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Effect Of Agricultural Performance On Human Development And Households’ Welfare In Kenya

ABSTRACT The performance of agricultural sector in Kenya over the last twenty-five years has not only been declining but low as well. This has been attributed to various factors including; continued erratic weather conditions, high production cost including high prices of fertilizers and high quality seeds, inadequate access to farm inputs and relevant technology, poor implementation of agricultural reforms, policies and programmes, declining prices for primary commodities in the internationa...

The Effects Of Naads Project On The Agricultural Development In Uganda Case Study Apac District

TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents List of tables List of figures Declaration Approval Acknowledgements 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.3.1 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Introduction Background Statement of the problem Purpose of the study' Objective of the study Research questions Scope of the study · Significance of the study Limitation Conceptual framework Chapter one Chapter two: Literature review Introduction Theoretical review ...

Community Participation In Public Policy Implementation In Tanzania A Case Of Agricultural Policy In Morogoro Rural District

ABSTRACT Community participation plays a vital role in the development of a society. This study attempts to assess the extent to which community participation has contributed to the implementation of agricultural policy in Morogoro Rural District. It focuses on the forms and extent of community participation in policy-making concerning agriculture in Morogoro, to further assess the effects of participation towards implementation of these agricultural policies. The main objective of this stud...

Assessing Trade Liberalisation On Food Security In Sub-Saharan Africa (Ssa)

ABSTRACT The primary goal of governments, development partners and Non-Governmental Organisations to end hunger and ensure food security for all by 2030 under the United Nations declaration remains a key policy drive especially for developing countries. This study as a result, examines the effect of trade liberalisation on food security in Sub-Sahara Africa from 1970 to 2014. The study adopts the System General Method of Moments (GMM) econometric technique in investigating the effect of trade...


ABSTRACT The research work on “Increasing Agricultural output through the activities of cooperative societies in Enugu state using Agricultural cooperative in Enugu East Local Government as a case study was carried out to survey the task programmes and policies constituted by government to mobilize peasant farmers into agricultural cooperative and the functional ones more productive as a way of facilitating the attainment of self sufficiency in agricultural output. The constraints that af...

Adoption of multiple climate-smart agricultural practices in the Gangetic plains of Bihar, India.

Abstract: Purpose – The adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices (CSAPs) is important for sustaining Indian agriculture in the face of climate change. Despite considerable effort by both national and international agricultural organizations to promote CSAPs in India, adoption of these practices is low. This study aims to examine the elements that affect the likelihood and intensity of adoption of multiple CSAPs in Bihar, India. Design/methodology/approach – The probability and in...

An Examination Of The Role Of Co-Operative Thrift And Credit Societies In Agricultural Financing. (A Case Study Of Selected Co-Operative Thrift And Credit Societies In Enugu State)

ABSTRACT In Nigeria, agriculture has remained the prime mover of the economy from pass government and individual attention have been focused to significantly  improve the adequacy of the this sector. In this prefect, efforts have been made to examine the role of the co-operative thrift and credit societies in the financing of agriculture in the nation.  As a result of circumstances beyond the control of the researcher, selected co-operative societies in Enugu state has been chosen as a cas...

Flooding and Welfare of Fishers' Households in Lagos State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of flooding on the fishing households' welfare in Lagos State. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire to elicit information from 412 fishers selected through a multistage random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary technique and inferential statistics. Results revealed that rainfall was the dominant climatic factor that had adverse effect on the fishing communities as 81.1% of the respondent...

Nigeria Agrobusiness and Agro Allied Sector: Challenges and Prospects.

 Introduction: Agribusiness & Agro Allied sector in Nigeria has the capacity to become a leading agribusiness and agro-allied industrial nation. Of the 923 million square kilometers in Nigeria, over 90 percent is arable, 40 percent is cultivated, and only 10 percent is properly cultivated. Therefore, Nigeria has significant potential to apply technology in intensifying production across a number of agro products. Nigeria’s ongoing Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA), the flagship prog...


ABSTRACT  This study focuses on rice production in two areas, Weta/Afife and Avatime in the Volta region of Ghana. It compares rice production under two distinct farming systems: one using indigenous seeds under rain-fed agriculture (Avatime); and the other improved seeds under modern irrigation system (Weta/Afife). At Avatime farms are not mechanized, farm sizes are small, farmers do not use modern farm inputs and cultivate indigenous glaberrima rice varieties in addition to some moder...

Effects Of Poor Business Enabling Environments On The Organic Value Chain In Zimbabwe. The Case Of Hwedza Organic Farmers Association

ABSTRACT Agriculture forms the backbone of most African economies and as such it is subject to experimentation in a bid to improve it and gain more from it. The agricultural trajectory has an element of universalism despite its settings and this normally proves consequential to the developing countries as some of the elements that make up its trajectory are not supported by other underlying reasons. It is the element of agricultural universalism that had most African countries adopt the Green...

Contribution of Commercial Bank Towards Development of Agriculture Sector in Nigeria {A Case Study of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc Ilorin}

PROPOSAL This research work is carried out on the contribution of Commercial Bank towards development of Agricultural sector in Nigeria.           The work is the divided in to five chapters each. Dealing with a unique aspect of the study leading to the other looked at the managerial manner. Chapter one deals with the statement of the problem, objective of the study, significant of the study, scope and limitation of the study, Research methodology, plan of the study, Definition o...

Effects Of Climate Variability On Maize Yield In Matungulu West, Machakos County Kenya

ABSTRACT Climate variability is now a reality and its effects continue to affect agriculture especially crop yields. Maize is said to be one of the crops adversely affected by climate variability. It is projected that unless bold steps are taken to reduce the effects of climate variability on crop yields, then the magnitude of its effect shall be enormous. It is based on this uncertainty that this paper was premised to interrogate the effects of climate variability (temperature and precipita...

Gender Analyses of Access to Agriculture Land; Evidence from Wa Municipality, Upper West Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT  When it comes to landownership in Ghana especially in the patrilineal areas such as Northern Ghana, there is a high perception that women do not own land and generally perceived that women are discriminated against in terms of their land rights (Bugri, 2008). This notion affects the productivity of women in Agriculture. Therefore, this study uses gender analyses of access to agriculture land; evidence from Wa Municipality, Upper West Region of Ghana. The research was conducted thr...

The Implications Of Climate Change On Subsistance Crop Production, A Case Study Of Juba County, South Sudan

ABSTRACT Unlike many areas of the world where agricultural producers exhibit the physical, economic and social resources to moderate, or adapt, subsistence agriculture in the Juba County South Sudan is seem to be particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climatic variability. This is in part due to the fact that the majority of the population depends on rain-fed agriculture for their livelihood. J-dapting to climate change in the subsistence agricultural sector is therefore very imperative i...

436 - 450 Of 986 Results