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Public Policy Communication: A Study of The National Youth Policy

ABSTRACT This study investigated the communication channels used by the Government of Ghana to communicate the national youth policy to its ultimate beneficiaries, the youth. The policy communication between government and the youth was ascertained from two 200 undergraduate students of the University of Ghana between the ages of 15-34 who are aware of the existence of the policy. An interview guide and a survey questionnaire were utilised in collecting data and data were analysed with the h...

ZANU PFs Factionalism and Rethinking The Herald’s Political Economy

ABSTRACT This study rethinks the legitimacy of the political economy theory in so far as it assumes that media owners unproblematically determine content in newspapers, radio or television stations that they own. The study was stimulated by The Herald’s political news content in the period between 2015 and 2017, which scandalised some senior politicians in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU PF) Government. This occurred notwithstanding the fact that the ZANU PF Gover...

Students’ Socio-Cultural Background And Counselling Seeking In Higher Learning Institutions In Tanzania: A Case Of The University Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT Counselling services in higher learning institutions are very important and inevitable for smoothening students’ social and academic adjustment as well as career development. Socio–cultural background of the students has great contributions in influencing their counselling seeking behaviours in higher learning. This study assessed the influence of students’ socio-cultural backgrounds towards counselling seeking in higher learning institutions by drawing examples from the Unive...

Print Media and The Promotion of Human Rights in Uganda. A Case Study of New Vision Printing and Publishing Company

This dissertation explores print media and the promotion of human rights in Uganda taking New Vision printing and Publication Company as the case study. The methodology used was both descriptive and explanatory. Data was collected by use of questionnaires (open ended and close ended). Random sampling was used to select respondents from the company and all beneficiaries then the findings from the research was in position to show the approximate contributions of print media in the promotion of ...

Statistical Analysis Of Reports On Domestic Violence In Ghana

ABSTRACT The incidence of the print and electronic media reports on violence and abuse in the domestic setting heightened the interest for this study and has therefore served as a major source of motivation for this research work. The work seeks to investigate the causes of domestic violence vis-à-vis the consequences of such acts. The major findings indicated that domestic violence in Ghana can best be described as violence against women and children. It was also discovered that domestic ...

Marketing of Foods And Non-Alcoholic Beverages to Children in The Accra Metropolis District of The Greater Accra Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT Background: Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are currently a major public health concern all over the world. A major risk factor for NCDs is obesity. Childhood obesity is a global health challenge with over 42 million children affected. One major factor that influences obesity in children is their diet. Marketing of foods affects the choice of foods children desire and demand from their parents. Food marketing occurs through multiple techniques including electronic media (e.g. inter...

Influence Of Digital Products On Company Performance. The Case Of Manica Post

ABSTARCT The aim of the research was to evaluate the influence of digital products on company performance with reference to the case of Manica Post. The purpose of the research was to examine the effects of online news on cannibalization of print media at Manica post, establishing customer perceptions on digitalization of Manica Post news posted online, determining whether Facebook page marketing influences customer preferences as well as examining the effects of websites on increase in web t...

What's Up With Whatsapp Profile Pictures And Statuses? A Multimodal Approach

ABSTRACT The development of social networking sites as linguistic and communication platforms is rising across all age groups in Zimbabwe. Amongst a plethora of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, WhatsApp is the most common in Zimbabwe. Consequently, this research examined the essence of WhatsApp profile pictures and statuses. The research was guided by four main objectives which are to: 1. Analyse the Significance of WhatsApp Profile Pictures and Statuses. 2. Explain the n...

The Influence of Mass Media and National Agricultural Advisory Services (Naads) On Rural Development Case Study, Masindi District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES viiiLIST FIGURESABSTRACT ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE iINTRODUCTION 1Background of the studyStatement of the problem 2Purpose of the study 3Objectives of the Study 3Specific Objectives of the Study 3Research questions 3Scope of the study 4Theoretical scope 4Geographical scope 4Significance of the study 4CHAPTER TWO 5REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 5Introduction 5Concepts, Opinions, Ideas from Authors! Exp...

Social Darwinist Ideology, Racism And Confict In Selected Hollywood Films About Africa

ABSTRACT The study focused on the Social Darwinist ideology, racism and conflict in selected Hollywood films about Africa looking at the case study of Tears of the Sun, Hotel Rwanda and Blood Diamond. The aim of the study was to interrogate the interaction of Social Darwinist ideology, race and conflict in selected Hollywood films about Africa with sub-objectives of establishing perceptions, determining conflict interpretations, assessing racial perspectives, identifying filmic techniques use...


Misinformation in any society can harm various sectors of that society. It can debar democratic processes, cause social cohesion, and create a terrible public health system. Misinformation is very common in Nigeria, which has become a challenge to developing various sectors of the Nigerian economy. It is common knowledge that if the citizens and non citizens in a country have flourishing businesses in that country, the Gross Domestic Profit (GDP) of that country’s economy will increase. For...

Use Of Prosopis Africana Seed Hydrolysate As Peptone Source For Microbial Growth Media

ABSTRACT There is a growing industrial demand for peptones of non-animal origin owing to legislations as well as outbreak of animal-associated diseases. Microbiological growth media developed from legumes as sources of protein hydrolysates are limited. It is, therefore, the aim of this study, to produce comparatively standard protein hydrolysates from Prosopis africanaseed that can be used as peptone for microbial culture in place of animal peptone. Prosopis africana seeds (2.5kg) were purch...

An Investigation Into The Influence Of Public Relations On Media Content: A Case Of The Herald Business

ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate why public relations copy has been freely finding its way into media content with the end result being the fourth estate, journalism, losing its watchdog role to has now come to be known as the ‘fifth estate’, which happens to be public relations departments of various organisations. The researcher subjected to empirical study the phenomenon that led to media under study, The Herald Business to be a channel through which public relations copy reapp...

The Role Of Media In The Coverage Of Disabled Persons In Society. A Case Study:National Union Of Disabled Persons Of Uganda.

This research was carried out in National union of Disabled Person of Uganda NUDIPU in Kampala Uganda and other institution dealingwith disability within Kampala. The research examined how the media covers the day to day activities of the disabled persons in society and how its integration in their lifestyle. The major research problem was to examine the impact of the media in highlighting lifestyle of the disabled persons in the society. The instruments used were self administered quest...

Knowledge And Perception Of Patients Of Children Living With Congenital Glaucoma At Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Ghana

ABSTRACT Congenital glaucoma is a major public health issue because visually impaired children have a lifetime of blindness ahead of them with its associated emotional, social and economic cost to the child, family and society. The study sought to assess the level of knowledge and perception of parents of children with congenital Glaucoma seeking care at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital. The study was undertaken at Komfo Anokye teaching hospital. A mixed method design comprising of one hund...

196 - 210 Of 240 Results