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Appraisals of The Laws Governing Refugees in Uganda. A Case Study of Somali Refugees in Kisenyi Surbub, Kampala.

ContentsDEDICATION ..................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR ...................................................................................................... 1iA CKN 0 WLED G EMENT ................................................................................................................. 1i iABSTRACT··································...

Prevalence of Dermatophytosis Among Primary School Children at Wuntin Dada Primary School Bauchi

DERMATOPHYTE are unique of fungi that effect the Keratinous tissues of lower animals and human Dermatophytoses is the medical term for fungal infection of the superficial layer of the skin, nail, hair and scalp.  The prevalence study Dermatophytoses in Wuntin Dada Primary School Bauchi is to determine the prevalence of the diseases, the different clinical types and actual species responsible for the infections.  Out of 950 pupils examined, 105 children were found to be with suspected Dermat...


ABSTRACT Endophytic microorganisms have proven to be potential sources of antimicrobials against recalcitrant pathogens. Extracts of an endophytic fungus, Emericella nidulans  exhibited antibacterial  activity  against  selected  pathogens.  Emericella  nidulans  was  cultivated  in broth and fermented at 28 ± 2°C for 7days and 21 days to obtain bioactive components. Solvents extraction of bioactive compounds from Emericella nidulans in the order of their polarity – n-Hexane, et...

Effect Of Gamma Irradiation On Agricultural Waste-Decomposing And Fermentation Microorganisms In Ghana

ABSTRACT Maize production in Ghana between 1984 and 1990 exceeded 500,000 metric tonnes per year except in 1985 where there was a shortfall to 395,000 metric tonnes. The unfavourable years of drought between 1981-1983 were attended by a sharp decline in maize production ( 140,000-333,200 metric tonnes ). The bulk of the national maize production was contributed by Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Eastern and Northern Regions. Maize husk available after removing cobs was commensurate with the total maize...

Rice Leaf Blast (Pyricularia Oryzae) Cavara Pathogen Distribution, Cultivar Resistance And Yield Loss In Zanzibar

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Rice leaf blast is a rice disease caused by fungus Pyricularia oryzae Cavara. The disease is widely spread in all rice ecological systems in Zanzibar viz; rainfed upland, rainfed lowland and irrigated. In Zanzibar rice is a staple food crop that serves 3.1 millions people but the crop is highly infected with rice leaf blast disease a major producton constraint. A comprehensive survey was conducted in six districts of Zanzibar islands covering three districts in Unguja viz: ...

Efficacy Of Some Medicinal Plants Used In Various Parts Of Kenya In Treating Selected Bacterial And Fungal Pathogens

ABSTRACT Medicinal plants have been used since time immemorial to treat and prevent human ailments. WHO indicates that up to 80% of the world’s population uses traditional medicine. Infections caused by bacteria and fungi have become a major health problem globally accounting for over 50,000 deaths every day. It is estimated that more than 70% of the pathogenic bacteria are resistant to at least one of the antibiotics commonly used to treat them. Conventional drugs are expensive and have s...

Comparative Effect of Steam and Gamma Irradiation Sterilization of Sawdust Compost on the Yield, Nutrient and Shelf-Life of Pleurotus Ostreatus (Jacq.Ex.Fr) Kummer Stored In Two Different Pac

ABSTRACT The conventional method of decontamination of the spawn substrate sorghum and compost of ‗wawa‘ (Triplochiton scleroxylon) sawdust by the use of steam sterilization has attendant problems. In this thesis the possibility of using gamma radiation to decontaminate sorghum based spawn substrate and the compost before cultivation of the fruit bodies was determined as well as its effectiveness on selected nutritional, physical and organoleptic properties of the fruit bodies. A survey w...

Survey Of The Mango Tree Decline Disease, Characterisation Of The Causal Agent And Some Aspects Of The Biocontrol Of The Pathogen In Ghana

ABSTRACT Mango (Mangifera indica L.) production in Ghana has the potential of a being an economically viable venture capable of replacing cocoa as a major export earner. However, the crop is bedeviled by a miscellany of disease of the plant itself as well as the fruits. Recently a disease described as the ‘mango decline disease syndrome’ has been found in Ghana gradually taking a heavy toll of the crop in the field and a survey was carried out to substantiate this and prescribe a remedy. ...

Microbial infections in the twenty first century: a continuous challenge

Abstract/Overview Ever since the first case report of HIV infection approximately twenty years ago, enormous human and material resources have been put in place to assist in the control and management of the scourge. With an increase in number of cases of immunosuppression came an increase in the number of microbial organisms, which were previously unknown. Some, which have existed albeit at an equilibrium with the human immune system and by extension the body’s defence mechanism have f...

Urbanization And Agricultural Production: Implications On Household Food Security Among Rural Communities In Enugu State, Nigeria

CHAPTER ONE  1.0          INTRODUCTION  1.1Background of the study  Urbanization is the increasing number of people that live in urban areas, it predominantly results in physical growth of urban areas be it horizontal or vertical.  Urbanization a closely linked to modernization: industrialization and the sociological process of rationalization (Urban Life, 2012).  Urbanization can be describe as a specific condition at a set time i.e. the proportion of total population or area in ci...

Antimicrobial Activities of Oil Extracts of Piper Guineense and Xylopia Aethiopica on Some Microbial Pathogens of Food

ABSTRACT Oils extracted from the fruits of two Africa spices- Piper guineense and Xylopia aethiopica were evaluated for their antimicrobial activities using Escherichia coli, Salmonella sp, Aspergillus sp, Bacillus cereus, Penicillum commune and Rhizopus stolonifer as test isolates. Well-in-agar, disc diffusion and dilution susceptibility testing methods were used to assay for their antimicrobial properties. For the bacterial isolates the antimicrobial activity of the oils increased with ...


ABSTRACT The microbiological and organic pollutants characteristics of umuosoko stream in ikwuano local government area, Enugu state, Nigeria were carried out. Twenty water samples were collected from four different parts of the river.  The pour plate technique was employed for the isolation of micro-organisms. Colonial morphology, Gram staining and biochemical tests were used for identification and characterization. The statistical analyses used were analysis of variance and standard devia...

Extraction, Isolation, Characterization and Anti- Microbial Activities of Bridelier Ferrugineol Bark Extracts

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page……………………………………………………………………..i Certification………………………………………………………………….ii                    Dedication …………………………………………………………………..iii                    Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………iv Abstract…………………………�...


ABSTRACT The table constructed has a horizontal top with vertical support or legs to raise it from the ground. The aim of the table constructed is for the preservation and storage of useful materials like books, files, computers, result booklets, electronics, office equipments and some vital home equipment etc. However, before the construction of the table, selection of wooden materials were carried out for long and lasting durability of the table. Mahogamy wood was selected for the construc...

The nutritional and chemical constituents of different extracts of Neem leaf (Azdirachta indica) and their effect on the haematology and histopathology of Wistar Albino Rats

                                                       ABSTRACT                                   The nutritional and chemical constituents of different extracts of Neem leaf (Azdirachta indica) and their effect on the haematology and histopathology of Wistar Albino Rats were investigated. The samples analyzed includes processed and unprocessed leaves extract of Neem plant using cold water, hot water, 40% ethanol, 30%  methanol,...

391 - 405 Of 406 Results