Search Results

Rights of Women to Property, A Case Study of Isingiro District, Uganda,

ABSTRACT This reserach was based on examination of the rights of women to property. It was based on three specific objectives; to illustrate the law governing protection of women's rights to property ownership in Isingiro district, to examine the effectiveness of mechanisms of enforcing women's rights in Isingiro district and examination of the strategies to be employed in enforcing women's rights towards property ownership in Uganda. The study was · ·. based on a doctrinal research methodo...

Migration And Rural Productivity In Ekiti State, A Case Study Of Ise/Orun Local Government Area.

ABSTRACT Migration in general has its benefits and adverse effect in rural society, the primary aim of this study was to examine migration and rural productivity in Ekiti State, a case study of Ise/Orun Local Government Area. The study further on rev1ewmg comprehensive and comparative literatures, which presented thematically, the study was supported by Push-Pull theory of migration and Dependency theory of development. For the purpose of this study, Survey design was adopted and missed meth...

Gender Relations And The Law: A Critique Of The Legal Regimeon The Protection Of The Victims Of Domestic Violence

Table of Contents DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL .......................................................... : ........................................................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii !I 1 CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY ..................

Challenges Of Inclusion With Regards To Early Childhood Education Learners: The Case Of Mabula Primary School In Mzilikazi District In Bulawayo Metropolitan Province.

ABSTRACT This research project sought to find the challenges faced by teachers and learners at ECE level in the school, then find solutions to the challenges. Questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data for this research. The researcher investigated from parents on the challenges faced by both the teacher and the learner in an inclusive setting and also what their recommendations were concerning the challenges that were raised. The findings from the data c...

Impacts Of Redd+ Activities To Rural Communities’ Livelihoods: Evidence From Kondoa Advancing Redd+ In Kolo Hills Forests Project In Tanzania

ABSTRACT ARKFor was among nine piloted REDD+ Project aimed at addressing the challenges of climate change and poverty reduction. The initiative intended to reduce significantly deforestation and forests degradation by enhancing alternative livelihood activities. The activities aimed at contributing livelihoods improvement to rural forest dependent communities. However, if the initiative is not well implemented would affect rural livelihood. This study was carried out to assess the socio econo...

Impact Of Land Reform Programme In Promoting Agriculture Development In Insiza District From 2002 To 2014

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of The Zimbabwean Fast Track Land Reform in promoting agriculture development to mitigate poverty. The study targets the beneficiaries to establish the relationship between land reform programme and agriculture production and it is an assessment of how the beneficiaries of Insiza district have performed in terms of agriculture production after the implementation of the policy. The theoretical framework suggests the land of a nation is for the peopl...

Sustainability Of Income Generating Groups Of Widow And PLWA, A Case Of Dodoma Municipality

ABSTRACT This study, has assessed the sustainability of income generating groups of widows and PLWA in income poverty reduction in Tanzania, whereby the study was carried out in rural settings of Dodoma Municipality. The study aimed specifically to assess the contribution of income generating groups in household income, strategies that were used to sustain income generating groups and to identify income generating activities that were performed by the groups. Data were collected from a sampl...

Challenges Facing Local Government Authorities In Collecting Property Tax For Service Delivery Improvement: The Case Of Mpwapwa District Council-Dodoma

ABSTRACT The study focused on the assessment of the Challenges Facing Local Government Authorities in Collecting Property Tax for Service Delivery Improvement in Mpwapwa District Council – Dodoma. It was guided by the following specific objectives:-to examine the extent of collection of property tax in Mpwapwa district council, to identify the proportion of collected revenue spent in service delivery related with improving the value of properties in the study area and to examine challenges...


ABSTRACT Media sell both products and worldviews and in contemporary times, films have become a standard target to vend such products and worldviews. Some scholars have argued that media texts have ideological contents embedded in them for the reason that these media texts articulate either overtly or covertly the maker's attitudes, beliefs, political and sociocultural stances. This study through the lens of postcolonial theory, stereotype theory and theory of hegemony, and a qualitative con...

The Critique On The Women And Property Rights, Case Study: Kiruuhura District

ABSTRACT The study was centered to focus on the women and their property rights clearly looking at one District in Uganda. In this study I was guided by the following objectives; to ascertain the extent women enjoy the rights to property, if the national legislation in Uganda recognizes these rights, to find out the relationship between customary and statutory law in Uganda. Looking at those objectives closely and getting the findings then I analyze and discuss them as represented accor...

The contribution of Women Cooperative Groups to Poverty Eradication in Zanzibar: A Case of fuoni constituency in Urban west District.

ABSTRACT This study has aimed at assessing the contribution of women cooperative groups to poverty eradication in Zanzibar. Fuoni constituency was taken as a case study. The study comprised of one hundred and four respondents from the population of 15400. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews and analyzed, using Statistical Package for Sciences (SPSS) version. The study revealed that, women cooperative groups contributed much to employment creation, improving living stand...

Challenges Of International Human Rights Institutions Over Child Labour: A Case Of Dar-Essalaam

ABSTRACT This study assessed the challenges of International Human Rights Institutions over Child labour in Dar es Salaam. The study specifically, aimed at identifying the strategies of the international human rights institutions over child labour, to examine the effectiveness of international human rights Institutions dealing with child labour, to uncover the challenges facing International human right institution over child labour and to propose the measures to insure the reducing of child...

The Apostolic Church And The Management Of The Niger Delta Crisis In Gokhana- Land 1931-2010.

ABSTRACT The main aim and concern of the thesis were to evaluate the role and contributions of the Apostolic Church Gokhana in the management of the Gokhana crisis, and the Niger Delta conflict. The study employed the descriptive and historical methods of research in which issued were raised, described and critically evaluated in the context of the study. In the process of data collection the primary and secondary sources were used. The data collected through the primary and secondary source...

Gender Inequality, An Examination Of Law And Practice In South Sudan

ABSTRACT This study "Gender Inequality, an examination of law and practice in South Sudan" was carried out in the three states of South Sudan, that is Lakes State, Central and Eastern Equatorial States with the aim of examining all circumstances which rise to gender inequality by considering loopholes and ineffectiveness of the law to provide maximum protection to women, the study analyzed the various cultures of South Sudan and how they are inconsistent with the legal system of South Sudan ...

Assessement Of Social Support Projects For Vulnerable Groups Towards Poverty Reduction: A Case Study Of Tasaf In Bukoba District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Bukoba District being one of the pilot districts in Tanzania to implement social support projects supported by TASAF. The overall objective of this study was to assess the impact of social support projects on vulnerable groups in Bukoba District, Kagera Region. The specific objectives of this study were to identify TASAF development interventions on poverty reduction through social support projects; to compare social support project participants under TAS...

241 - 255 Of 266 Results