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Farm Size And Agricultural Productivity Across Maize Cropping Systems In Maize Producing Districts In Tanzania Mainland

ABSTRACT The evidence over a negative relationship between farm size and productivity in large global literature is largely dependent on a narrow range of farm sizes excluding medium and large scale farms. This study was carried out to determine the relationship between farm size and agricultural productivity over a wider range of farm sizes across maize cropping systems in maize producing districts of Tanzania Mainland. Specifically, the study attempts to: (i) estimate the farmers‟ total f...

Analysis Of Sustainable Agricultural Resource Use In Nigeria: An Ecological Footprint Approach

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study was to analyse sustainable agricultural resource use in Nigeria using the Ecological Footprint Approach. The specific objectives included to; estimate the global emergy and emergy density, determine the ecological footprint per capita, analyse the per capita bio-capacity, and ascertain the level of agricultural resource use, sustainability status and resource substitution in Nigeria. The total land area, population and thematic data of the country ...

Analysis Of Sustainable Agricultural Resource Use In Nigeria: An Ecological Footprint Approach

ABSTRACT The broad objective of this study was to analyse sustainable agricultural resource use in Nigeria using the Ecological Footprint Approach. The specific objectives included to; estimate the global emergy and emergy density, determine the ecological footprint per capita, analyse the per capita bio-capacity, and ascertain the level of agricultural resource use, sustainability status and resource substitution in Nigeria. The total land area, population and thematic data of the country w...

Supply Chain Analysis For Agricultural Inputs In Tanzania: A Case Of Subsidized Fertilizer In The Southern Highlands

ABSTRACT The major objective of this research was to analyze supply chain of agricultural inputs in Tanzania using the subsidized fertilizer in the Southern highlands as a case study. It specifically sought to describe the subsidy fertilizer supply chain in the Southern highland zone with a view of identifying key stakeholders in the system and their linkages. The study further, aimed at examining the fertilizer consumption levels and the impact of fertilizer subsidy programme on maize produ...

Econometric Modelling of The Effects of Intersectoral Labor Mobility on Deforestation in Ghana, 1970-99.

ABSTRACT The study analyses the effects of intersectoral labour mobility between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors on deforestation in Ghana. It is based on annual time series data covering the period 1970—99. The study describes the basic determinants of intersectoral labour mobility and deforestation and estimates the magnitudes o f the effects of their determinants in Ghana. The empirical results show that the effects of intersectoral labour mobility between agricultural and non...

Assessment Of Coastal Ecosystems In The Greater Cape Three Points Area Towards Its Designation As Marine Protected Area In Ghana

ABSTRACT Coastal ecosystems sustain local and national fisheries livelihoods through a range of ecosystem services (ES) they provide. Five of these coastal ecosystems, located in two communities within the Greater Cape Three Points (GCTP) area—Princess Town (PT) and Cape Three Points (C3P)—were assessed to develop a scheme for establishing Marine Protected Area (MPA). To conduct an integrated assessment, the study employed the Community Participatory Mapping and Assessment of ecosystems a...


Presently, Nigeria is among the nations that are technically unable to meet their food supply needs from rain-fed production at a low level of inputs and appear likely to remain so even at intermediate levels of inputs at some point’s time between 2000 and 2025 (FAO 2002). For the rural areas of semi-arid Northern Nigeria, which experiences significant climatic and anthropogenic changes that have exacerbated food insecurity in the region, floodplain agriculture is critical to the survival...

Implications Of Conservation Agroforestry On Carbon Sequestration, Soil Fertility And Costs In The Drylands Of Machakos County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenya’s drylands constitutes about 80% of the country’s size. These drylands are prone to relatively high vegetation and general environmental degradation; translating to changes in soil physical and chemical properties. Conservation agriculture with trees presents an opportunity to reduce vegetation and soil degradation thereby enhancing soil characteristics and carbon sequestration, which is an important component of redressing dryland problems associated with greenhouse gases...

An Empirical Analysis On The Impact Of Oil And Non-Oil Exports On Nigeria’s Economy (1981-2012)

Abstract           This research focuses on the impact of oil and non-oil exports on Nigeria’s economy from 1981 to 2012. Data on gross domestic product, oil export and non-oil export were used. The ordinary least square (OLS) was used to estimate the parameters. The research results from econometrics analysis revealed that oil and non-oil exports have significant impact on Nigeria’s economy. The unit root test was conducted using the Augmented Dickey- Fuller and Phillip Perron unit...

Climate Change Adaptation Strategies For Sustained Maize Crop Production Among Small-Holder Farmers In Balaka District, Malawi

ABSTRACT Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy in Malawi and accounts for more than 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 90% of the export revenues. Maize is the major cereal crop grown as staple food under rain-fed conditions, covers over 80% of the total agricultural area, and contributes 54% of the caloric intake. Maize production is the principle occupation and major source of income for over 85% of the total population in Malawi. Hunger and food insecurity for the entire nati...


ABSTRACT West African rainfall variability plays an essential role in the economies of West African countries it has a major influence on industrial and agricultural production, which is largely, weather dependent. This plays an important role in food security and water availability. This work focuses on the West African Monsoon (WAM) jump and its implication for rain-fed agriculture in the Transition and Coastal Savannah agro-ecological zones of Ghana. In this study, the seasonal rainfall va...

National Cocoa Research Institute Akure Msc(Arch) Design Research Report

PREFACE Research as this thesis is concerned and to other areas in particular, plays a very important role in improvement in all facts of life. Improvements in industry, communication, education and other aspects of science even in agriculture. Started largely from research. For instance the exploitation of minerals both in the sea, the earth’s crust and moon even other outer space exploration could not have been possible without research. Before Nigeria started prospecting oil for commerci...


ABSTRACT The object of this study is to determine the vital role played by commercial banks in Agricultural financing in Enugu State which has been a major handicap to agricultural development today. The study arose from the fact the guest to achieve self sufficiency in food production which is the greatest and highest priority area facing most of the world’s people today. Apart from the role of oil economy today, agriculture still remains the major stay of the Nigeria Economy as it provide...

Factors Influencing Women's Participation in Agricultural Production: Evidence From Small Scale Farmers In Ekiti State, Nigeria

 ABSTRACT The project examines factors influencing women's participation m agricultural production: evidence from small-scale farmers in Ekiti state, Nigeria. This project provides evidence that women play a significant role in agriculture through their influential participation. Multistage sampling technique was used for the selection of the 100 respondents used for this project through the help of Agricultural Development Programme Offices in Ado, Ikere and Ikole in Ekiti State. Both the p...


This study examined the economic relationship between agricultural productivity and institutional agricultural credit in Nigeria. The two institutionalized credit sources are the commercial bank loans which were proxy as the private sector credit and the government owned Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS) proxy as the public sector credit while the  agriculture’s contribution to GDP was proxy as agricultural productivity. To estimate these dynamics, three different ARDL  mode...

466 - 480 Of 986 Results