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Factors Influencing Adoption Of Conservation Agriculture In South Uluguru Mountains In Morogoro Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in two wards Kolero and Kasanga of the South Uluguru Mountains in the Morogoro Region to assess factors influencing the adoption of conservation agriculture. In this study the level of adoption was assessed, the contribution of conservation agriculture in agricultural productivity was identified, and the influence of socio-economic factors and institution factors in adopting conservation agriculture were identified. The methodology involved a cross-sectional ...


The paper investigated the influence of socioeconomic variables on agricultural productivity ofsome selected arable crops in Imo State, Nigeria.Structured questionnaire were used to collect datafrom 92 respondents using purposive samplingprocedures. Furthermore, descriptive andeconometric tools such as the means, frequency,percentage, ANOVA and ordinary least squaremultiple regressions analysis were used to analyzethe data. Majority (77.2%) of the respondentswere females, with a mean age of 5...

Implementation Of Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture In The Central Province Of Zambia

ABSTRACT The Central Province of Zambia contains the majority of the nation’s malnourished children, despite being the most productive province in terms of Agriculture. Most studies focused on household food consumption rather than the linkages between agriculture performance and nutrition outcomes of the population. In light of this knowledge gap, this study focused on the linkage between nutrition and agriculture. The study assessed the extent to which the Ministry of Agriculture in Zambi...


Abstract: Climate-smart agriculture is expected to play a key role in tackling climate-related challenges to agricultural livelihoods and food systems. However, the implementation of these programs involving efficient, sustainable, and productivity-enhancing technologies and their adoption rate has remained low, particularly among small-scale farmers. The purpose of the study was to analyze determinants of climate-smart agricultural practices adoption in Toke Kutaye district, West Showa Zone...

Financial Institutions And Agricultural Financing In Ghana: The Case Of The Ghana Commercial Bank -1953 – 1994

ABSTRACT The British Bank of West Africa (B.B.W.A) now renamed Standard Chartered Bank Limited and Barclays Bank Ghana Limited were the two prominent foreign Commercial Banks first established in the Gold Coast in 1897 and 1917 respectively. In the colonial era, these British banks did not cater to their banking needs; they dealt with large businesses and did not extend credit to Ghanaian farmers. In 1953, the Commercial Bank was established as the first indigenous commercial bank to serve th...

The Relationship Between Selected Agriculture Teachers’ Job-Satisfaction Factors And Public Secondary School Students’ Performance In Agriculture At Kcse In Nyeri County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Secondary school education in Kenya equips students with the knowledge, skills and competences that are vital for achieving their desired KCSE performance. The level of teachers of Agriculture job satisfaction can affect implementation of Agriculture curriculum as well as students’ Agriculture scores. In Nyeri County, public secondary-school students continue to perform poorly in KCSE with results from 2009 to 2014 indicating an aggregate of C- in Agriculture. This performance has ...

Effects Of Changes In Agricultural Land Use Practices On Household Food Security In Bureti Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Shortage of food in the world today has resulted from changes in agricultural land use practices among other factors including climate change, population growth and urbanization. In Kenya, over the past four decades there has been reducing number of people practicing agriculture in the country. Though agriculture is the main economic activity in the country, the increasing population and human settlement into the agricultural regions has led to the sub-division of the rural agricult...

Using Information And Communication Technologies To Enhance Information Sharing For Improved Fish Farming Productivity In Tanzania

ABSTRACT The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in sharing information is very important in enhancing fish farming productivity among fish farmers. However, little is known on the linkage that exists between the use of ICTs and fish farming productivity in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The main objective of this study was to assess the use of ICTs to enhance information sharing for improved fish farming productivity in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Specifical...

The Effect Of Literacy Approaches On The Socio-Economic Life Of The Migrant Fishermen In Lagos State

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of literacy approaches on the socio- economic life of migrant fishermen in Lagos State. It examined the extent to which some identified approaches would promote literacy acquisition among the Migrant Fishermen, and how their personal variables like sex, age, marital status and level of education influenced their literacy acquisition. A total number of one hundred and sixty fishermen were selected from Badagry, Ibeju-Lekki, Epe and Amuwo-Odofin Local...

Impact Of Agricultural Production On Rural Welfare In Nigeria

ABSTRACT Increase in agricultural production is essential for agricultural development since it enhances profitability and income which leads to welfare improvements. In Nigeria agricultural production and rural welfare have worsened over the years. Adequate information on the link between agricultural production and rural welfare in Nigeria is expected to better inform policy makers on implementation. Agricultural production and its impact on rural welfare in Nigeria were, therefore, investi...

Effect Of Agricultural Intensification Practices On Livelihood Outcomes Among Smallholder Farmers In Makueni And Nyando Sub-counties, Kenya

Developing countries, Kenya included are mostly affected by food problems and poverty as a result of high dependence on agriculture. Agriculture in Kenya is dominated by smallholder farmers, whose production is hampered by climate variability, declining land sizes and low agricultural technologies. Agricultural intensification is aimed at solving the problem of low agricultural productivity and poverty through increasing farm output per unit land area. However it is still not clear the e...

Aquatic ecological survey

AQUATIC ECOLOGICAL  SURVEY             INTRODUCTION An aquatic ecological survey can be referred to as the backbone of Fisheries, and the process of planning can be referred to as a survey, according to a popular saying “he who fails to plan, plan to fail”. The aquatic ecological survey deals with proper planning in both capture and culture fisheries; planning (survey) in capture fisheries involve the use of a sophisticated instrument to check the aquatic resources of economi...

Agricultural Transformation In Nyamira County, Kenya; 1945-2002

ABSTRACT The study focused on agricultural transformation in Nyamira County between 1945 and 2002.The study objectives included process of agricultural transformation and policies during the onset of the Second World War, drivers of agricultural transformation in the County since 1945.The study also examined the socialeconomic effects of agricultural transformation between 1979 and 2002.The year 1945 was important to the study because after the Second World War, for the first time in history...

Influence Of Plan For Modernization Of Agriculture On Agricultural Practices In Kigulu County. !Ganga District

TABLE OF CONTENTS.D~ENTS PAGE,claration ... . .1Jproval. ..... . ........ 11,di cation ..... . . .. 111cknowledgement ..... . . ... IV1ble of Contents . ..vbstract ..... . . .... lXHAPTERONE.0 Back ground of the study ...... ... II Statement of the problem ... .. J'2 Purpose of the study ..... . . ... 3.3 Research questions ....... . .. 4.4 Objectives of the study .... . .... .4.5 Scope of the study .... . .. .4.6 Significance of the study .......... . .. 5:HAPTER TWO.tEVIEW OF RELATED LITERA...

Agricultural Extension Services And Farmer Innovations: The Case Of The Garu Presbyterian Agricultural Station

ABSTRACT The critical role of agriculture to the Ghanaian economy cannot be over emphasized. It has thus been the objective of governments to improve and develop the productive capacity of agriculture. Agricultural extension has been responsible for supporting farmers to raise their production capacity. Over the last two decades the effectiveness of agricultural extension to achieve its goal has been called to question. The significance of local innovation potential for sustainable developme...

226 - 240 Of 985 Results