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Trends in Progression in Agriculture Career Among Students in Tertiary Institutions of Kakamega and Bungoma Counties, Kenya

Abstract While agriculture is a major source of employment, it is notable that youths in developing countries are unemployed. In Kenya, agriculture is taught in the 8-4-4 syllabus and in the current competency-based curriculum. Despite the above facts, Kenya still requires human resources to drive the agricultural sector. The purpose of this study was to examine trends in progression in agriculture careers among students in tertiary institutions in Kakamega and Bungoma counties, Kenya, from ...


ABSTRACT This study examined perceptions of sending communities’ members with regards to causes of out-migration and its effect on agriculture from the perceptions of the non-migrants left behind in migrant sending communities in the Nanumba South District in the Northern Region, Ghana. Many studies in Ghana have focused on the causes and consequences of rural-urban migration in the destination communities without considering how the phenomenon affects the lives of the non-migrants lef...

Impact of Agricultural R&D on Sectoral Economic

Public and private investment in agricultural research and development (R&D) createspreconditions for the implementation of more advanced and better technologies. It enables theintroduction of new production processes and products which can result in higher earnings andpotential sectoral economic growth in Agriculture. Despite the fact that accelerated agriculturalresearch and development is a catalyst for the beginning of the long-run economic activity, itsimportance is not widely investigat...

The Contribution Of Urban Agriculture To Household Poverty Reduction: The Case Of Morogoro Municipality In Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the contribution of urban agriculture to household poverty alleviation in Morogoro municipality. A survey was conducted covering a sample of 100 households selected using a stratified random sampling procedure. The analytical techniques used were gross margin, Gini coefficient and coefficient of variation. The findings of the study showed that urban agriculture is practiced by people from all social demographic groups. The Gross margin analysis,...

Influence Of Selected School Related And Student Related Factors On The Choice Of Agriculture Subject Among Secondary School Students In Uriri Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Choice of subjects of study in secondary schools happens globally, more so in the developing countries. In Kenya, the Ministry of Education (MOE) requires that secondary school students register for a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine subjects when they join Form Three. These subjects are grouped into various categories including; Sciences, Languages, Humanities, Technical and Foreign languages. Agriculture is among the many technical subjects from which students select only one...


The main aim of the study was to examine the influence of modern agricultural practices and technologies on maize production. Data on yields for five different farming seasons and other attributes of Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies were obtained from three communities in the Lawra Municipality. The study identified a six factor solution which explained the correlation in the observed data without substantial loss of information. Multinomial Logistic Regression and Mixed Effect Linear R...

Effects of Population Growth On Agriculture

CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONThe impact of population growth on agriculture and natural resource management has been debated at least from the time of Reverend Thomas Malthus . Although the dismal predictions of Malthus regarding the inability of agricultural production to keep pace with population growth have not come to pass. The consequences of population growth on economic development nave attracted the attention of economists ever since Adam Smith wrote his Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith wrote,...

Determination of heavy metals in water and Clariasgariepinus from River Ngadda

Abstract  Water and fish samples were collected monthly from each of the four sampling Sites from August to September 2019 with the aid plastic bottles, hook and line and a gura trap from river Ngadda, Maiduguri, Borno state. A total of 16 fishes belonging to Clarias garipienus were sampled throughout the sampling periods. One fish from each station was dried before digestion and other was digested in its fresh form. The samples were transported to Soil Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agricul...

Factors Influencing The Use Of Computer-Based Instruction In Teaching Secondary School Agriculture In Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Information and communication technology (ICT) is increasingly playing an important role in the economies of all nations. Educationists are advocating for the use of ICT in teaching and learning due to its potential to overcome many education problems such as, low learning achievement, and motivation. The performance of agriculture students in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education examinations has not been satisfactory. Computer based-instruction has been shown to positively ...

Fish Species Community Structure Of Rivers Awach Seme And Kisian In Lake Victoria Basin, Kenya Before And After Wire Installation

ABSTRACT Populations of riverine fishes have been on a continuing decline since the early 1970s. This has been attributed to channeling, destruction of riparian vegetation, agricultural and industrial pollution, hydrologic alterations, introduction and invasion of exotic fish species, illegal methods of fishing such as the use of herbs and nets with small mesh sizes and other anthropogenic factors. Estimates from throughout the globe suggest that 75 to 95 percent of riverine habitats are deg...

Long run Impact of World Oil Prices on Agricultural Productivity

This study analyzed the long-run impact of world oil prices on agricultural productivity in selected staple crops in Nigeria. The analysis was based on the input and output quantities of the crop sub-sector, which is the dominant sub-sector of agriculture of Nigeria. Secondary data which were sourced from secondary sources such as the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) annual statistical bulletin were use...

Urbanization A Problem To Food Production And Agricultural Development. A Case Study Of Enugu State

ABSTRACT In this research on Urbanization - A problem to Food Production and Agricultural development in Enugu State, effort were made to address issues that are related to the problems, cause, effects, challenges, practice and solutions to the future management as it Concerns man and his environment and his economic system, health security as well as food through agriculture and its related sectors. However, urbanization has been the problem of the world today especially in Enugu State it h...

Evaluation Of Apiculture In The Context Of Food Security And Environmental Management In Kathonzweni Division, Makueni County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya holds a huge honeybee population and the ability of honey production is high due to different ecological conditions. Beekeeping therefore has the potential of promoting economic development by supplementing household incomes from selling of honey and other products from the hive. Investment in bee farming contributes to environmental conservation because it helps reduce pressure cropping exerts on agricultural land. Many dry areas of Kenya usually face acute food and nutrition ...

Kapenta Fishing Cooperatives and Sustainable Rural Livelihoods. The case of Chunga and Buumi Bubotu (Good Life) Kapenta Fishing Cooperatives in Kaani ward, Binga.

ABSTRACT In Zimbabwe although there was a boom in the fisheries industry in the 1980s and 1990s especially in rural areas, the importance of the fishing industry was not considered critical. However, with the collapse of the agricultural sector, following the fast track land reform programme and subsequently the political and economic crises, brought renewed interest in the sector as people sought alternative forms of livelihoods. The vivid thrust of this unique research was to investigate th...


ABSTRACT The research work on “Increasing Agricultural Output Through the Activities of Co-operative Societies in Enugu Stateâ€, using Agricultural Co-operative in Enugu East as a case Study was carried out of survey the part programmes and policies constituted by government to mobilized peasant farmers into agricultural Co-operatives and the functional ones more productive as a way of facilitating the attainment of self sufficiency in agricultural output.  The constraint that affe...

286 - 300 Of 986 Results