If you are writing thesis or dissertations about animal science you might want to consider some of these research titles.
We have put together some examples of research thesis titles in animal science.
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See some sample thesis and dissertations titles about or related to animal science
(1) Recent Advances in The Application Of Biotechnology in Animal Nutrition
Biotechnology is the use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve plants and animals for human use. Recently, there are wide potential applications of biotechnology in the field of animal production to increase the productivity of animals through better plane of nutrition, better production and improved health conditions. View the complete document
(2) Preference of Ram Lambs Raised on Different Bedding Materials
In sheep production, the choice of bedding materials affects production, animal growth, and animal welfare; therefore a balance must exist between animal comfort, and well being, cleanliness, and efficiency. This study investigated the preference of weaned ram lambs raised on three bedding materials (Sand, Straw, and Wood shavings) and Cement floor. A total of Eight (8) ram lambs (10-15kg) were randomly housed in a pen that was subdivided into 4 areas. View completed document
The study which lasted for thirteen months was undertaken to evaluate Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) as feed ingredient on the growth, reproduction, milk quality, blood indices and carcass characteristics of pigs. The specific objectives were to determine the impact of Moringa oleifera leaf meal fed at varying levels (0%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12%) on the growth rate, reproductive performance, milk quality, haematological and biochemical indices and carcass characteristics of pigs. View complete document.
Hylomyscus denniae endorobae is a rodent important in ecosystems as predator, prey, seed disperser, determinant of forest tree growth and structure as well as a contributor to biodiversity which subsequently plays a role in natural livelihood and national development. Fragmentation of tropical rain forest continues to pose a serious threat to species diversity, which leads to decreased natural income, primary production and general breakdown of an ecosystem. View complete document.
The present study was undertaken to compare the chemical composition of the colostrums of cows, goat and she camel’s species during the first three days after parturition. Camel colostrums was collected from camel research center University of Khartoum (Shambat), cows and goat colostrums collected from the department of animal production dairy farm college of agriculture studies, Sudan University of science and Technology (Shambat). View complete document.
(6) Evaluation of Neem Leaf Meal as a Protein Source for Sheep on Low Quality Forage
In Ghana the dominant sheep breed is the West African Dwarf Sheep (Djallonké). It is trypanotolerant, hardy, prolific and suitable for year round breeding but has its productivity to be less than optimal. Due to poor nutrition it has poor growth rate and reproductive performance. Therefore it is important to improve its nutrition and productivity. With a crude protein level of 20.9% as compared to other tree leaves, Neem leaves can be included in the diets of ruminants in the form of supplements. View completed document.
Four biological experiments were conducted to investigate the influence of season, daylength, dietary protein concentration and artificial insemination on production and reproductive traits, egg characteristics, and blood and semen characteristics of pearl Guinea fowls (Numida meleagris). The first, second and third experiments were of 52 weeks duration each and utilized a total of 60 and 60 and 24 Guinea fowls, respectively and the fourth was of 26 weeks duration carried out on 36 Guinea fowls. View complete document.
The relationship among animal nutrition, soil ingestion and the seasonality of anthrax occurrence in zebra and springbok in the Etosha National Park of Namibia was examined. The nutrient content of zebra and springbok faeces was determined in wet and dry seasons for a period of two years. Nutrient content was also determined for a dominant grass species (Enneapogon desvauxii) eaten by zebra. View complete document
Despite the many roles small ruminants play in the livelihoods of rural small holder farmers. high mortality in small ruminants has been identified as the major constraint impeding productivity, and hence the livelihoods of small ruminant keepers. In the Savelugu-Nanton district estimated losses in livestock output due to mortality of small ruminants are in the tune of 35%. The present study focuses on the implications of these losses due to mortality in small ruminants in the district and suggests ways of reducing the losses. View full document.
Commercial feed availability is essential in areas where poultry (chicken) farmers practice intensive production. A study was thus undertaken in the Sekyere West District (SWD) of Ashanti Region to determine the availability of commercial feed as a factor in chicken production. The study also assessed patronage of Agricare feed in Mampong, SWD, covering a period of 3 years (2004-2006). View full document.
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of egg size and day length on reproductive and growth performance, egg characteristics and blood profile of indigenous guinea fowls in Ghana. The study was carried out for a period of ten (10) months. Two hundred and forty day-old keets hatched from three different egg size groups (treatments): small (23-39g); medium (40-42g) and large (43-49g) were used in the experiment. View full document.
A comparative study was conducted on some performance characteristics with 225 each of Cobb 500 and Ross 308 broiler chickens fed three rations in which PKOR replaced wheat bran at 0% (control), 10% and 20% levels. There were 6 treatments (of 75 birds each) and 3 replicates (of 25 birds each), in a completely randomized designed 2×3 factorial experiment. The trial used 3-week old broiler chicks over a 5 week period. View full document
This study was carried out to determine the level of contamination of commercial poultry feed, feed ingredients and faecal samples with multi-drug resistant Klebsiella species in Imo State, Nigeria. Samples were collected from broiler starter, broiler finisher, growers and layers feed types of three feed brands labelled TFB, VFB and GFB. Faecal samples from broilers, layers and local chicken were collected from randomly selected farms, open market and local chicken in each zone using sterile swab stick to sample the chicken cloaca. View full document.
This study carried out in Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta evaluates the feeding value of M. oleifera leaf meal-based (MOLM) concentrate as supplement for West African dwarf (WAD) sheep production. Five dietary concentrates were formulated with M. oleifera included at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of concentrate diet and chemical composition of the diets was determined using 25 WAD sheep (r=5). View full document.
This experiment was conducted to study the effects of cutting height and interval on the biomass yield and nutritive quality of Andropogon tectorum Schumach and Panicum maximum Jacq. in the natural pasture at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta from October 2010 to March 2011. Two cutting heights: 20 and 30 cm above ground level and three cutting intervals: four, six and eight weeks were combined in a factorial arrangement and randomized complete block design with three replicates. View full document.
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