda.
(9) Adolescents’ Adjustment To Divorce And Living In Step-Families
The step-family is no longer the exception in society. Globally statistics reveal the growth in this type of family structure. Divorce and living in step-families is a life-transforming experience; adolescent‟s life is profoundly altered. They encounter differences in feelings over the two-time periods. There is a need to learn more and gain a better understanding of adolescents‟ adjustment and coping with the changes caused by divorce and remarriage. The key question this research aims at answering: “How does divorce and remarriage influence the adolescent‟s life?” And “Do other factors and structures play a role to influence that outcome?”
(10) Factors Contributing To The Failure Of Modern Marriage In Tanzania: A Case Of Mbinga District
This study examines the factors contributing to the failure of modern marriage in Mbinga district (Tanzania) as a case study. The objective of the study was to understand the main factors contributing to the failure of modern marriage especially social-cultural, economic, technological and political factors. The study employed a descriptive case study and exploratory research design, and deployed mixed method approach for triangulation purposes of data collection, presentation and analysis, in depth interview, questionnaires and documentary review were applied.
The study was to investigate culture and early child marriage in Lango Sub-region using a case study of Namasale Sub-County Amolata District. The study had three research questions and three objectives which included;
To access the causes of early child marriages in Lango Sub – Region
To investigate the impacts of early child marriages in Lango Sub Region
To analyze the intervention measures being done to end child marriage in Lango Sub – Region
It was revealed in table 6 above that there were causes of early child marriages in Lango Sub –
Region represented by 62.5/%.
(12) Ethnicity And Divorce in Ghana
In recent years, divorce rates have been on the rise over the world and sub-Sahara Africa has not been left out. One of the factors that have been agreed by researchers to be a cause of divorce is ethnicity. In the African society, each ethnic group has its own social structure and organization. This structure and organization of ethnic groups can predict the potential of divorcing and rates of divorce in the society. Using the Ghana Demographic and Health Survey (2014), a sample of 6049 women and 2494 men are analyzed to determine whether there is a significant relationship between one’s ethnic group and their divorce status.
The overall purpose of this study was to investigate security challenges posed by marriages of convenience between Namibian women and foreigners to establish remedies of weeding out or reducing the occurrence of marriages of convenience. This study adopted a mixed research approach by using both qualitative and quantitative research design. The instruments of data collection were both questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaires were administered to a sample of forty Namibian women who got into marriages of convenience with foreign nationals. Qualitative research method was conducted by means of interviews with four (4) selected government officials who had knowledge on the subject of marriage of convenience.
(14) Factors Contributing To Early Marriages Among Baribaig Communities: A Case Study Of Hanang District
This study aimed at analyzing factors that influence early marriages among Barbaig communities in Hanang District. Specifically, the study sought to provide an overview of the magnitude of the problem of early marriage, identify factors contributing to early marriages, determine the role of parenting in the problem of early marriage and identify possible factors that may contribute to reduction of early marriages among Barbaig communities in Hanang District. Simple random and purposive sampling methods were used to select respondents. Data was collected through questionnaire, interviews, direct field observations and focus group discussions. The analysis of data was done through the use of Statistical Package for Social Science.
(15) Community Empowerment And Child Marriage In Kilifi County, Kenya
Child marriage is a familiar phenomenon in many countries in Africa and Asia. It is a harmful traditional vice, a human rights violation which not only denies young girls a choice on whom to marry, but also exposes them to psychological, social, health and economic risks. Globally, girls from impoverished households are more likely victims of child marriages. Further combined with traditional practices and beliefs, poverty gives education preference to boys in situations of economic constraints. In Kenya, an estimated 23 per cent of girls are married off before 18 years. Kilifi County records the highest prevalence of child marriage with 47.4 per cent of girls married off before the age 18 years. Civil Society organizations in collaboration with the Government of Kenya are actively working towards reduced child marriages through awareness creation on the adverse consequences, presenting viable alternatives and advocating for implementation and enforcement of existing laws prohibiting it.
(16) Double Decker Marriage in Nigeria (Issues, Problems and Solutions)
It has become a common practice in Nigeria for parties who intend to contract a statutory marriage to marry first under customary law before the solemnization of the statutory marriage. This practice may be explained by the fact that though Western civilization and culture have permeated Nigerian society, most people, even the most sophisticated understandably regard themselves as bound by the customary law of their place of origin. The Nigerian Marriage Act has given validity to this practice by enabling who are married under Customary Law to marry each other under the statute.
(17) The Impact of Child Marriages on Young Girls. Case Study of Mutasa District
Despite international agreements and national laws, marriage of girls below 18 years of age is common worldwide and affects millions. Child marriage, defined as marriage of a child below 18 years of age is an ancient worldwide custom. Other terms applied to child marriage include “early marriage” and “child brides.” Child marriage is a human rights violation that prevents girls from obtaining an education, enjoying optimal health, bonding with others their own age, maturing, and ultimately choosing their own life partners. Child marriage is driven by poverty, religious beliefs, security of the child to mentions just a few. This thesis therefore seeks to depict the drivers of child marriages in Mutasa pointing out also the effects on girls’ health: increased risk for sexually transmitted diseases, death during childbirth, and obstetric fistulas, school dropout, domestic violence, child sexual abuse and poverty.
