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The Contribution Of Media To Growth And Distortion Of Kiswahili In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find the contribution of media to both the growth and distortion of Kiswahili in Tanzania. The study was conducted in Dodoma Municipality and it employed three methods of data collection. These are interview, observation, and corpus linguistics. In structured interview questions were administered to respondents. The researcher made some observations through watching EATV and listening to Clouds FM radio to see how language is used in the named media....

Influence of broadcast media messages on awareness, perception and attitude of maternal health among reproductive women in Ilorin

Poor knowledge and insufficient information about maternal health among women have been identified as some of the factors responsible for increasing maternal mortality in developing countries. Since the broadcast media is regarded as one of the effective means of communication in such countries, this study examined perceived impact of broadcast media messages on knowledge, attitude and perception of maternal health among women in Ilorin. The objectives of the study were to (i) find out women�...

The Influence of Electronic Media in Socialization Within Urban Area. A Case Study of Nbs Television

ABSTRACT The study examined the influence of electronic media in socialization with in urban area. The objectives of the study include; To highlight the demographic characteristics of the respondents according to; Age, Gender, Marital Status, Income level and the Level of education; To determine the role of electronic media in socialization; To examine television violence within urban area; And to determine the significant difference between the role of electronic media in socialization and t...

Journalists’ Perception Of Media Relations: A Case Of The Ghana Atomic Energy Commission

ABSTRACT GAEC‘s mandate to commercialise its research activities has become very crucial and this cannot be achieved without the media. There is, therefore, the need for thorough investigation into GAEC current media relation practice in order to understand journalists‘ perception and what could be done to improve the relations. In line with this, a research on Journalists‘ perception of GAEC‘s media relation was undertaken. This research was intended to answer questions on how much i...

The Portrayal of Homosexuality in Selected American Soap Operas: A Case of Filmic Cultural Hegemony?

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at examining whether substantial viewing of TV as hypothesized by the Cultivation theory, can prompt a thoughtful reaction to the rising presence of gay persons on TV in the American media. The study will concentrate additionally on how certain political and societal philosophies and other human issues are set into the publics through the hypothesis of Cultural hegemony and how the audience and general masses respond to this. Particular T.V shows and survey info...

The Role of Electronic Media in Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Uganda (Case Study Kayunga District)

TABLE OF CONTENTSPageDeclarations .................................................................................. IvApproval. ...................................................................................... vDedication ..................................................................................... viAcknowledgement. ........................................................................... viiList of Tables .........................................................................

Cardiovascular Risk Factors In Selected Media Personnel At A State-Owned Media House In Greater Accra

ABSTRACT Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.3 million people died from CVDs in 2008, representing 30% of all global deaths. In Africa, CVDs are the main non-communicable disease and account for 9.2% of total deaths in the region. In Accra, CVDs increased from being the 10th most frequent cause of death in 1966, to the number 1 cause of death for the years 1991 and 200...

Media Experience And Contemporary Public Relat

Abstract This research is about media experience and contemporary Public Relations (PR) practice. It entails how media experience preferably as a journalist aids to the works of a PR practitioner. In the practice of contemporary PR there are skills that are therefore expected to package an ideal PR practitioner of today, this study then comes in to unveil them. There have been current developments in the practice of PR due to the advent of technology thus one has to keep abreast on the expect...

Role Of The Media In Promoting Democracy And Human Rights In Uganda

ABSTRACT A strong democratic society will be marked by respect for human rights which includes freedom of press, right to vote and be elected at genuine and periodic elections, freedom of assembly and association, good governance among others. This study was therefore carried out to determine the role of the media in promoting democracy and human rights in Uganda. The study used cross-sectional design due to limited time of study. It took a quantitative approach because it involved use of str...

Contribution of Print Media in Forest Conservation Case Study: Daily Nation Newspaper (Kenya)

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .................................................................................... iAPPROVAL.......................................................................................... iiDEDICATION ....................................................................................... iiiACKN'"OWLEDGEMENT.. .. . . . • .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . • . . . .• . .• . •. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. ivLIST OF TABLES .....

The Problems Of Utilizing Professional Journalism In Uganda

ABSTRACT This study empirically examines the professional role professional journalists in Uganda in the context of the country’s democratization process. The finding of the study show that Uganda professional journalists basically see themselves as working for the public interest mainly through serving the people and challenging the powerful. On the basis of these findings the article ends with reflections on the need to rethink the prevailing approach in strategies to empower journalists ...

An Investigation into the deregulation of Zimbabwe’s media laws and its impact to the development of the film industry

ABSTRACT The study is an investigation into the deregulation of Zimbabwe‘s media laws and its impact to the development of the film industry. Investigating on a deregulated media industry allows the study to reveal how the current media laws are suppressive and restrictive to film making activities in the country. Thus, the study critically explains how laws like the Censorship and Entertainments Act, Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Broadcasting and Service Act and Publ...

The Role of the Print Media in Highlighting Defilement of Minors in Kenya.

ABSTRACT In the recent past, sexual crimes have been on the increase in Kenya. The police report published in The Daily Nation July I 8th 2005 edition qualifies this by stating that "Rape becomes top crime in Kenya." The report also reveals that defilement cases are now on the increase. This study investigates how the Kenya print media handles the issue of defilement of minors. It is based on the premise that the media has a crucial role to play in reducing the incidences of defilement. The o...

Ownership And Editorial Control In The Nigerian Print Media: Case Studies Of, The Daily Times, Daily Trust And Champion Newspapers.

ABSTRACT This work examines Ownership and Editorial Control in the Nigerian Print Media, using the Daily Times, Daily Trust and Champion newspapers as case studies. Irrespective of Pluralist claim to the contrary, Marxist critical theories of media ownership and control implies that ownership of the mass media biases its content so as to further the owners' interest in particular and capitalist hegemony in general. The Marxist critical construct provides the theoretical basis for this researc...

Role of The Broadcasting Media in Promoting Gender Equality In - Uganda A Case Study of U.B.C Kampala Central

Abstract This study attempted to examine the role of the broadcasting media in promoting gender equality in Uganda. It was guided i) To identify the ways of promoting gender equality by media ii) to examine the roles played by broadcasting in promoting for gender equality iii) To examine the attitude of media editors towards gender equality. The research took the form of a descriptive design, and the reason for this is because it aims to describe the current situation so that it can be unders...

136 - 150 Of 240 Results