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Understanding the Role of Legal Practitioner in Property Acquisition

The role of a legal practitioner in property acquisition can not be over emphasized. The article sheds light on the roles legal practitioner take to ensure a hitch free property acquisition in Nigeria. Real estate is by far one of the thriving and popular investment options not only in recent times but as far back as anyone could remember. This article aims at shedding light on the role legal practitioners take in acquisition of real property. Before you buy or sell a landed property it is im...


Abstract West African countries are wealthy countries with abundance of both human and natural resources. Some of its member countries are leading member of the OPEC countries. Surprisingly poverty in West African countries is at an alarming rate. Most of its countries are categorized as underdeveloped countries with highest rate of corruption in the world. It is characterized by very weak economies and very low growth rates. There is prevalence of abject poverty as a result of poor economic...

Position of the Law and Legal Implication of an Resignation Pending Desciplinary Proceeding

It is common practice for employees to tender their resignation during the pendency of disciplinary proceeding or investigation regarding an infraction on their part, especially in situations where the employee admits guilt of the allegation(s) or is likely to be indicted. To render the resolution and sanctions arising from such exercise nugatory, an employee would hurriedly tender a resignation to avoid a final deliberation to dismiss or terminate the employment in a form that would be detr...


Social cash transfers as a strategy for poverty reduction acquired prominence in Latin America but spread later to the rest of the developing world because earlier poverty reduction strategies did not make many gains. Most studies on cash transfer schemes seem tilted towards evaluating their impacts while neglecting the arguments surrounding their design and operations. As such, this paper reviews some of the debates that engulf social cash transfers as a form of social assistance. The review...

Pro-Poor Tourism in India: Reality or Hyperbole!

Tourism industry has been applauded for being the sunrise industry for its continuous growth and potential to alleviate poverty. India is a country with diverse untapped tourism resources and also, a country that has suffered from persistent poverty. Henceforth, the tourism sector can act as a panacea to the problem of poverty especially in a developing country like India. In the last two decades, a good number of tourism initiatives with a ‘Pro-poor approach’ are launched in India but th...

Nature and Extent of Deviant Behaviour among Secondary Students in Public Schools within Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract The prevalence of fire disasters has become a global phenomenon, especially in public and private premises, particularly secondary schools and other learning institutions. Social decadence has been touted as one of the reasons for rebelliousness among secondary school students, which has in many cases led to the torching of schools. Whereas schools are expected to promote and enhance discipline and moral behaviors, in most instances, schools within Bungoma have experienced forms of ...

Prospects and challenges for incorporating trees into urban infrastructural developments in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Nigeria’s major cities are characterised by huge and growing social and environmental problems, such as air, land and noise pollution; non-conducive local microclimatic conditions; and stressful social and psychological living environments. These result from inadequate, dilapidated and overstretched infrastructure, degraded urban physiognomy, increasing levels of unemployment, crime, insecurity and other social vices. These, in addition to inherent technical and economic constraint...

Socioeconomic burden of trypanosomiasis: Evidence from crop and livestock production in Ethiopia

Abstract: This paper estimates the impact of trypanosomiasis on crop-livestock production, economic loss and poverty in Ethiopia. We use unique panel data to estimate how the disease affects livestock deaths, production costs and crop production. We then use these estimates to evaluate the disease's total economic loss and its implications on poverty in the study districts and the country. Estimates of the fixed effect regression models indicate that trypanosomiasis increases the value of li...

Effect of Financial Capability on Investment Among Financially Included Youth: Case of Nyeri and Kirinyaga Counties, Kenya.

Abstract Financial inclusion has been found to play a critical role in poverty and unemployment reduction through household investments. This has seen countries put concerted efforts towards enhancing financial inclusion with the main objective of reducing poverty and unemployment. Kenya has also put efforts and has seen notable levels of increase of financial inclusion. Majority of the citizens can now access wide range of financial services. Contrary to high levels of financial inclusion i...

Effect Of Financial Capability On Investment Among Financially Included Youth: Case Of Nyeri And Kirinyaga Counties, Kenya

Abstract Financial inclusion has been found to play a critical role in poverty and unemployment reduction through household investments. This has seen countries put concerted efforts towards enhancing financial inclusion with the main objective of reducing poverty and unemployment. Kenya has also put efforts and has seen notable levels of increase of financial inclusion. Majority of the citizens can now access wide range of financial services. Contrary to high levels of financial inclusion i...

Exploring Factors That Influence Consumer Loyalty to Automobile Dealerships in New York

Customer attrition has severe effects on profitability and organizations incur high costs acquiring new customers while existing ones generates more profits. However, when an organization reduces customer quitting by 5%, it raises profits by 2-8% (Khan & Rizwan, 2014). Previous studies gave much attention to factors of customer loyalty such as product quality and customer satisfaction but none have qualitatively explored the factors relative to automobile dealerships businesses in New York Ci...

Our YouthsAre Not Lazy Depreciating Unemployment through Sustainable Development Policies in Nigeria

Despite the global adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Nigeria has made little progress when compared to other countries. Specifically, Nigeria has done little in terms of socioeconomic and political development. This is evident with the low school enrollment of children and the surge of poverty. Many have argued that Nigeria’s low scorecard on development is motivated by incessant conflict and recently, by the tragedy of COVID-19. However, the problem is more the nature o...


The main objective of this study is to study the security challenges in the Gulf of Guinea and the role of the U.S-African command have played in cobbling activities of terrorist groups in the region. This paper tries to explore the great power hegemony of the U.S and other world powers over Africa and the importance of the USA military presence in Africa. It goes further to expose the root causes of poverty in the Niger Delta and poverty as an influencer of terrorism. This paper concludes t...

Make nanotechnology research open-source

Despite being an extremely active area for academic research, publishing and patent applications, nanotechnology development is being hindered by current intellectual property (IP) law. Patenting of basic science and entire classes of nanotechnologies with overly broad claims is leading to higher transaction costs, slower and sub-optimal technical development and the removal of obvious knowledge from the public domain. This effectively hamstrings the current primal nanotechnology development,...

31 - 44 Of 44 Results