Search Results

Personal Power and Marital Satisfaction among Married Staff in Kampala International University Kansanga, Kampala, Uganda

ABSTRACT  This study set to find out the relationship between personal power and marital satisfaction among married staff at Kampala International University, Kampala District. It was guided by five specific objectives, that included determining of the i) profile of respondents in terms of age, gender, education level, marriage order, number of children, marriage duration and headship of family; ii) determining the level of personal power; iii) the level of marital satisfaction; iv) the diff...

An Appraisal Of The Implementation Of The Law Of Marine Insurance In Uganda The Law Of Marine Insurance & The State

TABLE OF CONTENTS page DECLA APPROVAL DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IV LISTOFSTATUTES v LIST OF CASES VI TABLE OF CONTENTS  CHAPTER ONE lNTRODUC~flON 1.0 Background Information 1 1.1 Statement of the problem 3 1.2 Purpose of the study 3 1.3 Research objectives 3 1.3.1 General objectives 3 1.3.2 Specific objectives 3 1.4 Research questions 4 1.5 Scope 4 1.6 Significance 4 1.7 Definition of key words 5 CHAPTER TWO UTERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction 6 2.1 Maritime legislation 7 2.2 Administrati...

Social Networks And Urban Survival In Mukono Town

Table of contents PageDECLARATION.ivAPPROVAL vDEDICATION viACKNOWLEDGMENT viiDEFINITIONS OF TERMS viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background to the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 11.3 Purpose of the study 21.4 Specific objectives 21.5 Research questions 21.6 Significance of the study 21.7 Scope of the study 3CHAPTER TWO 4LITERATURE REVIEW 42.1 Introduction 42.2 Formation of social networks 42.4 Social networks and urban survival 5CHAPTER THREE 7RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 73.1 Int...

Factors Affecting Performance Of Physics Subject Among Secondary Schools In Siakago Division, Mbeere District, Kenya.

ABSTRACT The main objectives of this study were to investigate into effectiveness of teaching Physics and factors which influence educational aspirations of secondary schools in Siakago Division. The objectives guiding the study were that, students· social background, personal and social factors influence their education and occupational aspirations. These factors were considered to be important since they have not been investigated in Siakago Division .The subjects for this study willl00 in...

Factors Influencing Distribution Of Secondary School Teachers In Tanzania: A Case Of Bahi District

ABSTRACT The study focused on factors influencing distribution of secondary school teachers in Tanzania taking as a case study selected secondary schools in Bahi district. The study sought to address three objectives, first; to examine the feasibility of existing policies and procedures for allocation of teachers in secondary school in Bahi district. Second, to determine the factors influencing the distribution of teachers in secondary school in Bahi district. Third, to explore possible stra...

Perceived Psychosocial Impact Of Stigma On Patients Being Treated At Accra Psychiatric Hospital

ABSTRACT Individuals diagnosed with mental illness encounter stigma and discrimination under various circumstances and these negatively affect them. Even though support systems and attitudes of the general public act as sources of stigma, perceptions held by the patients also influence their sensitivity to the experiences they encounter. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of personal factors in bringing about stigma.It also explored the public attitudes toward individuals dia...

Education Projects and the Performance of Selected Primary Schools in Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  After former government of Somalia throw out in 1991, all educational institutions have collapsed, due to lack of government, budget for education, salaries for teachers, and funds for rehabilitating schools in Somalia. International donors started to provide some limited support through United Nations agencies by financing many educational projects including primary school projects and their focus was almost entirely on the goals of improving enrolment and retention in primary sch...

Impact Of Two Counselling Strategies On Burnout Among Married Working Nursing Mothers In Ibadan, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This study examined the relative effectiveness of Family Counselling Therapy and the Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy in reduce burnout among married working nursing mothers. The moderating effects of participants‘ personality type, childrearing styles and spousal communication on burnout of married working nursing mothers were also investigated. The study also sought to determine if participants‘ family size, gender of children, age at and length of marriage, educational qual...

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting The Participation Of Women In Socioeconomic Development In Bongo Traditional Area Of The Upper East Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Empowering women to contribute their quota towards community and national development has become a contemporary issue embraced worldwide. Despite the fact that women’s political participation right has been enshrined in the international law, little is known about the struggles and experience women in Africa face in their quest to participate in the development of the community and the country at large. The study sought to examine socio-cultural factors affecting the participation...


This study focused on the impact of diverse language barrier on the academic  performances of the students, language barrier is  major issues  that impact students  performances because different student belong to the different languages students face  difficulty in their  learning  and its create the diversity in the class. The objectives of  this  study  is that , To evaluate the level of barrier that impact of academic  performances, To examine the barrier with effective teacher...

Streptococcus Pneumoniae Serotype Prevalence, Antibiotic Susceptibility And Associated Risk Factors Among Children Attending Gertrudes Children’s Hospital In Nairobi City County-Kenya

ABSTRACT Pneumococcal disease remains the biggest killer of children living in Kenya. This is true despite inclusion of the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in the Kenya Expanded Program on Immunization. Serotype replacement, emergence of antibiotic resistance, inaccurate laboratory diagnosis due to optochin resistant bacterial types and a range of environmental and host related risk factors have been touted to be the cause of these statistics elsewhere. This study sought to establis...

Erratum to: Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens

Abstract: Background: Organisms typically face infection by diverse pathogens, and hosts are thought to have developed specific responses to each type of pathogen they encounter. The advent of transcriptomics now makes it possible to test this hypothesis and compare host gene expression responses to multiple pathogens at a genome-wide scale. Here, we performed a meta-analysis of multiple published and new transcriptomes using a newly developed bioinformatics approach that filters genes based...

The Impact of Girl Child Education on Women Empowerment in Decision Making Within the Household: A Case of Bungokho Sub - County, Mbale District

TABLE OF CONTENTDECLARATIONAPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ivLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vLIST OF FIGURES viLIST OF TABLESTABLE OF CONTENTABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background to the study 21.2 Statement ofthe problem 81 .3 Purpose ofthe study 81 .4.2 Specific Objectives 81 .4.3 Research Question 91.5 Scope of the study 91.5.1 Geographical scope 9I .5.2 Content scope 91.5.3 Scope ofthe study 91.5.4 Time scope 101.6 Significance ofthe study 10CHAPTER TWO 11LITERATURE REVIEW 112.0 Introduction 11yin2....

The Characteristic of Good Future Partners Perceived by Students in Tertiary Institutions in Oyo Town

ABSTRACT          The purpose of this study is to investigate on the characteristic of good future partners as perceived by students in tertiary institutions in Oyo town. The variables of interest were gender, age, family background, institution and religion.          Two hundred respondents were sampled for the study. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used to analyse the demographic data of respondents. While t-test stati...

The Characteristic of Good Future Partner as Perceived by Students in Tertiary Institutions in Oyo Town

ABSTRACT          The purpose of this study is to investigate on the characteristic of good future partners as perceived by students in tertiary institutions in Oyo town. The variables of interest were gender, age, family background, institution and religion.          Two hundred respondents were sampled for the study. Five hypotheses were formulated and tested. Frequency counts and simple percentages were used to analyse the demographic data of respondents. While t-test stati...

301 - 315 Of 959 Results