
Opportunity: Battery Technology Research Scholarship

Type: Postgraduate

Value: $28,597 per year (RTP Stipend rate, indexed annually); additional funds ($7.5k) during the course of the PhD for travel and other PhD-related expenses.

Location: Permanent Australian citizens or residents or New Zealand citizens

Who Can Apply: Australia



About The Scholarship

One PhD Scholarship will be provided to support Distinguished Professor Guoxiu Wang’s ARC Linkage Project (LP200200926: Solid-state lithium batteries using phase-stabilised electrolytes). The successful applicants will be supervised by Prof Wang to develop cutting-edge battery technologies in the Centre for Clean Energy Technology (CCET) in Faculty of Science at University of Technology Sydney (UTS). CCET focuses on the development of efficient devices for energy harvesting, storage, and conversion. We adapt our research activities to the global low-carbon energy context and aim to achieve innovations and breakthroughs in zero-emission energies. http://www.cleanenergy.uts.edu.au




Applicants must be either permanent Australian citizens or residents or New Zealand citizens. To be eligible for this application, you must hold the following or equivalent degree in Chemistry, or Chemical Engineering, or Materials Science and Engineering, or Physics.

  • Honours degree with First Class, or Second Class Division 1, or
  • MSc Research or MSc Coursework with a research thesis of at least 6 months.
  • Equivalent international degree.



How To Apply

Applicants should send their CV, list of publications, and selection criteria to Distinguished Professor Guoxiu Wang by the closing date. Shortlisted candidates will be advised with further details.







See Official Scholarship Page


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