Search Results

The Impact of Premarital Counselling on Marital Adjustment Among Christian Couples in the Cape Coast Metropolis

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of premarital counselling on adjustment among Christian couples in the Cape Coast Metropolis. A case study was used as the design for the study. Convenience sampling procedure was used to select the three churches from the metropolis. A structured questionnaire was used to collect the data for the study. Using Tabacknik & Fidell (1996) procedure for sample size determination, a sample size of 300 Christian couples were selected ...

An Investigation Into The Challenges Faced By Teachers In Implementing The Language Policy In Early Childhood Education In Areas Of Diverse Backgrounds: The Case Of Gweru Urban

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate challenges facing teachers in implementing the mother tongue as a medium of instruction in Gweru urban primary schools which enrol learners from diverse language backgrounds. The objectives of the study were to solicit challenges facing teachers in implementing the mother tongue policy and to find out the measures that have been taken to enhance implementation of the language policy. The research study was confined to Muwunga cluster in Gw...

Performance Of Women In Adult Education: A Case Of Intergrated Community Based Adult Education (Icbae) Programme In Morogoro Rural District

ABSTRACT Generally the study aimed to examine the factors which contributed to low performance in Adult Education Literacy Programmes (AELPs) among women in Morogoro Rural District. The specific objectives of the study were; (i) to find out whether formal education prior to joining literacy programmes influenced women’s performance in literacy programmes; (ii) to Examine, whether the literacy programmes were relevant to women’s socio-economic pursuits; (iii) to Investigate the community ...

Commmunity Responsibilities In Supporting Orphans In Chamwino District, Mvumi Misheni Ward: A Case Of Mvumi Misheni Village

ABSTRACT  The study on community responsibilities in supporting orphans was conducted at Chamwino District Mvumi misheni village. The study „s aim generally was to assess the community responsibilities in supporting orphans. It intended specifically to examine the systems used by the community to support orphans, and determine types of support provided to orphans by the community as well as identify the roles of the community in supporting them. It has also used a sample of 90 respondents ...


ABSTRACT This dissertation looks at the beliefs and practices on death and the hereafter from the cultural context of the Dagaaba in northwestern Ghana and how these concepts helped them to be fully engaged in the ‘here and now’ because they were motivated to do their optimum. The Dagaaba, perceive life, death and the hereafter, as being solemnized and is socially, morally, religiously and materially integrated in the community. Therefore, beliefs and practices on death and the hereafter ...

Female Occupation And Fertility In Ghana, 2008

ABSTRACT Female occupation is very crucial in this contemporary era where there exist several advocacy groups calling for involvement of women in decision making at all levels and particularly at the time where economic hardship has considerably reduced men’s ability to take on the breadwinner’s role. The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between female occupation and fertility in Ghana. The levels of fertility for the various categories of occupation are derived t...

The Challenge Faced On The Education Of Girl Child In Uganda At Secondary School Level. A Case Study Of Butaleja District In Eastern Uganda.

ABSTRACT.The purpose of the study was to find out the challenges facing girl child education in the selectedschools in Butaleja district in the Eastern part of Uganda. The objectives of the study weredivided into general and specific and among these included identifying the impact of educationfor a girl child in Butaleja district and investigating the possible measures that can be put in placeto eradicate challenges facing girl child education. The literature review was done throughreading te...


TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle page i Certification iiDedication iiiAcknowledgement ivTable of Contents viList of Tables xAbstract xiiCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION Background to the Study 1Statement of the Problem 9Research Questions 13Research Hypotheses 13Purpose of the Study 14Significance of the Study 14Operational Definitions of Terms 15Scope of the Study 16 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATUREPreamble 17 Concept of Violence 17Concept of Domestic Violence 20Predictors of Domestic Violence amon...


ABSTRACT The study was to assess the impact of recreational activities on child delinquency at the Cape Coast Football for Hope Centre. Descriptive survey design and questionnaire was used to collect data from 140 respondents at the Football for Hope Centre. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and simple percentages based on research questions. Results revealed that neglect, poverty and abuse were the major causes of streetism in Cape Coast. Also, the major rea...

Domestic Violence and Family Stability in Soroti District A Case Study of Soroti Sub County

The research was carried out in Oderai parish Soroti sub county, Soroti District. The study was about the domestic violence and stability of families, a case study of Soroti Sub County. The objectives of the study were to find out the forms of domestic violence, to identify the major causes of domestic violence and to find out the measures for preventing domestic violence to create stable families. The methods used in data collection were structured administered questionnaire and interview gu...

Pathogenic Escherichia coli and food handlers in luxury hotels in Nairobi, Kenya

Abstract Background: The epidemiology and virulence properties of pathogenic Escherichia coli among food handlers in tourist destination hotels in Kenya are largely uncharacterized. Method: This cross-sectional study among consenting 885 food handlers working in nine luxurious tourist hotels in Nairobi, Kenya determined the epidemiology, virulence properties, antibiotics susceptibility profiles and conjugation abilities of pathogenic Escherichia coli. Result: Pathogenic Escherichia coli was ...

Children's Denial Of The Right To Education And Its Effect In Socio-Economic Development A Case Study Of Bamunanika Sub-County Luwero District

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ......................................................................................... i APPROVAL. ............................................................................................ ii DEDICATION .......................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................

Causes of High Girl-Child Dropout of Schools in Mayuge Town Council, Ma Yuge District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate on the factors contributing to high girl-child dropout of schools in la:,ruge town council schools, l.1ayuge District. The subjects involved in this study were teachers, students, opinion leaders and employees of non-government organization working in Mayuge town council. The data was collected using several methods that included oral interview and questionnaires, hich were given to the respondents. The findings indicated that most female st...

Prevalence And Correlates Of Intestinal Parasites Among Patients Admitted To Mirembe National Mental Health Hospital, Dodoma, Tanzania

Background. Neglected tropical diseases continue to be one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the developing world. Psychiatric patients are among groups at risk for parasitic infection although control and monitoring programs largely overlook this population. This study aimed at determining prevalence and factors associated with intestinal parasitic infection among patients admitted to a psychiatric facility. Method. The study followed cross-sectional design; all the residin...

Prevalence And Knowledge Assessment Of Obstetric Fistula Among Women Accessing Obstetric Care At Gambo Sawaba General Hospital Zaria

ABSTRACT Background: Obstetric fistula is a breach in the birth duct by means of undue labor without appropriate and prone health aid. It is an obstructed labor lacking well-timed health interference, usually caesarean section. This is a condition where the baby always dies during labor. In the condition the woman concern is generally left with internal wound that leaves her leaking urine and waste. Objectives: The aim and objective is to assess the factors responsible for obstetric fistula...

481 - 495 Of 959 Results