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Effects Of Climate On Revenue From Oil Palm Production In Southern Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Effects of Climate on revenue from Oil Palm Production in Southern Nigeria. The broad objective was to examine the effects of climate change variables on Oil Palm Production. The specific objectives are to: (i) identify farmers’ perception on climate change variables in the study area; (ii) identify the choice of adaptation strategies and determine the factors affecting the choice of adaptation strategies by farmers in the area; (iii) estimate the cost and...


ABSTRACT   The study examined the link between livelihoods, poverty and environmental degradation in the SissalaEast District of the Upper West Region. Available literature shows that, the region is one of the poorest in Ghana and agriculture isthe main livelihood.  The main data collection methods employed were household interviews, focus group discussions and library search. The study covered 90 respondents selected by simple random sampling, purposive sampling and systematic rand...

Socio-Economic Aspects That Affect Loan Repayment In Selected Micro Finance Institutions In Kenya

ABSTRACT Microfinance institutions (MFIs) were established to fill the gap in the financial services sector by providing funds to the poor and lower income group and thus alleviating poverty and enhance their business activities. In the credit market, agency problem, moral hazard and adverse selection exist because of information asymmetries. Information asymmetries are the main obstacle for MFIs to provide loans to clients. This study sought to analyze socio-economic issues that affect loan ...

The Role Of Micro-Financial Institutions In Fighting Against Poverty In Mbale District. A Case Study Of Finca Uganda Limited And Finance Trust, Mbale.

ABSTRACT This report examines the roles of MFis fighting against poverty in Mbale district and it looks at FINCA Uganda Ltd and Finance Trust as one of the MFis. It defines poverty as the state in which income is insufficient to provide such basic necessities as food, shelter, medical care and clothing; that in the essence, the poor people get less of everything we consider important and necessary for a decent life. The report also following the Uganda Micro Finance Dictionary 2009/10 defines...

Perception Of Women On Ngos Poverty Reduction Intervention Programmes And Its Influence On Their Livelihoods In The Kumasi Metropolis

ABSTRACT This study examined women’s perception of NGOs poverty reduction intervention programmes on their livelihoods. It attempted to compile data on types of intervention and the effects of poverty reduction on such variables as healthcare, feeding, income levels before and after the intervention programmes. Data for the study was obtained from respondents using validated questionnaires. In all, 150 questionnaires were prepared and administered to a purposive sample whose names were ob...

An Assessment of the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme in the Bongo District, Ghana

It assesses the implementation of the livelihood empowerment against poverty program ( LEAP) in the Bongo District, Ghana ABSTRACTGhana has drafted and is implementing a National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS)aimed at protecting its vulnerable population. A major component of the NSPS is theLivelihood   Empowerment   Against   Poverty   Programme   (LEAP).   LEAP   is   both   a conditional and  unconditional   direct  cash transfer   targeted   at  the poorest ...

Rural Women Small-Scale Subsistence Farming And Food Security: Implications For Household Poverty Reduction In Mpwapwa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the contribution of women small-scale farmers on rural household‟s poverty reduction. Specifically, the study aimed to get a better understanding on the roles, contributions and constraints of women smallscale farming in rural areas and their implications on poverty reduction and food security at household level. The study was undertaken in Dodoma Region, Tanzania, whereby Mpwapwa District with the predominantly small-scale subsistence agric...

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Oluujnga Performance Of Students, A Case Study Of Kiipsonoi Zone Kenya

TABLE Of CONTENTS DECLARATION .................................................................................................................... i APPROVAL .......................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION .................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................

Impact Of Poverty On Academic Performance Of Student Of Soti Primary, Chepsiro Zone, Trans Nzoia District, Kenya

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL. .................................................................................................................... .ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................

The Contribution Of Oil Palm Farming To Poverty Reduction: A Case Of Small Scale Farmers In Kigoma Rural District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study examined the contribution of oil palm farming to poverty reduction for small scale farmers in Kigoma Rural District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study identified different sources of income among small scale farmers; compared poverty levels between small scale oil palm farmers and non-oil palm farmers and examined the challenges which small scale farmers face. The study employed descriptive survey design (cross-sectional), whereby 50 respondents in the category of small sc...

Impact of Foreign Aid on Poverty Reduction in Selected Urban Areas of Mogadishu, Somalia.

ABSTRACT  Since there has been a lot of foreign aid to Somalia and most of this aid directed to urban population, poverty levels remain to be high. The research was based on a sample size of 242 respondents; the samples were randomly selected from Xamarwayne, Hodan and Wardhiigley. The sample age was between 5 up to above 65 years, 115 male and 127 Female. All the respondents were ethnic Somalis. The researcher was use both quantitative and qualitative approaches in data collection, however,...

Influence Of Timber Trading On Poverty Reduction In Mufindi District, Iringa Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Sustainable use of forest resource products such as timber has been reported to produce different benefits, which enhance households’ income and reduce poverty. This study assessed the influence of timber trading on poverty reduction to the selected communities in Mufindi District, Tanzania and its contribution to district revenue. As well the study focused on the challenges and opportunities to timber trading in the study area. Structured questionnaires and checklist were the da...

The Dynamics of Urban Poverty in Ashiedu Keteke Sub-Metropolitan Area: Youth Unemployment and Coping Strategies

ABSTRACT This study examines three main issues concerning the youth in the Asbiedu Keteke Sub~ metropolitan Area. These include their poverty profiles, unemployment problems and coping strategies. Central to the increase in urban poverty is the rise in unemployment especially among the youth. This provides the point of departure for this dissertation. The first section shows how Asbiedu and its environs, ahhougb constituting the commercial heartland of Accra, have not reached its potential in...


ABSTRACT The Mfantseman Community Bank is one of the participating financial institutions through which the Social Investment Fund microfinance was channeled to the poor. Low recovery rate of loans had rather been a great challenge to the bank. However, while the bank complained of the non-payment of loans by beneficiaries, beneficiaries in turn criticised the bank of poor service delivery. Consequent to this, the study sought to examine the role of the Social Investment Fund’s microfinan...

Poverty and House Hold Sanitation of Selected Homes of Kansanga Parish Makindye Division Kampala City

ABSTRACT The study was an investigation into the Relationship between Poverty and Sanitation of Kansanga Parish, Makindye Division, Kampala District. The development of this research emanated from the fact that the people of this area were suffering much from the sanitation related diseases such as the cholera, dysentery, and many others that result from the way the people of the area live. Manv people thought, that these people were suffering from all these because of the fact that, they wer...

166 - 180 Of 266 Results