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Womens ' Education And Poverty Reduction In Tamale Metropolis: The Case Of Gumani , Sakasaka And Kalipohini

Abstract The study is about womens ' education and poverty reduction. It provides information on womens ' education and poverty reduction in the Tamale metropolis . It focuses on the relationship between womens ' formal education and upbringing of girls. Similarly, it provides perspectives on different groups within which the relationship between variables such as age, education , religious background of respondents and their idea about womens ' education and poverty reduction. Interviews we...

Wealth And Poverty In The Gospel Of Luke And In The Prosperity Preaching In Ghana

ABSTRACT The spread of the theology of the Prosperity Gospel, which characterized contemporary Ghanaian Christianity, has created an intense scholarly debate among those who consid-ered the ‘Prosperity Gospel’ as ‘non-Christian’ and those who perceive it as a way to con-textualize Christianity in the Ghanaian context. The study entered the debate from a differ-ent perspective by focusing on the relationship between the prosperity theology and pov-erty and wealth. To reach this aim, th...

Assessing The Effectiveness Of The Methods Adopted By Faith Based Organisations In Reducing Poverty In Zimbabwe:A Case Study Of The Diocese Of Mutare Community Care Programme (Domccp) In Nyan

ABSTRACT The study is an assessment of the methods adopted by Faith Based Organisations (FBOs) in reducing poverty in Zimbabwe using Diocese of Mutare Community Care Programme (DOMCCP) as a case study in Nyanga, Nyakomba ward 11. The research findings show that DOMCCP‟s interventions as a Faith Based Organisation impacted positively on the rural livelihood of the people who live in Nyakomba ward 11. DOMCCP addressed poverty through livelihood projects, capacity building and community health...

Analyzing The Contributions of Decentralization to The Community Members of Kiboga District (A Case Study: Kibiga Sub.County)

TABLE OF CONTENTSCONTENT ...................................................................................... PAGETitle Page ................................................................................................ iDeclaration ............................................................................................ iiApproval ............................................................................................... mDedication ...................................................

Microfinance Loans and Economic Development: A Case of Kanungu Town Council, Kanungu District

ABSTRACT The text section of the Dissertation is made up of 5 chapters presented in the order below, chapter 1 intToduction and Backgrom1d of the study, chapter 2 literatme reviews, chapter 3 Methodology, chapter 4 presentation and discussion of Major fmdings, chapter 5 smnmary, conclusion and recommendations, On introduction information on microfinance loans and economic development history was discussed as indicated in the Dissertation The problem statement was to fmd out the contributions ...

Poverty And School Drop Out In Alerek Sub-County Abim District, Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSDEFINITION OF TERMS xiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.0. Introduction1.2. Background of the study 11 .3. Statement the problem 51 .4. Research purpose 51 .5. Research objectives s1 .6. Research questions/thesis 61 .7. Significance of the study 61.8. Scope of the study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0. Introduction 72.1. Causes of poverty 7V2.2. Causes of school d...

The Use Of Participatory Communication In A National Social Protection Programme: A Study Of Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (Leap)

ABSTRACT The failure of the conventional theories of economic growth to significantly reduce poverty in Africa has led to a new focus on poverty reduction that emphasises on participatory policies that benefit the poor directly. One outcome of this has been the introduction in Ghana of the social grant scheme, Livelihood Empowerment against Poverty (LEAP). The LEAP programme is a social cash transfer facility which provides cash and health insurance to extremely poor households across Ghana t...

Livelihoods, Poverty And Environmental Degradation In The Sissila East District Of The Upper West Region

ABSTRACT The study examined the link between livelihoods, poverty and environmental degradation in the Sissala East District of the Upper West Region. Available literature shows that, the region is one of the poorest in Ghana and agriculture is the main livelihood. The main data collection methods employed were household interviews, focus group discussions and library search. The study covered 90 respondents selected by simple random sampling, purposive sampling and systematic random sampli...

Livelihoods, Poverty and Environmental Degradation in the SISSILA East District of the Upper West Region

ABSTRACT The study examined the link between livelihoods, poverty and environmental degradation in the Sissala East District of the Upper West Region. Available literature shows that, the region is one of the poorest in Ghana and agriculture is the main livelihood. The main data collection methods employed were household interviews, focus group discussions and library search. The study covered 90 respondents selected by simple random sampling, purposive sampling and systematic random sampli...

Impact of Rural Microfinance on Rural Poverty in Zimbabwe: The Case of Mutasa District – 2010 to 2012.

Abstract Microfinance has become a very important economic empowerment tool for reducing poverty across the globe. The assumption is that by improving access to credit, poor households will be able to set up micro enterprises that will generate income that is aimed at reducing poverty both at household and community levels. Literature has shown that informal microfinance models have become very popular with the rural population mainly due to their accessibility, affordability and community in...

Microsimulation Analysis Of Indirect Tax Benefits On Poverty Reduction In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the impact on income distribution and inequality in Tanzania from the changes to indirect tax policies using the standard static microsimulation model TAZMOD v1.8. The simulations model two indirect tax reforms involving changes to the excise duty and the VAT rate of alcoholic drink and tobacco products as well as changes to the National Health Insurance Fund employers and employees ' contributions. The first reform results have a positive impact on government tax...


ABSTRACTThe study sought to establish the "the role of microfinance banks on povertyeradication" with a case study of Centenary bank-Arua branch and was drivenby mainly three objectives. These objectives included; the need to identify thepolicies used by the Microfinance Ins titutions such as Centenary Bank, AruaBranch in a dministering loans. The need to determine the effectiveness of theabove policies used by Microfinance Institutions such as Centenary Bank, AruaBranch towards poverty eradi...

An inquiry whether the recorded increase in economic growth between 2010 and 2014 has reduced poverty in the educational dimension across households in Abuja, Nigeria: with focus on Bwari, Gw

The World Bank’s 2014 Nigeria Economic Report (NER) has it that the Nigerian economy recorded sustained growth between 2010 and 2014, with an annual growth rate of 8% and an increased gross national product (GNP) of US$ 509 billion recorded in 2013, the report has it that the Nigerian economy is the largest economy in Africa and 26th in the world. In Development Studies, scholars have debated that economic growth reduces poverty. In the face of this recorded economic growth by the World Ban...

An Assessment To “Communication Strategies Used By World Vision To Alleviate Poverty In Nkayi Community” 2014-2015

 Abstract The study focused on the communication strategies used by World Vision to alleviate poverty in Nkayi community from 2014 to date. Communication is essential for every organisation to survive in its operational environment and to create a rapport and mutually understanding with the surrounding community. The study also focuses on identifying the communication strategies that are used by World to alleviate poverty. The study had to assess the effectiveness of communication strategie...

Poverty Traps And Wildlife Conflicts: A Livelihoods Case Study Of Mgori Village Land Forest Reserve, Singida

ABSTRACT Changes of conservation policy from fortress to community conservation aimed at balancing sustainable conservation and rural livelihoods. However, little is known as to how much Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) approach contributed to livelihoods enhancement. Similarly, impacts of wildlife conflicts as a result of successful conservation, and causes of poverty among local communities are poorly known. This study aimed at assessing poverty traps and wildlife conflicts in Mgor...

151 - 165 Of 266 Results