This work on the construction and fabrication of a mobile deep freezer revolves around the concept of refrigeration. The concept of refrigeration revolves around the reverse Carnot cycle. This is a cycle involving isentropic expansion (at the throttling valve), isothermal expansion (at the evaporator), isentropic compression (at the compressor) and isothermal compressor ( at the condenser) Compression raises the temperatures of the refrigerant above that of its natural surrounding so that it can give up its heat in a heat exchanger to a heat sink such as air or water (condenser). Expansion lowers the refrigerant temperature below the temperature that is to be produced inside the cooling compartment.
Title page
Approval page
Chapter one:
Chapter Two:
Literature Review
Chapter Three:
Design Analysis and Calculations
3.1 Determination and choice of condenser and Evaporator temperature.
3.2 Cooling Load Calculation
3.3 Flow Rate
3.3.1Mass flow rate
3.3.2Ton of Refrigeration
3.3.3Volume flow rate
3.4 Determination of Compressor size
3.5 Determination of pipe size and length
3.5.1Comparing the velocities for different pipe size.
3.5.2Summary table.
Chapter Four:
Construction Details
4.1 Material Selection
4.2 Sequence of operation
4.3 Assembly
Chapter Five:
Cost Analysis
Chapter Six:
6.1 Maintenance and use Instructions
6.1.1Condenser Maintenance
6.1.3Other Instructions
6.1.4Common Complaints, Causes and Remedy
Chapter Seven:
7.1 Requirements for refrigerants
7.2 Identifying Refrigerants by number
7.3 Halide refrigerants
7.4 Grouping and Classification of refrigerants
7.5 Group one Refrigerants
7.6 R-12 Dichlorodi Fluoromethane (ccl2f2)
7.7 R-22 Monochlorodi fluoromethane (CHCLF2)
7.8 R-11 Trichloromono fluoromethane (CCL3F)
7.9 Azeotropic Mixtures
7.10 R-500 Refrigerant
7.11 R-502 Refrigerant (R-22 + R-115) (CHCLF2/CCLF2 CF3)
7.12 R-503 Refrigerant (R-23 +R-13) (CHF3/CCLF3).
7.13 R-504 Refrigerant (R-32 +R115) (CH2F2 (F3 CCLF2)
7.14 Group two refrigerants
7.15 R- 717 Ammonia (NH3)
7.16 Group three refrigerants
7.17 Expendable Refrigerants
7.18 Water as a Refrigerants
7.19 Refrigerant Cylinders
7.20 Color code for refrigerants cylinders
Chapter Eight:
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