Search Results

Poverty and School Drop out in Naboa Sub-County Budaka District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers ofpoverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Naboa Sub-county, Budaka District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Naboa Sub-county, Budaka District, Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnaires f...

Poverty and School Drop Out in Kambuga Sub-County Kanungu District, Uganda

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the causers of poverty and school drop out of students selected in schools in Kambuga Sub-county, Kanungu District, Uganda. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on school dropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Kambuga Sub-county, Kanungu District, Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionn...

Immune Response to Genetically Diverse Plasmodium Falciparum Gametocytes in Areas of High and Low Malaria Transmission Intensity in Southern Ghana.

ABSTRACT Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes are able to infect the mosquito even at levels below microscopic detection and are responsible for malaria transmission. Gametocytes are exposed to immune pressure from the host and as a result, the host is able to develop antibodies against these gametocytes. However, it has not been determined whether naturally acquired immune response against gametocytes have a direct correlation with the presence of sub-microscopic gametocytes in the peripheral ...


Abstract The main focus of this study was to find out the perception of married people in Sakata State on the causes and patterns of wife battering. The work also examined if sex, length of the marriage and ethnic group have any influence on the perception of the respondents. A total of three hundred and eighty-four (384) married respondents made up of one hundred and eighty-one (181) male and two hundred and three (203) female were involved in the study. The sample was from ten (10) Local Go...

Single Parenthood and Academic Performance Among Secondary School Students A Case Study of Kapchorwa Municipality

Abstract A single parent is one either a man or woman who is living independently with his children without the other partner they have had children or a child with. Single-parent-families are now very common to many societies today particularly Kapchorwa and this may be caused by separation of the parents or divorce and death. This study seeks to investigate the influence of single-parent-families on academic performance of secondary school students in Kapchorwa town council and it was found...

Gender Based Violence And Performance Of Girl Child: A Case Study Of Rubona Fort-Portal Municipality

ABSTRACT The topic of the study was the impact of gender-based violence on the performance of girl child in secondary schools in Rubona Fort-Portal municipality. The study was guided by three specific objectives, which included; identifying the causes of gender-based violence, to establir1~ the effects of gender-based violence, to identify measures that can stop gender-based violence. This research employed both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The findings of the study indic...

Home Environment and Female Learners’ Perform Nce in Secondary Schools in Bor County, Jonglei State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was designed to examine the relationship between female learners’ home environment (such as enrollment by parents on time, unplanned marriage and distribution of household chores among siblings especially between boys and girls) and their performance in school (dropout and promotion rates). The instruments used were researcher own designed questionnaire on home environment and a modified students’ progression data collected from the schools administration for the one hu...

Socio-Cultural and Economic Factors as Determinants of Participation of Females in Part-Time NCE Programmes in South-western Nigeria

ABSTRACT The scraping of the Teachers Grade II certificate programme places great responsibilities on Nigerian Colleges of Education (COEs) in providing manpower with the minimum entry qualification to enter into the teaching profession in the country. The increasing demands for the Nigeria Certificate of Education (NCE) have forced COEs to establish part-time programmes with flexible admission criteria. Despite this, there exists low participation of women in these programmes; a situation p...


ABSTRACT The scraping of the Teachers Grade II certificate programme places great responsibilities on Nigerian Colleges of Education (COEs) in providing manpower with the minimum entry qualification to enter into the teaching profession in the country. The increasing demands for the Nigeria Certificate of Education (NCE) have forced COEs to establish part-time programmes with flexible admission criteria. Despite this, there exists low participation of women in these programmes; a situation p...

Polygamy and Domestic Violence Among Families in Bihanga Subcounty Ntungamo District. Western Uganda

TABLE OF CONTENTSDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTDECLARATIONAPPROVAL.ivLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE •. i1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background ofthe Study i1.2. Statement ofProblem 41.3 Purpose of the study 41.4 Objectives of the study 41.5 Research questions 41.6.2 Content Scope1.6.3Timescope1.7. Significance of the Study sCHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Forms of domestic violence among families 72.2 Causes of domestic violence among families 112.3 The effec...

Factors contributing to school dropout among girls in Tanzania

The study aims to examine the factors contributing to school dropout among girls in Tanzania. Dodoma, Lindi, Pwani and Singida were the case areas of the study, in which, 315 people were selected and various methods of data collection such as in-depth interview, administered questionnaire and focus group discussion were applied. The findings showed that, girls’ dropout is high in both primary and secondary level compared to boys while the factors reported to be contributing to dropout were ...

The Causes Of Girl-Cidld Dropout In Primary Schools In Kangai Sub-County, Dokolo District: A Case Study Of Apewotneki Primary School From 2007-2009

ABSTRACT This study was conducted on the topic. The causes of girl-child drop out in primary schools in Kangai sub-county, Dokolo district with a case study of Apewotneki primary school. The purpose of the study was to establish the cause of girl-child drop out in Apewotneki primary school. The researcher used both the qualitative and quantitative research designs in its inquiry. The participants included girls, boys, teachers and parents. Data collected was presented on descriptive form and...

Parental Separation And Child Upbringing Among Families Of Muyenga,Makindye Division

ABSTRACT The study was set to examine the effect of parental separation and child upbringing in selected families of Muyenga, Makindye division~ The study had three specific objectives 1) to examine the consequences of parental separation on health of children of selected families of Muyenga, Makindye division, ii) to examine the effects of parental separation on education and morals of children of selected families of Muyenga, Makindye division and to examine the relationship between pa...

Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns and Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) production in Enterobactericeae Isolated from Stool Samples of HIV and AIDS Patients in Ibadan, Nigeria

Background and Objectives: Abuse and indiscriminate use of antibiotics, prolong hospital admission, travel history, organ transplants, immunocompromised conditions and age are parts of the factors that contribute to development of antibiotic resistance and intestinal carriage of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamases (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae. These bacteria affect the course and outcome of an infection and continue to pose a challenge to infection management worldwide. This study was carried out ...

Fragmented landscapes affect honey bee colony strength at diverse spatial scales in agroecological landscapes in Kenya

Abstract: Landscape fragmentation and habitat loss at multiple scales directly affect species abundance, diversity, and productivity. There is a paucity of information about the effect of the landscape structure and diversity on honey bee colony strength in Africa. Here, we present new insights into the relationship between landscape metrics such as patch size, shape, connectivity, composition, and configuration and honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony strength characteristics. Remote-sensing-b...

346 - 360 Of 959 Results