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Prevalence Of Depression And Perceived Psychological, Social And Emotional Causes Among Final Year Students In The Faculty Of Social Sciences.

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was toreveal the levels of depression that exists among final year students and also highlight the perceived causes of depression. Much research was done in Western countries, I feel it’s my turn now to conduct local studies and make an addition to local scholarly content. Using an expedient sampling technique, a mock-up of 100 students from Midlands State University faculty of social sciences, were selected and completed the questionnaires of the Beck dep...

Electronic Media And The Coverage Of Political Events In Jinja-Uganda, A Case Study Of Nbs Radio

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION.DEDICATIONAPPROVAL iiiACKNOWLDGEMENT ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vLIST OF TABLES ixLIST OF FIGURES xDEFINITION OF KEY TERMS xCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background information to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 11.3 Objectives of the study 21.3.lGeneral objectives 21.3.2 Specific objectives 21.4 Research questions 21.5 Scope of the study 21.5.1 Geographical scope 31.5.2 Content scope 31.5.3 Time scope 31.6 Significance of the study 31.7 Justification of...

The Survival Strategies Used By Bustop Tv And Magamba Tv In Zimbabwe’s Uncertain Media Landscape

Abstract The study investigates survival strategies of Bustop TV and Magamba TV in Zimbabwe’s uncertain media landscape. The study is situated in a conceptual framework that looks into revenue models such as the dual-product marketplace and advertising revenue model. It makes use of the qualitative paradigm with a focus on case study. In-depth interviews were used as methods of data collection. The online media organisations like the traditional media organisations depend on revenue models ...

Performance of Soft Viterbi Decoder enhanced with Non-Transmittable Codewords for storage media

Abstract: The introduction of Non-Transmittable Codewords (NTCs) into Viterbi Algorithm Decoder has emerged as one of the best ways of improving performance of the Viterbi Algorithm Decoder. However, the performance has been tested only in hard decision Viterbi Decoder in telecommunication systems, but not in soft decision Viterbi Decoder and storage media. Most storage media use Reed Solomon (RS) Algorithm Decoder. Yet, the field experience still shows failure of the algorithm in correcting ...

Whose Reality? Challenges And Prospects Posed By Dembare Dotcoms To The Traditional Practise Of Football Reporting In Zimbabwe

Abstract Before the advent of the internet, the mainstream media in Zimbabwe and across the globe, enjoyed the privilege of mediating and interpreting football ‘reality’ to the audiences. This ‘privilege’ to mediate reality and the traditional practice of sports reporting in general, is undeniably under threat in this internet age. Academic studies focusing on the influence of internet sites such as Facebook, have overlooked how internet has affected the sport reporting landscape. Thi...

Institutional Capacity And Implementation Of The National Identification Card Policy In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study was designed to investigate the impact of lack of institutional capacity of a government department on policy implementation. The study had four specific objectives with related research questions. The objectives were to identify policy strategies for the implementation of National Identification Authority (NIDA) in Tanzania; to examine the significance of the implementation of the national identification cards by NIDA in Tanzania; to assess the challenges that hinder th...

The Impact Of Media On The Evolution, And Development Of Culture. Case Study: The Kikuyu Culture Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Degradation of local indigenous culture is a problem that is prevailing everywhere on the African continent, and other developing countries. There has been great loss of local indigenous culture in the developing countries and absorbing of the western culture. Media in itself is a ve1y powerful force in this 21 st centmy. Technological advancement of the media has made the world a global village, making interaction of people and culture much easier and faster. The western countries b...

The Effectiveness of Holistic Marketing as a Survival Tactic in a Crisis Economy: A Case of The Zimbabwe Newspapers Group 1980 ltd Sales and Marketing Department.

ABSTRACT The study seeks to provide a solution on how media organizations can employ marketing strategies to survive the economy. With the advent of new trends in the global marketing world, this study explored the implementation of the holistic marketing concept and its effectiveness in a crisis-ridden Zimbabwean economy by Zimbabwe Newspapers (1980) Ltd. It addresses the gap on how print media organizations can best utilize marketing to stay viable in an unstable economic environment. The ...

Prevalence and etiological agents for chronic suppurative otitis media in a tertiary hospital in Tanzania

Abstract Objective: Chronic suppurative otitis media is among the most common otological condition reported in otorhinolaryngology practice commonly attributing to preventable hearing loss. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and etiological agents for chronic suppurative otitis media in our department. Results: A total of 5591 patients were recruited in this study and only 79 (1.4%) had chronic suppurative otitis media. A male preponderance 43 (54.4%) was noted in this stud...

Evaluation Of Composted Tea (Melaleuca Alternifolia) Tree And Sand Media Mixes In Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabucum L) Seedling Production

ABSTRACT Zimbabwe is preparing itself for 2015 dead line for the elimination of methyl bromide through adoption of floating tray system, metham sodium, basamid and other related tobacco nursery chemicals. In an effort to complement this government initiative to fulfil Montreal protocol, a research was carried out at Kushinga Phikelela National Farmer Training College, in Marondera during the 2014-2015 tobacco farming season with intention to evaluate the effect of an on farm composted tea tre...

‘Political gladiators’ on Facebook in Zimbabwe: a discursive analysis of intra– Zimbabwe African National Union – PF cyber wars; Baba Jukwa versus Amai Jukwa

Abstract Social media have been hailed as liberative in contexts of political repression. In Zimbabwe, there are emergent debates on the possibilities of using Facebook to ‘democratise’ political space. But the use of Facebook to settle personal political scores or to relentlessly attack political opposition seemed to have escaped academic scrutiny. This study looks at the use of Facebook by opposing camps in Zimbabwe’s July 2013 election to attack each other, as well as the challenges ...

A Critical Evaluation Of The Proposed Kenya’s Film, Stage Plays And Publications Bill 2016

Abstract: Debates about content regulation have been dominated by pro-censorship and anti-censorship arguments. More recently there has been emergence of repressive laws and rising attacks on creative artists. Increased fear of a robust and aggressive creative industry by government cannot also be ignored. Countries like Australia and South Africa have come out strongly in pushing for change to legislation and a review of the classification guidelines. In Kenya, the Film and Classification Bo...

Gender Based Violence And Performance Of Girl Child: A Case Study Of Rubona Fort-Portal Municipality

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impact of gender-based violence on the performance of girl child in secondary schools in Rubona Fort-Portal municipality. The study was guided by three specific objectives, which included; identifying the causes of gender-based violence, to establir1~ the effects of gender-based violence, to identify measures that can stop gender-based violence. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The findings of the study indic...

The Role of the Media in Rural Poverty Alleviation

TABLE OF CONTENTSDeclaration ... ............. .................... ...... .................. ....... ................ .iApproval...... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiDedication ............ .. ................................................ .......... ........... .iiiAcknowledgment. ........................................................................... viAbstra...

Challenges in Increasing Access to Mental Health Services in Communities in Bawku West District

ABSTRACT Background: Ghana as a country has witnessed different mental health regimes reflecting prevailing global trend, from incarceration in the colonial era through to NRCD decree of 1972 and recently mental health Act 846 of 20 1 2.Critical to the Mental Health Act are the provisions on mental health authority, mental health board, mental health fund, mental health tribunal, regional and district committees and especially increasing access to mental health services in communities. T...

166 - 180 Of 240 Results