1. The formal British occupation of Nigeria started in the year (a) 1851 (b) 1861 (c) 1914 (d) 1884 2. One major impact of the 1946 Richard's constitution on Nigeria was on (a) Evolution of federalism (b) elec principle (c) formation of political parties
Two things are considered in the classification of sentence. They are: (a) The function performed by the sentences and the structure of the sentence (b) The function performed by the individual clauses and the structure of the sentence (c) The phrasal structures and the sentence structure (d) All of the above One of these is a compound complex sentence:, (a) Adamu came in the morning and told us that he was successful in the examination but that his score were low (b) The tired farmer retu...
1. What year was the 'sociology' coined ________________ 2. Emile Durkheim's primary goal was to get sociology recognized as a ________________ 3. Socius means ________________