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Impact Analysis Of Credit To Borrowers In Tanzania: The Case Of Mbeya Municipality

ABSTRACT Micro-credit funding for income-generating activities is one of the current anti-poverty measures that are adopted by many developing countries to alleviate poverty amongst the poor. The study was conducted in Mbeya Municipality to asses the overall impact of credit to borrowers. Both questionnaire and personal observation methods were used to collect data amongst borrowers in Mbeya Municipality. A total of 100 respondents were interviewed, and collected data were analyzed using Sta...

IT the Practice of Property Management in Lagos

ABSTRACT   O ne pervasive, potent force sweeping across the globe today is Information Technology. IT has become an enabler in multiple areas of human life. Business organisations, including professional services firms, in present times deploy IT to proactively and effectively drive service delivery. Appreciating that information is the lifeblood of their existence, the firms have come to the awareness that they need to embrace the opportunities presented by IT today in order to stay r...

The Enforcement Of Intellectual Property Rights In Ken A Comparative Approach

ABSTRACT This research dissertation mainly dealt with the general objective and specific objectives of the study problem which is; the enforcement of intellectual Property Rights in Kenya; A comparative approach. The research sought to make a comparison between the enforcement mechanisms in Kenya comparing it closely with the enforcement mechanisms in Uganda and finally showing which jurisdiction is better placed in enforcing intellectual property rights and what can be learnt from whom. Cha...

The Challenges Of Deforestation On Sustainable Development. A Case Study: Kabwoya Subcounty Hoima District.

ENTER OVERVIEW OF WORK (ABSTRACT AND TABLE OF CONTENT) ENTER OVERVIEW OF WORK (ABSTRACT AND TABLE OF CONTENT)16TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiiDEDICATIONS ivACKNOWLEDGEMENT VTABLE OF CONTENTS VIIABSTRACT xLIST OF ACRONYMS XIICHAPTER ONE1.OBACKGROUND 11.1 Statement of the problem 41.2 Research objectives 41.2.1. The general objectives 41.2.2. Specific objectives 41.3 Research questions 41.4 Scope of the study 51.5 Significance of the study 51.6. Study limitations 5CHAPTER TWO 7LITERAT...

Internal Savings And Lending Scheme For Ensuring Sustainable Agricultural Development In Rural Areas; A Case Of Chimanimani District

Abstract Internal Savings and Lending Schemes has become very important in global poverty reduction. The popular hypothesis is that by enabling rural poor households access to loans and savings enables poor households begin micro enterprises which would help them improve their income generation and escape poverty eventually. The chief research objective of this dissertation was to examine the role played by internal savings and lending schemes in rural areas, as a way of ensuring sustainable ...

The Preferential Option For The Poor: A Contextual Reading Of John Wesley’s Social Ethics In Contemporary Zimbabwe 2000-2014

Abstract Poverty has become one of the major challenges in Zimbabwe since the turn of the millennium. This period has been characterized by high levels of unemployment and economic contraction. This seeks revisit John Wesley’s social ethic of preferential option for the poor in light of the economic challenges the Zimbabweans have been facing and the plight of the poor. This study looked at how John Wesley confronted the poverty situation in eighteenth century Britain. It further looked at ...

Local People’s Participation In Tourism Development: A Case Of Idodi Ward In Iringa Rural District

ABSTRACT This research is about local people‟s participation in tourism development: a case of Idodi ward in Iringa Rural District. It was guided by three specific objectives which are: to examine the factors influencing local people‟s participation in tourism development in the area, to assess the extent of local people‟s participation in the tourism development decision-making process and to examine the contribution of Ruaha National Park on poverty reduction in the study area. A sam...

Assessment of Factors Contributing to High Prevalence of HIV/AIDS Amongst People of Reproductive Age in Kamukuzi Sub County Mbarara District.

ABSTRACT The study was aimed at establishing the factors that contribute to high prevalence of HIV/AIDS among the youth in Mbarara district. Across sectional study was used to establish the above factor using questionnaires, observation, personal interviews, and documentations. During the study, the findings were; most of the individuals 28 (50%) interviewed suggested that they would not die alone while students preferred joining NGO’s if tested positive. 28 (50%) of the individuals were in...

An Examination on the Right of Women on Inheritance and Ownership of Property in Marriage

Table of Contents DECLARATION........................................................................................... i APPROVAL ........................................................................................ ii DEDICATION ...................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................. iv CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................

Analysis Of Dry Beans Consumption And Factors Influencing Choice Of Dry Beans In Consumers’ Food Purchasing Decisions In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Dry beans are an important source of protein especially among poor consumers in Tanzania. This makes dry beans a strategic food for combating malnutrition. Yet, per capita consumption of dry beans in Tanzania is relatively low. However, the reasons for low beans consumption are not well established. This study provides empirical evidence on beans consumption and factors influencing beans choice in households’ food purchasing decisions. The study used data collected by Legume Innova...

Women and Their Right to Property; An Examination of the Law and Policy in Uganda.

ABSTRACT The research was focused on women and their 1ight to property; an examination of the law and policy in Uganda. The study was be can·ied out with the hope that it enlightens and advance the understanding of women's property rights in Uganda as provided for in the laws. The study iss as a result of observation of the apparent injustice against women in particular the denial of women to own property emerging as a result of exploitation of the loopholes in the statutory laws in place th...

256 - 266 Of 266 Results