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Assessments Of The Maternal Care Knowledge And Practices Of Traditional Birth Attendants In Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) are lay persons who attend to deliveries and concerted efforts have been made to train them. Anecdotal reports suggest that many expectant mothers patronize TBAs in Ibadan. However, there is dearth of information relating to the TBAs’ maternal care knowledge and practices. This study was therefore conducted to assess TBAs’ knowledge and practices relating to maternal care in Ibadan, Oyo State. A cross-sectional survey of 407 out of 608 TBAs who...

Constraints Facing The Micro And Small Enterprises A Case Study Of Selected Small Enterprises In Mwiki, Kasarani

ABSTRACT The essence of this research was to determine the major constraints that influence the development of Micro and Small Enterprises in Mwiki Kasara . During the past two decades a lot of attention has been drawn to the important role that MSEs play in employment creation. The government and other key players have taken positive steps to create an enabling environment to support the creation and existence of MSEs. However the growth and development of this sector has stagnated. Many en...

Socio-Economic Variables and Students Educational Attainments in Selected Secondary Schools in Bungokho Sub-County Mbale District

The overall objective of this report is to study the predicaments of social and economic nature that schools located in Bungokho Mbale. This study was premised on objectives that included; Examination of the hindrances to excellent performance of learners. To investigate the likely causes of the perennial problems in Bungokho Mbale schools. To assess the effectiveness of the remedies so far put in place by relevant education organs to mitigate the problem using a sample of 70 randomly selecte...

Challenges Facing Girl Child Education In An Inclusive Setting, Chepkorio Zone, Keiyo District

1~BsmAcr One of the goals of millennium development goals is to ensure that there is gender parity in access to education. Education for All (EPA) has indeed brought the girl child education to another level where the government of Kenya has laid down strategies aimed at improving girl child enrolment and transition to higher levels. This study therefore looked at the challenges liced by the girl child in pursuit of education. The study was carried out at Chepkorio zone of Keiyo district. I P...

Poverty Alleviation Programme in Kogi State.

ABSTRACT 7 Poverty is general phenomenon in less developed countries including Nigeria. It is a common problem that cannot be easily wiped out but can be alleviated through concerted effort by stake holders. The problem of poverty has brought about low standard of living of people in both rural and urban area that attention of individual, Federal, States and Local Government has been drawn to alleviate it to better the living standard of the rural area. This work was undertaken to look into t...

Genetic profile of African swine fever virus responsible for the 2019 outbreak in northern Malawi.

Abstract: Background: African swine fever (ASF) is an infectious transboundary animal disease which causes high mortality, approaching 100% in domestic pigs and it is currently considered as the most serious constraint to domestic pig industry and food security globally. Despite regular ASF outbreaks within Malawi, few studies have genetically characterized the causative ASF virus (ASFV). This study aimed at genetic characterization of ASFV responsible for the 2019 outbreak in northern Malaw...

The value chain of the edible caterpillar Elaphrodes lactea Gaede (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in the Miombo forest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Abstract: Background: Elaphrodes lactea Gaede is a highly praised edible lepidopteran insect in the Miombo forest in the DRC. Both caterpillars and pupae of this species are consumed. Following recent declines in the Miombo forest, it is crucial to investigate the rate of consumption, biological, and exploitation cycles, as well as the trade and profitability of E. lactea to develop a sustainable program for its use. Methods: We, therefore, embarked on a survey in 10 sites located in Lubumba...

La modulation vue à travers la version anglaise dE LE regard du roi de Camara laye

INTRODUCTION La traduction est et a toujours été » une activité indispensable dans les relations humaines à travers l’histoire de l’humanité au niveau national et international. C’est l’une des tâches les plus dignes d’estime du marché d’échange mondial et universel. Pendant longtemps et par tradition, seulement deux places ont  été assignées à l’activité traduisante. Elle était d’une part une affaire de quelques  professionnels ou de poètes,. D’autre part,...

Stylistic Traits In African Pianism Works Of Three Art Music Composers J. H. Nketia, Akin Euba And Gyimah Labi

ABSTRACT This study seeks to offer a comprehension of African idioms used in composing for the piano. Works analysed have explored the wider possibilities of the seven-tone scale system and the resources of the five-tone scale form. All works analysed are examples of ways in which traditional material may be lifted from its original context and modified to create a completely new piece. The works are deep and meaningful attempts to change African traditional music structure. They demonstrate...

Lack of polymorphism suggests a recent bottleneck of Aloidendron pillansii

Abstract The Karoo-Namib is a species rich region in which many iconic and keystone species are found, such as Aloe pillansii. The recent population history of A.pillansii is poorly understood. However the suggested climatic shifts that occurred throughout the Holocene era may have affected its distribution, demographics and gene flow. The glacial/interglacial refugia hypothesis predicts that the southernmost population served as a refuge population and that the subsequent expansion of the po...

Scenic Design In Ghana: Philosophies And Styles Of Some Designers

ABSTRACT Existing written works in the field of technical theatre have not advanced much as compared to that of dramatic literature in Ghana. A number of researches and publications have been made on Ghanaian theatre and literature, which basically dwell more on the history and development of the Ghanaian Concert Party traditions, the Ghanaian theatre forms, Ghanaian playwrights and various acting troupes or players. However, it appears very little has been said on the technical aspects; the ...


ABSTRACT For sometimes now, it has been observed that some people dwell in tents while others live in thatched mud houses, some yet live in dilapidated concrete buildings while other chose to live in tenements, bungalows, flats and messiness of varied structural strength and aesthetics.  Also, the size of these structures and their construction materials vary greatly and site differences exist. As a result of these observations, the study was on the housing problems and why these discrepanci...


ABSTRACT Abstract is a précised summary of what is actually done in a project; it means that the following information should be there. The topic under the study and the location, the statement of the problem. The research hypothesis also carried out, relevant literature reviewers of the study must be identified. A questionnaire was design with concrete validity and reliability. Relevant data will be collected from the respondents and analyzed accordingly. This research work is a very cruci...


1.1BACKGROUND  Privatization commercialization are issues of our time and it is to the credit of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) that now have this objective as a current economic policy. Together with rationalization of government parastatals and removal of bottlenecks, privatization is the last of four concrete policy measure of SAP yet to be implemented. Other three are:-The second-tier foreign exchange market (SFEM) which on July 2, 1981 was changed to Foreign Exchange Market (...


INTRODUCTION 1.1GENERAL BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY It should be recounted or said that a decision is a choice where by a person forms a conclusion about a station. Ostallo, 1 and Zackind, SS (1963) P=334), confirm that the term decision making, to choice process, choosing one from among several possibilities however decision theory in Costello, TIN (1963,P=387) largely consider decision the process of making a single choice among course of action at a particular point in this depicts a course of...

406 - 420 Of 642 Results