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The Rate Of Infant And Child Mortality Among The Illiterate Communities Of Nebbi District

ABSTRACT ~his research report under the topic “The rate of infant and child Mortality imong the illiterate communities of Nebbi District.” Was aimed at the main bjective of finding out the relationship between illiteracy and child mortality n Nebbi District. It had the specific objective as follows; to find out the causes f child mortality in Nebbi District,to find out the possible solution to the )roblem of the infant and child mortality in Nebbi. The researcher used a ample size of 52 ...


ABSTRACT Perfume extraction refers to the extraction of aromatic compounds from raw materials, using methods such as distillation, solvent extraction, expression or enfleurage. The extracts are either essential oils, absolutes, concretes, or butters, depending on the amount of waxes in the extracted product. Heat, chemical solvents, or exposure to oxygen in the extraction process denature the aromatic compounds, either changing their odour, character or rendering them odourless. In this work ...


ABSTRACT Background and Objectives: People with disabilities have special healthcare needs that usually remain unmet. Studies have identified barriers encountered by people with disabilities in accessing healthcare. This study was aimed at identifying factors that both facilitate and hinder access to healthcare for children with disabilities [with focus on Autism, cerebral palsy (CP) and Down syndrome (DS)] in the Greater Accra region of Ghana. Method: The study employed a cross sectional stu...

Implication of Construction Contract Termination for Infrastructural Development in Ekiti State Local Government Areas, Nigeria

Local Government Areas are the third tier of government in Nigeria and the closest to the people. The Local Government Areas are charged with the responsibility of delivering the dividend of democracy to meet the fundamental needs of the local community through the provision of infrastructural facilities. This study assessed the causes and effects of the termination of construction contracts in the 16 Local Government Areas in Ekiti State, Nigeria. The exploratory research design was employed...

Genotypic Characterization Of Hiv-1 From Patients In Two Regions Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The HIV/AIDS pandemic is still a global health issue despite the many concerted efforts put in by various stakeholders to curtail it. It has become clear however that understanding the epidemiology of the highly variant virus is key in eliminating it. It has been shown that the subtype of infecting HIV-1 plays a crucial role in disease progression among other thing. It is therefore important to continually monitor the circulating HIV-1 subtypes in the population. Equally important, ...

Towards Green Energy Societies; Prospects And Challenges of Solar Energy Driven Development in Zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT Solar energy is gaining momentum because of myriad challenges the world is facing as a result of climate change. Globally various efforts have been muted to ameliorate the effects of climate change among them, the ongoing international engagements under the banner of United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Various outcomes of these engagements include among other outcomes, the embrace of renewable energy to both address the bedeviling energy challenges and to ...

The Perception Of Young Couples On Contraceptive Use In Tanzania: A Case Of Siha District

ABSTRACT The study focused on Perception of Young Couples on Contraceptives Use in Siha District. The use of contraceptive methods is a key constituent of health services and it benefits the health and wellbeing of women, men, children, families, and their communities. The widespread adoption of family planning represents one of the most dramatic changes of the 20th century. This study guided by three specific objectives which are to examine awareness and attitudes on young couples about con...

An Analysis Of The Challenges And Prospects Of Convert To Islam In The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT Ghana is not only a secular state that promotes freedom of religion and association but also a pluralistic religious society. As such, conversion from one religion to the other is a common phenomenon. Converts to Islam in the Greater Accra region are very important to the development of the faith. Unfortunately, they are confronted with some challenges but there appears to be no concerted efforts from the Muslim Community to ameliorate the plight of these converts. The research att...

An Evaluative Study Of Inland Water Transport Development In Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This is an evaluative study of Inland Waterway Transport Development in Nigeria. Three sets of 5 point Likert Scale questionnaire were crafted for the study for the following categories of respondents; National Inland Water Authority (NIWA) Staff, Ferry Operators and the Inhabitants respectively. Five research questions and five hypotheses were also formed for the study. Data collected were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean procedure and One-way Anov...

Prevalence Of Tuberculosis In Cattle In The Dangme- West District: Public Health Implications.

ABSTRACT It has been documented that in developing countries, bovine infected with Mycobacterium bovis constitute a significant reservoir for human tuberculosis and unless bovine milk is pasteurized, consumption o f it can lead to the spread of gastrointestinal tuberculosis in humans.The Ghana Government through its peri-urban daiiy cattle development project, is encouraging the use o f milk and dairy products from local cows in selected districts o f the country, including the Dangme W est D...

Effects Of Job Evaluation On Employee Performance In The Public Sector In Kenya: A Case Of The Department Of Immigration

ABSTRACT The study on job evaluation and employee performance in the public sector set out to investigate process its contribution to employee output in the public sector. The study is anchored on the assumption that employee evaluation determines the level of pay and therefore motivation to increase performance as the next period of evaluation approaches. The study aimed to investigate the EFFECT of job evaluation on employee output. It further investigated the pact of job evaluation on...

Healthcare Branding and Consumer Patronage in Ghana

ABSTRACT Healthcare is a very personalized and important service that is globally used which considerably affects economies and the quality of daily lives. In most parts of the world and Ghana, healthcare is experiencing unprecedented growth with changing cost structures and healthcare laws are also evolving. As a corollary, healthcare providers are experiencing increased competitive pressures providing consumers with a lot of options and making them active decision makers in their healthcar...

Effect Of Sequential Planting On Occurrence And Population Dynamics Of Sweet Potato Weevils On Selected Varieties In Central Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is one of the most important food crops in Africa and the world that is in Tanzania produced in largest quantities in the central Regions where, however, yields are very low due to abiotic and biotic constraints. One of the most serious biotic constraints is the sweet potato weevil, an insect whose cryptic feeding nature of the very destructive larval stages makes chemical control often not effective. A survey was conducted in two Dist...

Selected Socio-economic Factors Influencing Access To Agricultural Extension Services Among Pastoralists In Wajir County, Kenya

Agricultural extension services play an important role in boosting agricultural productivity worldwide. Despite concerted efforts by pastoralists in Wajir County to access agriculturalextension services delivered by agricultural public service providers, Non-Governmental  Organizations (NGOs) and private extension agents, the access to these services is inadequate. This has led to low levels of agricultural productivity, ultimately leading to high levels of poverty and food insecurity in...

Adoption Of Assisted Reproductive Technologies And Sahiwal Cattle Breed And Their Impact On Household Farm Income In Narok And Kajiado Counties Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Livestock production in Semi-Arid Lands (SALs) of Kenya has continued to decline over the past decade, thereby threating the livelihood of pastoralists. In the recent past, there have been concerted efforts by the Government to supply more hardy cattle breeds with ability to produce enough meat and milk for pastoral communities. Despite introduction of high perfoming breeds such as Sahiwal, the dissemination of this genetic material among the pastoralists remain low. Whereas pastora...

451 - 465 Of 654 Results