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The Influence Of Print Media Campaigns On The Fight Against The Defilement Of The Girl Child A Case Study Of The Daily Monitor

ABSTRACT In Uganda the child is held in high esteem as a source of pride and prestige, wealth from the girl child's dowry, security from old age and domestic labor. At the same time, children are seen as property of the family and clearly subordinated to their families and clans/ child upbringing emphasizes parental power, obedience and long hours of work. There is discrimination against children based on gender and birth older, and many parents, teachers and others in charge of children are...


ABSTRACT The study was aimed at finding out the perceptions about community participation in project initiation, project planning and designing and project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It also seeks to find out the socioeconomic impact or effects of world vision’s poverty reduction interventions in the Assin North District of Ghana. The study was conducted in four major local communities within the Assin North Districts namely: Assin Endwa, Assin Akropong, Assin Wurakesi and A...

Valuing Water Resource For Baga Watershed Management Using Water Poverty Index (WPI), Lushoto, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study to assess and evaluate factors contributing to scarcity of water and compute water poverty index (WPI) for identifying priority areas for interventions in Baga watershed was undertaken in Lushoto district, Tanzania. Specific objectives of this study were to identify and assess factors contributing to scarcity of water, compute WPI for villages and identification of priority areas for interventions in Baga watershed. Data were collected from households through questionnaire...

Impact Of Small-Scale Aquaculture On Poverty Reduction And Food Security In Nyamagana District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the impact of small-scale aquaculture on food security and poverty reduction in Nyamagana District. Four streets namely Lwanima, Mkuyuni, Sweya and Luchelele were involved. Purposive sampling was used to select 6 key informants. Small-scale fish farmers were randomly picked in each street leading to a sample size of 100 respondents. Field physical visit, questionnaire survey, interview, and documentary review were used in data collection. Collected...

Mobile Money Transactions, The Case for Proper Legal Framework in Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATION ..................................................................................................................... iiAPPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ........................................................................................... iiiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................ ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................

Impacts Of Non-Governmental Organizations' Services On Poverty Eradication In Nakapiripirit Town Council Nakapiripirit District

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impacts of Non-governmental organizations services in poverty Eradication in Nakapiripirit Town Council in Nakapiripirit District. The main purpose of this was to establish extent to which people ofNakapiripirit Town council have benefitted from NGO services. The research therefore intended to examine the following objectives: • To establish whether NGO services have improved on the education in Nakapiripirit Local government • To determine whe...

Poverty And Infant Mortality In Rural Uganda A Case Study Of Isingiro District

The research focused on the examined relationship between infant mortality and poverty in Isingiro district. Majority of the people according to the findings are aware on the existence of Infant mortality rate in Isingiro district. One of the major objectives of the study was to find out the causes infant mortality rate in Isingiro district and the study revealed that; Teenage pregnancies have a higher risk of leading to infant mortality, but fortunately the proportion of teenage among...

Contribution Of District Agriculture Development Plans To Poverty Reduction At The Household Level: A Case Study Of Korogwe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Agriculture is a key element of the Tanzanian economy, it contributes about 46% of the GDP. It is not well mechanized, most of small scale farmers using rudimentary and poor technologies. Following the decentralization policy, the District Agriculture Development Plans (DADPs) established project programme to boost up agriculture to promote economic growth and poverty reduction at household level. This study was conducted in Korogwe District, Tanga Region in order determine the con...

Contribution Of Mobile Phone Vending Services To Poverty Reduction Among Vendors In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma

ABSTRACT There are limited employment opportunities in formal sectors in Africa and Tanzania in particular, and that the number of people engaged in informal sectors as daily source of income generation is increasing. In addition informal sector consists of small scale units engaged in production and distribution of goods and services with the primary objective of generating income. This study was conducted to examine how mobile phone vending services contribute to poverty reduction among mob...

Electronic Media and Promotion of Girl Child Education in Uganda: A Case Study of Bushenyj District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF ABREVIATION ixLIST OFTABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABSTRACT XiiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Objectives of the study 31.3.1 General objective 31.3.2 General objective of the study 31.3.3 Specific Objectives 31.4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.5.1 Content scope 41.5.2 Geographical. scope 41.5.3Time Scope 41.6 Significance o...

Contribution Of Mobile Phone Vending Services To Poverty Reduction Among Vendors In Tanzania: A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT There are limited employment opportunities in formal sectors in Africa and Tanzania in particular, and that the number of people engaged in informal sectors as daily source of income generation is increasing. In addition informal sector consists of small scale units engaged in production and distribution of goods and services with the primary objective of generating income. This study was conducted to examine how mobile phone vending services contribute to poverty reduction among mob...

An Appraisal Of The Existing Legal Framework On The Right To Education And Its Violations On Rural Women: A Case Study Of Soroti District.

ABSTRACTThe right to education as enslu·ined in chapter four of the constitution is one of the fundamental human rights. It therefore follows that such a right is inalienable. The notion is premised on the key roles that these rights play in the life of a human being without which life is antagonized. It is therefore conceivable that any act that has the effect of alienating the right to education amounts to an abuse of the right and the victim is entitled to an adequate ...

Land Tenure System And Income Poverty Reduction Among Female Headed Households In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was three-fold; to determine the land tenure system existing in Morogoro District, to assess the perception of female headed households (FHHs) on the existing land tenure system and to determine income poverty status among FHHs based on existing land tenure systems. The study used a cross-sectional research design; data was collected from 160 FHHs using a structured questionnaire in Matombo, Mkuyuni and Mikese divisions. This study only used primary data, ...

Localization Of Millennium Development Goals In Tanzania: A Case Study Of Mbola Millennium Project In Uyui District

ABSTRACT This study was designed to examine the localization of Millennium Development Goals in Tanzania: A case of Mbola Millennium Village Project in Uyui District.The objective of the study was to determine the role and contribution of Millennium Village Project, on the reduction of poverty in rural context of Tanzania. The literature review of the study was guided by theoretical literature review (modernization and dependency theories), empirical literature review, and conceptual framewo...

The Media As A Catalyst For Poverty Eradication In Kenya Case Study: United Nations Development Programme And Local Media Houses

Abstract The interests and concerns of people living in poverty are not sufficiently exposed by the media. Economic and market pressures on the media are tending to de-prioritize journalistic investigations and reporting on issues of social and public concern. Because the poor often do not constitute a viable market, issues of concern to them are increasingly and partially marginalized. New strategies, which address these issues and reinforce freedom of expression, need to be devised. Threat...

211 - 225 Of 266 Results