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The Impact Of Redd + Project On Local Community’s Livelihood: A Case Study Of Kondoa District

ABSTRACT This study is entitled as “The impact of REDD+ project on community livelihoods” which was conducted in Kondoa District, in two selected villages namely; Kolo and Mnenia. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey, Focus Group Discussion and Interviews. Eighty respondents and four key informants were involved in the study. Quantitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 16, and content analysis was used for qualitativ...

Assessing Factors Affecting Property Rate Compliance Behaviour In Ghana: The Case Of Ga East Municipality

ABSTRACT Property taxation is the backbone of local government revenue across the globe. Thus, property tax non-compliance behaviour threatens the independence, sustainability and development effort of local governments. This study sought to examine factors affecting property rate compliance behaviour in Ghana: the case of Ga East Municipality. Specifically, the study sought to assess property owners‟ level of knowledge of property rate laws, and the determinant factors of compliance behav...

An Assessment Of Rural Women Land Ownership Rights And Its Effects On Household Food Security: A Case Of Rural Women In Hai District

ABSTRACT Despite the efforts and strategies geared towards women in realizing property rights in terms of empowerment, participation and decision making in the global context today many African societies are still characterized by social economic and political inequalities between men and women. This situation is worse in Tanzania rural areas where women land ownership rights are violated as a result of culture being regarded as a daily routine that provides the basis and ways of owned and di...

Critical Analysis of the Legal and Institutional Framework Regarding Matrimonial Property in Uganda

GENERAL INTRODUCTION Matrimonial property is property owned or obtained by either or both married spouses before or during their marriage. Matrimonial property in Uganda has not yet been clearly defined either by statutory law or case law. However courts have provided a starting point for determination of what constitutes matrimonial property. In the ease of Julius Rwabinumi vs. Hope Bahimbisomwc 1 , Justice Twinomujuni held that: ··~-latrimonial property is joint property between husband ...


ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to ascertain how the introduction of microfinance programs by the Lower Pra Rural Bank in the rural areas of their catchment area has helped to alleviate the poverty situation in the Shama, Mpohor Wassa East Districts and Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Area. It was also to establish whether or not the program has had any effects on the business operations of the beneficiaries and their livelihoods. In all 10 groups were sampled out of which 60 respondents made...

Assessment of Nigeria’s Millennium Development Goals and Implications for Sustainable Development

ABSTRACT The study was motivated by the continuous rise in the poverty level in Nigeria amidst the country’s vast human and material resources that can guarantee sustainable economic growth and development and also the pervasive gender inequality that persists among households. It is on this premise that this study assessed Millennium Development Goal (MDG) with special focus on goal one and goal three, and implications for Sustainable Development .The study was guided by five research obje...

Assessment Of The Market Relations Between Smallholder Seaweed Farmers And Buyers For Poverty Reduction In Zanzibar: A Case Of Uroa Village Kusini District

ABSTRACT  This study was conducted in order to assess the market relations between smallholder seaweed farmers and buyers for poverty reduction in Zanzibar. Specifically, the study was set in order to meet three objectives, namely; to examine the benefits of seaweed to farmers at household level with regards to livelihood improvement, to understand challenges facing seaweed farmers and buyers, to analyze the relationship between seaweed farmers and buyers. The Study was conducted in Uroa vil...

Property Tax And The Management Of Revenue In Lira Municipality

ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was on the property tax and the management of revenue in LMC. •The major objectives of the study were to examine how assessment on property tax affect management of revenue, to find out how the mode of property tax collection affect management of revenue, to find out the extent to which the amount of revenue on property tax affect the management of revenue and to assess the effect of sensitization of local community on property tax and the management ...

Effects of Landscaping on Property Value in Ijapo Housing Estate, Akure Urban, Ondo State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT The unplanned, uncontrolled, chaotic city growths, population explosion, pollution, erosion, misuse of natural and man-made resources are posing serious challenges to environment. Hence, the search for quality landscapes urban and rural environment and proper use of land and its resources as a crucial developmental issues calling for maximum attention. However, most property owners are often unaware of how healthy attractive landscaping can contribute to their total property aestheti...

The Role Of Naads Programme In Reducing Household Poverty In Dwaniro Sub County, Kiboga District In Central Uganda

Abstract This chapter presented the introduction to the study, background to the study, problem statement, purpose/general objective of the study, specific objectives, research questions, scope of study, significance of the study and the key terms. 1.1 Background The National Agricultural and Advisory Services (NAADS) Programme was created in 2001 by an Act of Parliament to specifically address constraints of lack of access to agricultural information, knowledge and improved technology among ...


TABlE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ............................................................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION .............................................................................................................................................. ivACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................................. vCHAPTER ONE ..............

Socio-Economic Constraints Among Local Artisanal Miners In Simanjiro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at assessing the socio-economic constraints facing small scale miners in their effort to reduce income poverty. Specifically, the study identified activities performed by local miners; assessed socio-economic challenges faced by local artisan miners in their daily activities and assessed socio-economic challenges that faced Local Artisanal Miners (LAMs) towards poverty reduction. The study was done at Mererani in Simanjiro District whereby data were collected fro...

Impact Of Growth Enhancement Support Scheme On Productivity, Welfare And Income Distribution Of Smallholder Maize Farmers In Kano State, Nigeria

EXTENDED ABSTRACT In an effort to unlock the productive potential of the agricultural sector in Nigeria, in 2011 the government implemented the Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) in all the thirty six states of Nigeria including Abuja Federal Capital Territory. GESS is an innovative input subsidy programme that uses phone technology to reach farmers directly with subsidized fertilizer and improved maize seeds. The overall objective of GESS programme was to raise the productivity of mil...

A Comparative Study On The Contribution Of Livestock Projects On Poverty Reduction In Tandahimba District, Mtwara Region

ABSTRACT A comparative study on the contribution of dairy cattle and indigenous chicken projects on poverty reduction in the Tandahimba district was done in four villages of Tandahimba district. A sample size of 120 respondents 60 from dairy cattle and indigenous chicken projects and 60 out of the projects were selected and interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Data obtained from the study area were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Statistical Analysis...

Migration And Rural Productivity In Ekiti State, A Case Study Of Ise/Orun Local Government Area.

ABSTRACT Migration in general has its benefits and adverse effect in rural society, the primary aim of this study was to examine migration and rural productivity in Ekiti State, a case study of Ise/Orun Local Government Area. The study further on rev1ewmg comprehensive and comparative literatures, which presented thematically, the study was supported by Push-Pull theory of migration and Dependency theory of development. For the purpose of this study, Survey design was adopted and missed meth...

226 - 240 Of 266 Results