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Study of Broadcast Media Campaign on Security Consciousness in Uyo Metropolis

                          ABSTRACT The recent crackdown on terrorism and militancy in the country has raised massive campaign for security consciousness among the masses by broadcast media stations. It is in line with the nation's state of insecurity that it becomes imperative to critically study broadcast media campaign on security consciousness in Uyo metropolis. The residents of Uyo metropolis were sampled using the simple random and cluster sampling techniques to administer 4...


The study examined police in internal security management in Nigeria. The study covered the period of democratic or civil rule. The study made use of both primary and secondary data; the method of data collection was the quantitative data collection technique and the qualitative data collection technique. Content analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the collected data. The results of the study revealed that corruption and terrorism are the dominant cause of insecurity in N...

Climate Variability and Farm Technology Adoption Decisions among Smallholder Farmers in Pangani River Basin

Abstract Climate change is currently a serious threat for agriculture development and food security in sub-Saharan Africa. With the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) climate outlook for the 21st century, the future of maize production in Tanzania remains under threat due to more intense and frequent droughts, and more erratic rainfall patterns. Effective adaptation to these ongoing changes in climatic condition is key to securing food production and livelihoods for millions of ...

Urbanization A Problem To Food Production And Agricultural Development. A Case Study Of Enugu State

ABSTRACT In this research on Urbanization - A problem to Food Production and Agricultural development in Enugu State, effort were made to address issues that are related to the problems, cause, effects, challenges, practice and solutions to the future management as it Concerns man and his environment and his economic system, health security as well as food through agriculture and its related sectors. However, urbanization has been the problem of the world today especially in Enugu State it h...

Physical Contaminants: A Silent Food Safety Risk?

Abstract Whereas biological and chemical food safety contaminants have attracted considerable research attention, little is known about physical food safety contaminants. This study will therefore explore consumer knowledge and experiences of physical food contaminants in ready-to-eat-foods sold on the streets in Ghana. A self-administered questionnaire will be used to collect data from 305 consumers and analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. It is that physical contaminants were mostly present i...

Welfare And Performance Of The Uganda Police Force A Case Study Of Naguru Police Forces Headquartres

ABSTRACT  This study is an assessment of the way welfare can be a motivation factor towards the employees’ performance. The study targeted the Police Forces in Uganda and specifically the Kampala Metropolitan areas. The findings of the study indicate that welfare acts as an inducing factor towards the members of the police force as per their day today performance. The reasons as to why some officers could opt for other professions are that they were somewhat dissatisfied with the forces’...

Isolation and characterization of lactic acid bacteria from locally fermented milk

ABSTRACT Nunu is a spontaneously fermented yoghurt-like milk product consumed as a staple food commodity invirtually all parts of the Country. Its production and consumption gives way to much food security and economic benefits to the rural people. However, the process characteristics result in products which are not appealing to many people, have very short shelf-life and could have food safety concerns. In a framework of research to improve the product quality and increase consumption, a st...


ABSTRACT Security concern have existed since time immemorial. But the challenges has never been as readily manifested as they are presently. This is rather disconcerting. Moreso, because some of the security challenges and problems we encounter daily in the contemporary society are almost entirely unpredictable.  Indeed, rapid growth and use of mechanical arts, applied science, and revolutionary dynamics of society apparently blend well with the desperate nature of the criminally minded to ...

Food Production, Arable Land Size and Population Growth in Uganda from 1990 To 2010

ABSTRACT This study set out to investigate the relationship between food production, arable land and population growth. The objectives of this study were; to examine the relationship between Food Production, Arable Land Size and population growth in Uganda, determine the level of food production in Uganda from 1990 to 2010, and determine the level of arable land size in Uganda from 1990 to 2010, and the level of population growth in Uganda from 1990 to 2010. The study employed a cross-sectio...


CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    Introduction Security on the Internet and on Local Area Networks is now at the forefront of computer network related issues.  The  evolution  of  networking  and  the  Internet,  the  threats   to   information   and   networks   have   risen   dramatically.   Many   of   these   threats   have   become   cleverly    exercised    attacks    causing    damage    or    committing   theft.   The   Internet�...

Network Frames And Their Link To Commitment In Drought Early Warning Information Systems: Evidence From The FEWS NET-KFSSG Anti-Famine Campaign

This study examined the effectiveness of Kenya’s famine early warning information (FEWI) network from 2007 to 2013. The study assessed: presence of collaborative networks (NC), strength of networks (C), organizational commitment (OC), types of information commitments (IC), and perceived impact (PE) by stakeholders at FEWI’s strategy-capacitybuilding-network, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and the coordination-implementer-network, the Kenya Food Security Steering Grou...

Comparative Of Production And Proximate Analysis Of Cake, Bread And Cookies Using Plantain Flour

Background of the study There is increased advocacy on the consumption of functional foods by World human nutrition due to different health problems related with food consumption such as diabetes and coronary heart diseases (WHO/FAO, 2003).  Food professional/industries might face challenges of producing food products containing functional ingredients in order to meet the nutritional requirements of individuals with health challenges. This is because of the effect of added sugar and lipids i...


ABSTRACT The fundamental aim of this project is to emphasize how a system of information network aids the government and police administration in decision taking through a range of statistical data as collected and analyzed in an existing information system. It also airs the different machines used in information processing system to reduce the much engaged manual efforts.  The system design is also introduced where care is taken in the planning system which is very close to the manually pro...

Assessment of Food Safety Knowledge And Practices Among Food Handlers in Restaurant in Nnewi Urban

ABSTRACT The foodborne disease remains a major Public Health problem across the globe. The high incidence of food borne illness has led to an increase in global concern about food safety. The purpose of this was to assess food safety, knowledge and practises among food handlers in restaurants in Nnewi Urban. The researcher utilized a cross sectional descriptive survey design and a convenient sampling method was used to reach one hundred and eighty (180) food handlers from two randomly selecte...

Small Scale Wood Carving Enterprises And Their Contribution To Rural Livelihoods In Wamunyu, Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  At a time of rising food insecurity and high rates of poverty as a result of drought, rural communities have to find alternative means of livelihoods apart from crop and livestock agriculture which are susceptible to drought. Woodcarving is one of the sole most important alternative forms of livelihood in the rural areas. Despite documented potential benefits of high value markets and value addition, wood carved products are majorly produced and marketed locally with or no value ad...

31 - 45 Of 134 Results