(18) Sharing of Properties Under Customary Marriages in Uganda: An Examination of the Law
The study aimed at examining ~e law of sharing of properties under Customary Marriages in Uganda. The Objectives of the study were; to review the existing legal framework in protection and distribution of property, to analyze the effectiveness of the institutional framework governing property sharing in customary marriages and to examine the effects of the law _of sharing of properties under customary marriages in Uganda. The recommended a by analyzing this study on the topic of Sharing Property in A Customary Marriage. I have come up with the following conclusions, observations and recommendations that should be addressed by all stakeholders from Uganda and other nongovernment organizations at both national and international levels.
(19) The Impact of Early Marriages Among Teenagers in Kihiihi Town Council, Kanungu District
The study aimed at examining the consequences of early marriage among teenagers in Kanungu district. The objectives of the study were to find out the prevalence of early marriages among teenagers in Kihiihi town council Kanungu district, to examine the factors that lead to early marriages among teenagers in Kihiihi town council kanungu district, to analyze the problems associated with early marriages in Kihiihi town council Kanungu district and to establish the possible strategies for reducing early marriages among teenagers in Kihiihi town council Kanungu district. The study employed a qualitative approach.
(20) A Critical Examination of Broken Homes in Nigeria
Marriage is an important part of man’s social life; a covenant and commitment between a man and woman. At a particular stage in life, people are questioned if they are not married. Yet, some people see the cure for unhappy marriage as separation (divorce), it’s often seems to be a problem than a solution; meanwhile, the society is heavily affected. Divorce remains a severe crisis; it inflicts pains on people concerned, children and the society at large. Many have seen the marriage covenant “till death do us part” as an unrealistic and obsolete phrase. Day by day majority of homes (especially in Nigeria) are faced with the threat of divorce in the contemporary society.
(21) Public Perception on Child Marriage in Zaria Local Government Area of Kaduna State
Marriage and family is designed for the development of human race but unfortunately many families are enduring what they ought to enjoy. It is the oldest social obligation in human society and it is a socially sanctioned union, typically between two or more persons usually called husband and wife. The concept of marital instability is confined here in connection with desertion, separation and divorce. It is the relationship in which couples living together in marriage, are not enjoying the closest possible loving and fulfilling relationship without the intention of breakup. It is being done freely as if it has socio-economic consequences on the partners, children and the society. Not only are marriages lasting fewer years, the sources of marital dissolution have shifted dramatically from less widowhood to more divorce. Today, marital instability is common in most countries.
Marital satisfaction has remained a topic of great interest worldwide, and a relationship has been advanced between marital satisfaction, job satisfaction and life satisfaction. Studies have shown that the often competing demands of the occupational structure and those of a rich family life present a number of challenges for married career individuals. There was, however, a paucity of research on marital satisfaction in Kericho, particularly in relation to the role of marriage and family counselling in promoting marital satisfaction for married career individuals. Marital quality affects the probability of divorce and separation, which has serious consequences.
Child marriages are a form of abuse and a violation of children‟s rights. The media are found at the core of this study as it questions the media‟s watchdog character. The purpose of the study was to find out the role played by The Herald and Newsday in their child marriage reportage, assess how African cultures have perpetuated the practice of child marriages and lastly to discover the intervention strategies that have been put in place to address the situation. The research made use of various scholars who conducted different studies so as to understand the issue in the Zimbabwean setup. To better understand child marriages and its portrayal by The Herald and Newsday, the researcher made use of two conceptual frameworks that is framing and hegemony.
(24) An African Thelogy Discourse On Marriage With Special Focus On The Methodist Church In Zimbabwe
The issues raised in the African theological discourse on marriage with special focus on the Methodist church in Zimbabwe are crucial and pertinent to the faith and well-being of the African Christians who make up its congregation. The research document seeks to come up with a sound theology of marriage that will reconcile the three worlds of marriage that has caused confusion and dilemma to African Christians who find themselves torn apart in their traditional culture, the civil or legal world and the European Christian values of marriage. The African Christian theology of marriage will help to shape the faith of the Africans as well as serve as a policy document that will inform the authorities and policy makers in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe.
(25) Determinants Of Divorce In Ghana, 2008
Divorce is becoming a major developmental issue in modern society because of its high rate of increase in recent years. While the phenomenon has gained much attention in research in the developed world, less is known in the developing world especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Meanwhile works have shown that through the processes of modernization and globalization, Sub-Saharan Africa including Ghana is beginning to experience the same family changes caused by divorce in the developed world. This study examined socio-economic factors as determinants of divorce among adult individuals in Ghana. Using GDHS (2008) data, a sample of 4649 was obtained through interviews in a survey.
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