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Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On Poverty Reduction Among Smallholder Farmers: Case Of Selected Saccos In Dodoma Urban And Kongwa Districts

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in Dodoma Rural and Kongwa districts both from Dodoma region in 2007 and the number of respondents was 160. This study aimed at examining the impact of micro finance institutions on poverty reduction among smallholder farmers. The paper focused on SACCOS’ beneficiaries to know whether the credit provided have helped them to move out of poverty and the extent to which that has been done. This is because many have hailed microfinance as an effective means of ...

Evaluation Of Participatory Poverty Reduction Through Water Delivery Support Of Local Empowerment And Environmental Management Project (Leemp) In Rural Southeast Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate Participatory Poverty Reduction by Utilization of Water Delivery of Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project (LEEMP) in Southeast Nigeria as a contribution towards finding water panacea to poverty associated with Livestock Fattening (poultry and fishery), especially during dry season in water stress communities. Also, it was meant to create awareness for Community Driven Development (CDD) Participation. Primary data were obtained fr...

Street Vending And The Struggle Against Poverty In The Central Business District Of Kampala City

ABSTRACT This study explored street vending and the struggle against poverty in the CBD of Kampala City. This was after the realisation that liberalisation and rapid urbanisation of Kampala City have left tens of thousands of the city residents in squalid conditions where abject and absolute poverty rule. The study specifically sought to achieve the following objectives: to explore the basis for the growth of street vending in the CBD of Kampala City; to examine the effects of Street vending...

Assessment Of The Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) Support On Poverty Reduction Among Orphans And Vulnerable Children (OVC) A Case Of Dodoma Urban District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted aiming to assess the impact of Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) Support on Poverty Reduction among Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in Dodoma Urban District. The specific objectives of the study included, to assess the functioning of the Compassion International Tanzania (CIT) support in poverty reduction, examine the impact of CIT support to registered OVC and to identify the challenges that CIT encounters in supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Ch...

Effect Of Domestic Water Supply On Poverty In Kilolo District, Iringa Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study on “Effect of Domestic Water Supply on Poverty” was conducted in four villages of Kilolo District in the Iringa Region. The overall objective of the study was to determine the effect of domestic water supply on poverty in Kilolo District. A cross-sectional design was adopted whereby purposive and simple random sampling methods were used to obtain 120 respondents, sixty each from water-rich and water-scarce villages. A structured questionnaire was used in data collecti...

An Assessment Of Women Access To Land Ownership For Poverty Reduction In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Bahi District In Dodoma Region

ABSTRACT The study is about assessment of women access to land ownership for poverty reduction in Bahi District, Dodoma Region. The main objectives of the study were to examine the prevailing status of women access to land in Bahi District Council, to scrutinize the effects of women access to land ownership on poverty reduction in the study area, to identify the factors affecting women access to land ownership in the study area and to document the community suggestions on how to improve wome...

Factors Influencing Poverty Reduction Among The Communities Adjacent To Tourism Attractions: A Case Of Udzungwa National Park

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to explore the factors which hindered poverty reduction among the communities adjacent to tourism attractions and suggest measures to be taken to reduce poverty. Semi-structured interview, focus group discussions and observation methods, were employed to collect information from the respondents residing in Mang‘ula B, Kanyenja and Mshikamano villages, in Kilombero district in Morogoro region. Data collected were analysed qualitatively. The study find...

The impact of women-owned micro finance groups in reducing rural poverty in Masvingo: a case of ward 20 in Bikita District

Abstract The purpose of this research was to assess the role played by Fushai women-owned micro finance groups in reducing poverty in Bikita ward twenty. The objectives of the research were to examin the extent to which women owned micro finance groups have facilitated the reduction of poverty in rural areas, to examine models of rural micro finance and how they are run and to identify the challenges encounted by micro finance institutions, clients and staff in providing and accessing rural m...

Teenage Pregnancy In Secondary School In Tanzania: A Case Of Kasulu-District

ABSTRACT According to American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists, Teen age pregnancy is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. A pregnancy can take place after the start of the puberty before first menstrual period, but usually occurs after the onset of periods. Teenage pregnancy is a natural human occurrence that is a poor fit with modern society. In many ways it has become a proxy in what could be called the cultural wars. Teenage pregna...

Torture and Inhuman Acts in Nigeria: What is the Nigerian Government's Response to Human Rights Violation and the Impact of the Democracy System of Government in the Life of Individuals?

Nowadays, many nations are promoting and seeking out the renowned form of government known as democracy. If it is indeed the case that democracy and human rights are incompatible in certain circumstances, it implies that the assurance of freedom, justice, and equality for all segments of society is ensured. Democracy serves as a mechanism to safeguard and uphold fundamental human rights, which are characterized by their virtuous nature, balanced approach, and appropriate level of moderation. ...

Factors Leading To Increased Poverty Levels In Kajiado District Kenya: Case Study Of Ilbisil Division

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the causes of increased poverty levels in Kajiado district in Kenya. The study was carried out upon the background that about 60% of the households of Kajiado district are living below the poverty line and this was according to the analysis of the NGOs operating in Kajiado district. The findings of the study revealed that; the households of Kajiado district are in poverty because they are ignorant of change due to their cultural rigidity, unfa...

Role Of Agroforestry Products In Household Income And Poverty Reduction In Semi-Arid Areas Of Misungwi District, Mwanza, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Agroforestry practice like any other land use practice has been reported to produce different benefits and products, which enhance household incomes and reduce poverty. This study was conducted in order to examine the contribution of agroforestry products to total annual household incomes and poverty reduction in semi-arid areas of Misungwi district, Mwanza Tanzania. Research methodologies used included literature review, questionnaire surveys, discussion with key informants and pers...

The Contribution Of Dairy Cattle To Poverty Reduction In Igunga District Of Tabora Region

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of dairy cattle to poverty reduction in Igunga District of Tabora region. The study focused on exploring milk marketing, determining dairy cattle performance, assessing different sources of income and assessing dairy-crop integration. Primary data were collected using a semi structured interviewing schedule from 51 dairy cattle owners, and 53 farmers without dairy cattle. The study was carried out using a cross sectional research...

Effects Of HIV/AIDs On Rural Women’s Production Activities In Mvomero District

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study is to determine how HIV/AIDS affects rural women`s production activities. The data were collected from two Divisions of Mvomero District in Morogoro. The specific objectives were, to identify and characterize the rural women`s production activities, to compare the time spent in household production activities before and after HIV infection, to determine the household production and income levels before and after HIV infection and to asses household e...

Contribution Of Local Poultry Keeping On Poverty Reduction In Tanzania: A Case Of Kongwa Dist

ABSTRACT There is an emerging and expanding demand for food of animal origin both in the domestic and export markets. Farmers are hence expected to exploit and increase their demand for more adoptive and productive animals. This is in line with the current “Kilimo Kwanza” initiatives and the on going National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP) as envisaged in the Tanzania Development Vision 2025. There has been initiative with insignificant results since colonial times t...

196 - 210 Of 266 Results