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Leadership Crisis and the Challenges of Ungoverned Spaces in Border Towns of Ogun State: Implications for National Security

This research paper examines the impact of leadership crisis on ungoverned spaces in border towns of Ogun State, Nigeria, and its implications for national security. The study will explore the nature and extent of leadership crisis in these border towns, including the factors that contribute to the emergence and persistence of ungoverned spaces. It will also examine the challenges posed by these ungoverned spaces, including their potential to aggravate conflict, promote criminal activities, a...

Towards National Security and Peace: The Strategic Role of Libraries

This article is aimed at examining the causes of insecurity and violence in Nigeria and around the world. It discusses the active roles libraries play in promoting peace and security in different countries. It highlights the fact that several threats to lives, ranging from terrorism, communal and tribal clashes, kidnapping, pollution, health, physical and environmental hazards, and economic crisis among others, can be curbed through information and intelligence services. Premised on t...

Strategic Thinking an apparatus to deciphering Nigeria's Security Enigma

ABSTRACT  Effective  strategic  thinking  requires  a  clear  understanding  of  one’s  external  environment. Therefore, looking at the Nigerian environment of the 21st century, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the Nights of some African Countries e.g. Ghana, is safer and more secure than the day in Nigeria (over 200 girls were kidnapped in Chibok in April 2014 in broad daylight). It is no news anymore that the state of security in Nigeria is in a deplorable condition...

The potential economic benefits of controlling trypanosomiasis using waterbuck repellent blend in sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract: Trypanosomiasis is a significant productivity-limiting livestock disease in sub-Saharan Africa, contributing to poverty and food insecurity. In this paper, we estimate the potential economic gains from adopting Waterbuck Repellent Blend (WRB). The WRB is a new technology that pushes trypanosomiasis-transmitting tsetse fly away from animals, improving animals’ health and increasing meat and milk productivity. We estimate the benefits of WRB on the production of meat and milk using...

Effects of Mau Forest Evictions on Human Security of the Ogiek Community, Kenya

Abstract Forest communities have had to globally endure evictions, sometimes forceful, due to the need for governments to conserve the environment by protecting forests from negative human actions. The Ogiek are hunters and gatherers and rely mainly on wild fruits, beekeeping, and game hunting as a source of livelihood. Animals, e.g., hyrax, were hunted. The Ogiek's lives and sources of livelihood are highly dependent on the forest. The Ogiek community of Mau Forest, Kenya, is a forest commu...

Archaeology and Social Stability in Nigeria: An Appraisal

Abstract The main focus of this paper is to bring to limelight how archaeological activities/findings are appropriate resources not only for understanding the past, but also for the purpose of adequately informing future plans. Archaeological activities and findings have the ability to provide positive answers to the general social instability in a nation (as being experienced or witnessed in Nigeria in particular and West Africa in general). This research is of the opinion that, the archaeol...

From Farm to Fork: Crickets as Alternative Source of Protein, Minerals, and Vitamins

Abstract: Globally, there is growing interest to integrate cricket-based ingredients (flour) into food products to combat food and nutrition insecurity. However, there is lack of information on in-depth nutrient profile of the two cricket species (Scapsipedus icipe and Gryllus bimaculatus), which are the most widely consumed in Africa. Here we determined the nutrient composition of two cricket species and compared them with published records of key animal and plant sources. Our results revea...

Edible insect value chains in Africa

Abstract: This special issue was organised in the context of the 22nd meeting of the Association of African Insect Scientists (AAIS), in Wad Medani, Sudan in 2017. The aim was to ‘support impactful research that will yield genuine edible insects products and sustain value chains that enhance food and nutritional security and support sustained livelihoods in Africa’. The issue is composed of contributions from the following countries: Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Nigeria,Mali, Burkina Faso, Ca...

Nematode metabolic footprints, ecological and functional indices in tropical maize-beans agro-ecosystems under different farming practices

Abstract Maize and beans contribute significantly to food security in Kenya. Farming practices used in production of these crops may affect nematode community assemblages and influence agricultural productivity. Information on response of nematofauna, particularly free-living nematodes, under various agronomic practices in Kenyan maize-beans intercrop is scarce. This study reports on the effects of farming practices on nematode community dynamics, ecological and functional indices, nematode ...

Adoption of Agroforestry as a Climate Smart Agriculture Practice among Smallholder Farmers in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies help guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security by increasing farmers’ resilience to climate change. Agroforestry has been vouched for as one of the best CSAs because it provides ecosystem services such as water quality enhancement and prevents land degradation. This study sought to establish and document the adoption of agroforestry as a CSA practice a...

Genetic diversity and use of African indigenous vegetables especially slender leaf

Abstract African indigenous (AIVs), and traditional, vegetables play a role in food security. This review examines distribution, use, diversity, and techniques used to study AIVs with special interest on Crotalaria species. Google scholar, PubMed, and the open web were searched for published articles between 1990 and 2020. The AIVs are distributed in almost all African countries but are mostly consumed in East and West Africa. The distribution and genetic diversity of some common AIVs has be...

Micronutrient Availability in Alternative Foods During Agricultural Catastrophes

Several catastrophes could block the sun, including asteroid/comet impact, super volcanic eruption, and nuclear war with the burning of cities (nuclear winter). Previous work has analyzed alternate food supplies (e.g., mushrooms growing on dead trees, bacteria growing on natural gas). This was shown to be technically capable of feeding everyone with macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and lipids) and minerals, although economics and politics remain uncertain. The present work analyzes vit...

Measures for Mitigating the Effects of Climate Change on Crop Production in Nigeria

This paper examined the causes, effects and measures for mitigating climate change to ensure adequate supply of food through crop production to address the food insecurity which has occupied a central focus of the Nigerian economy. Unfortunately, crop production is fraught with many ecological challenges including climate change. This climate change which occurs as a result of the buildup of Green House Gases (GHGs) occasioned by industrialization, technological modeling and agriculture, exer...

Affordable Processing of Edible Orthopterans Provides a Highly Nutritive Source of Food Ingredients

Abstract: Edible orthopterans (grasshoppers, crickets, and locusts) are major delicacies, especially across sub-Saharan Africa. Their promotion as food ingredients is increasingly gaining momentum.This study evaluates the nutritional profiles of three widely consumed orthopterans: Gryllus bimacu latus, Locusta migratoria, and Schistocerca gregaria after blanching and oven-drying. All three species had high protein (65.3, 54.2, and 61.4% on a dry matter (DM) basis for G. bimaculatus, L. migra...

Effects of floods on crop farming: a case study of Budalangi Division, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Floods are extreme weather events that occur when water rises to overflow on land that is not normally submerged. Flood is one the major natural disasters affecting man and his environment in Kenya, floods have been declared a National disaster. Budalangi Division, which lies in the floodplains of rivers Nzoia and Yala experiences floods every year. This has resulted in decline in agricultural production. The inhabitants of the division are threatened by food Insecurity ...

31 - 45 Of 98 Results