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Analysis of Effects of Agriculture Intervention Using Propensity Score Matching

Abstract Nowadays, agriculture extension programmes are practised in many parts of the world. There is a mixture of results about the effects of agriculture intervention programmes. The literature shows that the interventions are ineffective and have limited diffusion. On the other side, it shows that interventions are effective. Following different arguments about the effects of agriculture extension, this paper adopted Propensity Score Matching (PSM) to analyze the effects of the District ...

Agricultural Automation with Smart Irrigation System

As we know, nowadays issues in the agriculture field are a major concern. According to the Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar, 5,579 Indian farmers died by suicide in 2020. There are many conflicting reasons for farmer suicides which are mentioned by Activists and scholars but high debt burdens, crop failure, mental health, and personal issues have been some of the most common causes amongst them. So, what is the solution that would work in farmers’ favor...


ABSTRACT This research project is a very crucial study on the Role of Bank in Financing agriculture in Nigeria.  The study is motivated by the necessity to establish the extent of Agricultural Co-operatives in Nigeria.  To solve the research problem primary and secondary data was collected.  The data were questionnaire and oral interview.  The respondents comprised of personnel of the bank and some of he farmer who benefited, from he loan. The presenting data collected, tables frequencies...

Fish Species Composition and Diversity of Small Riverine Ecosystems in the Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya

Abstract Riverine ecosystems in the Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) significantly contribute to the lake’s water budget and aquatic biodiversity. Despite their significance to the lakes fisheries, only limited biodiversity studies have been carried out, particularly in the smaller riverine ecosystems. This study investigated the fish species composition, diversity and distribution in two small riverine ecosystems (Rivers Awach Seme and Kisian) draining the Kenyan Lake Victoria Basin. Sampling wa...

Influence of Oil And Gas Exploitation on Agricultural Production And Coping Mechanisms Required by Farmers For Sustainable Agriculture in Bayelsa State

Abstract   The study was aimed at determining the influence of oil and gas exploitation on agricultural production and coping mechanisms required by farmers for sustainable agriculture in Bayelsa State. The study specifically determined the activities of oil and gas exploitation, the influence of oil and gas exploitation on crop and aquacultural production as well as the influence on farmers and also explored the coping mechanisms to curtail problems of oil and gas exploitation. Five resear...


ABSTRACT This research project is a very crucial study on the Role of Bank in Financing agriculture in Nigeria.  The study is motivated by the necessity to establish the extent of Agricultural Co-operatives in Nigeria.  To solve the research problem primary and secondary data was collected.  The data were questionnaire and oral interview.  The respondents comprised of personnel of the bank and some of he farmer who benefited, from he loan. The presenting data collected, tables frequencies...

The Effect Of Foreign Aid On Agriculture, Education And Health Sectors In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study has observed the impact of foreign aid to the agriculture, education and health sectors, on the growth of the respective sectors in Ghana, over a period from 1980 to 2013 using the Vector Autoregression (VAR) approach. The necessary time series tests such as stationary test, cointegration test, error correction, and Granger causality tests in vector error correction model were carried out. The empirical results from the regression reveals that, foreign aid has a significa...

Agricultural Productivity and Yield Information System

ABSTRACT  The concept of Agriculture products and yield information system has been described as the integration and utilization of information technology system in farming related operations. Agriculture is a traditional trade and operations involved in production, having largely remained habitual in nature. Traditional methods of farming incorporated little or no use of information technology, despite its potential for dramatically increasing operations efficiency. The incorporation of inf...

Comparison Of Extension Delivery Systems Available To Farmers Of The Ministry Of Agriculture And Ghana Tobacco Company Limited At Wenchi And Ejura Districts in Ghana

ABSTRACT This study attempted to compare and contrast the effectiveness of the extension delivery systems available to farmers and staff of two agricultural institutions namely:- The Ministry of Agriculture (Government controlled and financed) and the Ghana Tobacco Company limited (a private participation). Specifically^ the study was designed to determines (1) The extension teaching methods used by the two organizations. (2 ) Farmers source of farm information. (3) The degree of contact betw...

The Impact Of Agriculture On Arable Land: A Case Study Of Bor County, Jonglei State, South Sudan

Agriculture is the biggest single activity in most of Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the World Bank report on Human development index 2005, about 73% of the people in Sub-Saharan Africa survive on subsistence agriculture. The most widespread methods of farming are the primitive ones, using the traditional hoe as the main tool of agricultural production. This type of farming also depends mainly on the natural seasonal rains for their crops, (World Bank. Human development index 2005). 

The Use Of Mobile Phones In Communicating Agricultural Information In Tanzania: The Roles Of Different Stakeholders

ABSTRACT The study on which this thesis is based sought to investigate roles of different stakeholders influencing the use of mobile phones in communicating agricultural information in Tanzania. The study arose from the fact that, while information is becoming an important ingredient in agriculture, farmers in Tanzania lack access to agricultural information something which greatly constrains efforts to improve agricultural development. One good thing is that, mobile phone technology which is...

Effect of External Debt on Performance of the Agricultural Sector in Kenya

Abstract Agriculture forms the backbone of the economy in most developing and developed countries. Its production has increased significantly over the last three to four decades. In 2018, it contributed to about 4% of global gross domestic product (GDP), and in 2020, it accounted for 35 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and 65 percent of foreign exchange earnings in Kenya. It’s also a primary source of raw materials for both national and international industries. However, its per...

Mathematics Application for Agricultural Development in Nigeria

Abstract This paper explores how the knowledge of mathematics can be applied to the development of agriculture, the importance and how mathematics application on the farm could improve agricultural development. Mathematical applications can enhance agricultural development in many ways. Through simple measurements, the farmer can estimate the number of hectares cultivated per annum, his profit and loss margin per annum etc. Mathematics has enabled farming to be more economically efficient and...

An assessment of the environmental impacts associated with urban agriculture. A case of gweru, zimbabwe

Abstract The study assessed the environmental impacts associated with urban agriculture in selected residential areas of Gweru Urban. Qualitative research methods were prominently utilised throughout the research and were complimented by quantitative methods. Questionnaires, structured interviews and direct observations were used in soliciting significant information relevant to the study objectives. Self-administration of questionnaires was done to 35 household units which were selected thr...

The Determinants Of Total Factor Productivity In Ghanaian Agriculture

ABSTRACT The role of productivity in general and agricultural productivity in particular in hastening the pace of economic growth cannot be underestimated. There is an ever rising need for increases in food supply, given the incessant increases in population and a dwindling supply of farmland that can only emanate from growth in productivity rather than increases in input usage. The study examined the total factor productivity measure and the factors influencing it in Ghanaian agriculture by...

211 - 225 Of 985 Results