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ABSTRACT For sometimes now, it has been observed that some people dwell in tents while others live in thatched mud houses, some yet live in dilapidated concrete buildings while other chose to live in tenements, bungalows, flats and messiness of varied structural strength and aesthetics.  Also, the size of these structures and their construction materials vary greatly and site differences exist. As a result of these observations, the study was on the housing problems and why these discrepanc...


ABSTRACT Management as well as Decision making is the point at which plans, policies and objectives are translated into concrete action.  It is noted that Managers, do consider decision making to be the heart of their job in that they must always choose what is to be done, they influences the ordinary employees in decision making process. This study as usual is broken into five chapters so as to enable the researcher conveniently touch all the necessary aspects of the research topic at hand....


ABSTRACT Decision is the point at which plans, policies and objectives are translated into concrete action.  It is noted that Managers, do consider decision making to be the heart of their job in that they must always choose what is to be done, they influences the ordinary employees in decision making. The objective of the research is to know the impact of employees participation in decision making on organizational productivity in Nigerian public sector organizations. Structural questionna...

Influence Of School Culture On Students’ Performance At Kenya Certificate Of Secondary Education (Kcse) In Public Secondary Schools In Mombasa County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance in national examination in Mombasa County has been on the decline. Stakeholders in the sector are brainstorming on ways to remedy this situation. The present study sought to explore school culture and its influence on the students‟ performance in KCSE. It was conducted in Public Secondary schools in Mombasa County. In this regard, the following objectives guided the study: to assess the forms of school culture practiced in selected public secondary schools across the c...

The hidden costs of free primary education and their implication on enrolment in kisii central district, kenya.

ABSTRACT In spite of the Republic of Kenya‟s (ROK) efforts to make primary education free and accessible to all, approximately 3.9 million children still remain out of school due to hidden costs (Census Report ,2009), hence the government„s initial objective of every child attaining primary education remains unattained. In addition, prior researches have established increase in non – enrolment and drop-out in various parts of the country due to these hidden costs. The study sought to e...

Modelling The Spatial Relationship Between Built-Up Volumes And Surface Urban Heat Islands In Upper Hill, Nairobi City County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Urban heat island refers to the thermal temperature differences between rural and urban areas. The factor that has been attributed to this phenomenon is urbanization, where natural land cover is replaced by concrete and other man-made impervious surfaces. Causes and effects of heat islands and urban climates are varied. The urbanization process dislocates the natural solar and hydrologic balances by transforming the radiative, thermal, moisture and aerodynamic characteristics of a re...


Abstract: In Ethiopia, enset is one of the indigenous root crops widely cultivated in the south and south western parts. Particularly in Wonchi district it is a major source of food and cash income for majority of smallholder farmers. Enset processing and its product marketing is left for women regardless of the tediousness of the process. Though, it is considered as female’s work by the community, concrete evidence about the gender role in enset product market chain is not well documented...

Gender Equality In Local Authorities Of Zimbabwe. The Case Of Gweru Municipality From 2008 To 2015.

ABSTRACT Equality as a concert of sexes is a relatively current observable fact. From the late nineteenth century to date many conventions, policies and institutions have arisen in a bid to promote the equality of man and women. This research was undertaken in an effort to analyse the level at which Local Authorities in Zimbabwe with specific reference to Gweru Municipality, have managed to uphold and achieve 50% equality between men and women in council elections. The research was a signific...

Gender Equality In Local Authorities Of Zimbabwe. The Case Of Gweru Municipality From 2008 To 2015

ABSTRACT Equality as a concert of sexes is a relatively current observable fact. From the late nineteenth century to date many conventions, policies and institutions have arisen in a bid to promote the equality of man and women. This research was undertaken in an effort to analyse the level at which Local Authorities in Zimbabwe with specific reference to Gweru Municipality, have managed to uphold and achieve 50% equality between men and women in council elections. The research was a signific...

Mechanisms for Controlling the Synthesis of Lipids

Lipids are synthesized, transported, and recognizedby the concerted actions of numerous enzymes,binding proteins, and receptors. A comprehensiveanalysis of lipid molecules, “lipidomics,” in thecontext of genomics and proteomics is crucial tounderstanding cellular physiology and pathology;consequently, lipid biochemistry has become a majorresearch target of the postgenomic revolution andsystems biochemistry. This review is aimed atstudying the mechanisms involved in the regulation oflipids...

Causes Of Failures Of Small Business A Case Study Of Smes In Kabalagala And Kansanga

This studv was carried out to find the causes of failures of small and medium businesses at Kabalagala and Kansanga. Findings of this study show that the causes of failures of small scale businesses was because of shortage of capital, premises, competition, limited (seasonal) market/ holidays and limited (seasonal) market/ holidays. It was found out that capital is the major problem to most entrepreneurs ofKabalagala and Kansanga. As a result, it is noted that more concerted effort is ne...

Online Ticket Booking System A Case Study In Cineplex Cinema Garden City

Abstract Time and again, human beings get bored and always need to find a way out of it. Activities like recreation and events are the key in addressing such issues because they provide entertainment for people after a long day/week of stress. Events are a major tool to the economic development of a country. Such events include; concerts, movies in cinemas, sports galas etc. However, the public has to be notified about these events in the best efficient, effective and the most convenient way....

Protecting Civilians In Darfur Under International Humanitarian Law

The armed conflict in Darfur between Sudanese armed forces, their affiliated militia and various rebels, has inflicted unspeakable consequences upon civilians, their villages, towns, homes and other civilian objects (in particular relief assistance). The international community, including Sudan, has made and is still making various efforts to secure peace and to stop violations of humanitarian principles in Darfur, including the controversial referral of some cases to the ICC and the deployme...

Detection of the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii,in continental sub‑Saharan Africa

Abstract: The spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is an insect pest of soft-skinned fruit, native to Eastern Asia. Since 2008, a world-wide dispersal of D. suzukii is seen, characterized by the establishment of the pest in many Asian, American and European countries. While the potential for invasion of continental Africa by D. suzukii has been predicted, its presence has only been shown for Morocco in Northern Africa. Knowledge about a possible establishment in other parts...

Problems And Prospects Of Entrepreneurship Development in Delta State

1.1      BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The entrepreneur plays a vita role in the process of economic growth and development. Iwu Eze A. [1986] in a paper presented in on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria said that an entrepreneur is a contractor, an organizer of an enterprise for the public, a resourceful person with a dream. Entrepreneurs are bold men and woman who have initiative and the ability to lead, manage and take the consequences. They are men of action, risk takers, missioners...

346 - 360 Of 642 Results