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Gender Dynamics In The Access To And Control Of Benefits Accrued From Tea Farming In Kiganjo Division, Gatundu District

ABSTRACT: Agriculture is the cornerstone of Kenya’s economy with most households depending on it for food and livelihood. Women provide the largest share of agricultural labour in many households. Despite the important role that women play, they are discriminated in the area of access to and control over the agricultural benefits. In agriculture, tea farming was the main foreign exchange earner in the year 2011. But despite the important role tea farming plays in Kenya, there are gender ine...

Risk Analysis of Water Quality in Aquaculture. A case study of Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State, Nigeria

Agricultural products were among the primary export commodities together with petroleum products during the pre-independence era which made the Nigerian economy fairly stable then, contributing about 95% of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP). After independence, there has been a steady and consistent decline in the value of agricultural products such that as at year 2002, it was estimated to be 32% of the nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) which shows that economic growth in Nigeria ...

Adoption of Agroforestry as a Climate Smart Agriculture Practice among Smallholder Farmers in Kakamega County, Kenya

Abstract Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies help guide actions needed to transform and reorient agricultural systems to effectively support development and ensure food security by increasing farmers’ resilience to climate change. Agroforestry has been vouched for as one of the best CSAs because it provides ecosystem services such as water quality enhancement and prevents land degradation. This study sought to establish and document the adoption of agroforestry as a CSA practice a...

Assessing the Loan Repayment Position Among Agricultural Borrowers from Financial Institutions in Uganda: A Case Of Gulu and Pader District

ABSTRACT The Ugandan economy like most other developing countries has survived upon credit, grants and donations among other things. Credit in Uganda has been extended to business practitioners through commercial banks, non Bank financial intermediaries and non Governmental organizations. However it is believed that there is a rate of default in repayment of borrowed funds from financial institutions and especially so in the agricultural sector. The Main Objective of the study therefore sets ...


Abstract: This study was intended to assess the use of mobile phone to access and utilize information in wheat production in Burie District. The specific objectives of the study were to assess the use of mobile phone, factors determining the use of mobile phone; and challenges and opportunities of mobile phone use to access and utilize information in wheat production. Four kebeles were selected purposively for their wheat production potential. Simple random sampling technique (lottery method...

Factors Influencing Research –Extension – Farmer Linkages In Tanzania: A Case Of The Western Agricultural Research Zone

ABSTRACT Research and extension must collaborate effectively through research - extension –farmer linkages in order to bring increased agricultural productivity, income and reduction of rural poverty. However, these linkages have been reported to be weak. This study examined factors influencing research – extension – farmer linkages in the Western Agricultural Research Zone of Tanzania. It focused on four districts in the zone namely Kasulu and Kigoma in Kigoma Region and Urambo and Uyu...

Agriculture And Economic Growth In Somalia (1.999-201.1)

The study focused on Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia (1991-2011) Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Agriculture in Somalia (1999-2011, to establish the trend of Economic growth of Somalia (1999-2011), to investigate the effect Agriculture on Economic growth in Somalia (1999-2011). The hypothesis of the study was there is no significant relationship between Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia time series analysis such as Correlation analysis, regression analysis m...

Agriculture and Economic Growth in Somalia (1999-2011)

ABSTRACT The study focused on Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia (1991-2011) Its objectives were; to establish the trend of Agriculture in Somalia (1999-2011, to estabiish the trend of Economic growth of Somalia (1999-2011), to investigate the effect Agriculture on Economic growth in Somalia (1999-2011). The hypothesis of the study was there is no significant relationship between Agriculture and economic growth in Somalia time series analysis such as Correlation analysis, regression a...


ABSTRACT This research work aimed at assessing how fish is handled after being harvested and how poor handling can translate to losses in the selected study are of Namasale landing site on Lake Kyoga in Amolatar district, Uganda. The study used as structured questionnaire to answer research questions, and achieve the aims of the research Chapter one includes the introduction of the study and the case study, why the research was carried out, the objectives of the study, the research questions,...

Farmer Innovations, Improved Agricultural Technologies And Productivity Heterogeneity Of Rice Production In Ghana

ABSTRACT  In recent times, rice production can be said to be receiving some attention in Ghana. This notwithstanding, there are still wide variations in rice yield across regions due to differences in production systems and technologies. This study analyses rice productivity heterogeneity among agro-ecological zones and draws policy implications for the adoption of farmer innovation systems (FISs) and improved agricultural technologies (IATs) to enhance yield in Ghana. The study used primary...


ABSTRACT This study aims to examine analysis of agricultural financing in Nigeria (A study of Umuchinmere Procredit and First Bank PLC, Enugu).  It is believed that generalization will be made on the entire nation based on the results arrived at in the research.  The project is divided into five (5) chapter to enhance understanding and convenience.  In chapter one, an introduction of the study was made.  The statement of the problems were enumerated which includes lack of credit facilitie...

Impacts Of Expansion Of Agriculture And Land Use Change On Flow Regime Of Thiba River, Kenya

ABSTRACT Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used to model the impacts of land cover changes on stream flow regime in the Thiba River basin a sub-catchment of Tana River Basin covering a surface area of 1648 km2 in central region of Kenya. The basin is characterized by intensive agricultural activities including the largest rice irrigation scheme in Kenya. A study was undertaken to test the capability of the model in predicting stream flow response under changing land use conditions in ...

Impacts of expansion of agriculture and land use change on flow regime of Thiba river, Kenya

Abstract: Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was used to model the impacts of land cover changes on stream flow regime in the Thiba River basin a sub-catchment of Tana River Basin covering a surface area of 1648 km2 in central region of Kenya. The basin is characterized by intensive agricultural activities including the largest rice irrigation scheme in Kenya. A study was undertaken to test the capability of the model in predicting stream flow response under changing land use conditions i...

Analysis Of Determinants Of Dividend Payout By Agricultural Firms Listed On The Nairobi Security Exchange.

ABSTRACT Agriculture has been a major source of the country’s food security and a stimulant to offfarm employment but agricultural production is on decline. Most firms in the agricultural sector have not lived to their expectations and have led to shareholder apathy thereby contributing to the decline of the rural economy due essentially to unstable and low dividend payout. The dividend policy is one of the most debated topics in finance literature. One of the different lines of resear...

Effects of Contract Farming Scheme on Cassava Production Enterprise in Oyo State, Nigeria

Abstract     There are indications that the domestic demand for cassava particularly as staple food may in no time outweigh that of the industrial sector, except contract and non-contract farming entrepreneurs operate within the framework of sustainable agriculture. The study thus examines the effects of contract farming scheme on cassava production in Oyo State, Nigeria. Multistage sampling technique was used. Oyo and Ibadan/Ibarapa zones were randomly selected from the four Agricultura...

526 - 540 Of 986 Results