Search Results

Boko Haram Insurgency, Forced Migration and National Security in Nigeria

This research examined the activities of the Boko Haram sect and how it has impeded the national security, economic, political and social matrix of the Nigerian polity. The research argued that the insurgence of the sect would continually be a national security challenge in-spite of the marginal lip-service of the government to curb the heinous activity. The research relied more on secondary data-journals, magazines newspapers internet and the theoretical framework is frustration aggression a...

An Analysis of Human Trafficking as an Emerging Threat to Human Security, “Case of Zimbabwean Women to Kuwait: 2010-2016”

Abstract The research investigated human trafficking as an emerging threat to human security with a special focus on the trafficking of Zimbabwe women to Kuwait between 2010 and 2016. The research was guided by the following objectives: to analyse human trafficking as an emerging human security threat with specific focus on the trafficking of Zimbabwean women to Kuwait during the period 2010-2016, to examine the dynamics surrounding the challenges encountered in curbing human trafficking as ...

The Military In The Promotion Of Human Security In Conflict Situations: The Case Of Uganda People’s Defense Force In Gulu District.

ABSTRACTiman insecurity is one of the problems facing civilians in conflict affected regions besides physicalcurity. Various organizations and actors intervene in such circumstances by carrying out varioustivities to try and promote this situation among the affected people. In spite of such interventions, muchstill desired. from the actors in terms of freeing people from the fear and contributions made by the military has however never been appreciated in as much as they try tovolve t...


ABSTRACT Information Communication Technology (ICT) refers to several forms of information exchange between two or more devices like computers, mobile PDAs and hi-tech devices through which any of the several methods of interconnection, principally through the Internet can be initiated to perform a defined task. These technologies provide speedy, inexpensive, secure and convenient means of communication.  Therefore, in developing countries Nigeria precisely, the impact of ICT in the maritime...


TABLE OF CONTENTSTitle Page- - -Approval page- -Certification- -Dedication - -Acknowledgement - Table of contents-List of figures- List of tables- -Abstract- - -CHAPTER ONE- - - - - - - -i- - - - - - - -ii- - - - - - - -iii- - - - - - - -iv- - - - - - - -v- - - - - - - -vi- - - - - - - -x- - - - - - - -xi- - - - - - - -xii1.0 INTRODUCTION- - - - - - - - -11.1 Statement of problem- - - - - - - -51.2 Objective of the study - - - - - - -51.3 Definition of terms/variables- - - - - - -6CHAPTER TWO...


 INTRODUCTION Linden (2000) remarks that for decades ago, cities such as Lagos city and Cairo were relatively attractive places to live, with little traffic along their spacious cleaning swept boulevards. Mijah(2003) claimed Kaduna was a decade back, now Kaduna metropolitan have quadrupled and theirquality   of   life   greatly   degenerated.   The   implication   include   high   rate   of   diseases   due   tounsanitary   conditions,   social   problems   ...

Evaluation of Food safety hazards and control in selected fast foods outlets in Ifo Local Government Area, Ogun State

Although the safety of foods served in fast-foods in Nigeria has been an ongoing concern, the unhygienic environments where some fast-foods are located contribute to transmission of foodborne diseases. Health experts in Nigeria have said that the shortage of water may affect the success of any safety campaigns. According to the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) for water and sanitation (WHO/UNICEF, 2013), only 58 percent of the country’s 160 million people have access to potable wat...


ABSTRACTIn the up to date electronic planet, authentication of an individual is a vital assignment in numerous territories of everyday existence. Smart Cards are secure compact space gadgets utilized for a few requisitions specifically security identified ones including access to framework's database either connected or disconnected from the net. Smartcard are regularly “secure” movable units. It is an elevated amount outline system for installed informative data frameworks. Normally a sm...

The Design and Implementation of Health Zone.

ABSTRACT Living as a human being, health is taken as a priority everywhere you go to. As the famous saying goes “Health is Wealth”. Some people are wealthy but are not healthy. A person can encounter any illness at any time. A person cannot say that him/her is over having a certain illness because, when it comes you cannot take it back. People are suffering from different kind of diseases all over the world. But in this case the problem is not only the disease but knowing about the diet a...

The Relevance Of Agroforestry Practices In Kalungu Sub County, Masaka District, Central Uganda

ABSTRACT Agroforestry practices and technologies have been developed as one way of solving the problems of land and forest degradation and the resultant problems of poverty and food insecurity in the rural areas of most developing countries, Uganda inclusive. This dissertation was an effort which was undertaken to assess the importance of Agroforestry practices and technologies in Kalungu sub county, Masaka District, Central Uganda and their contribution towards improving the welfare and liv...

Enhancing Security Of Mpesa Transactions By Use Of Voice Biometrics

The main objective of this project is to improve the MPESA authentication process through the incorporation of a voice biometric functionality that enables the remote control of the individual MPESA accounts by MPESA subscribers with higher efficiency, accuracy and a higher level of authentication. The voice biometric is a state of the art technology that factors in authentication with better usability with the aim of combating fraud, self-service empowerment and cost savings through proper u...

Boko haram and Development of Northeast Nigeria (Focus on Yobe State)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the StudyConflict is very often, the result of the interaction of political, economic and social instability,frequently   stemming   from   bad   governance,   failed   economic   policies   and   inappropriatedevelopment programmes which have exacerbated ethnic or religious difference (EC, 1996). The upsurge of terrorism engineered by Boko Haram poses grave security challenges to thenation and summons on the part of the law and sec...


Securing a network wired or wireless for network administrator has been a big challenges for network administrators in the present day of Internet usage. This project presents ECDSA Cryptosystem as a solution to the problem been faced by network administrators and Engineers. The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is the elliptic curve analogue of the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) with the attractiveness that there is no sub exponential algorithm known to solve the elliptic...

The Assessment Of The Implications Of Climate Change On Agricultural Production And Food Security: Case Study Of Katrile Sub County, Kaabong District, Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION DEDICATION ii APPROVAL iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF ACRONYMS xi CHAPTER ONE 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introductions 1 1.2 Background of the study 2 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT 3 1.4 GENERAL OBJECTIVE 3 1.5 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 4 1.6 Research questions 4 1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 4 CHAPTER TWO 6 LITERATURE REVIEW 6 2.0 Literature Review 6 2.1 Climate Change in Perspective 6 2.2 Adaptation strategies towards the impacts of climate change 6 2.3 Agriculture and food secur...

Improving Customer Satisfaction at Mahorgany Health Foods Ltd

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mahorgany Health Foods Ltd is an organic health food store and restaurant that specializes in freshly made vegan foods, with strengths such as cleanliness and good presentation, a convenient location, and considering culture in meal design. However, the management of Mahorgany, in an interview, noted issues with the level of customer satisfaction, mainly caused by long serving time. Data collection during needs assessment was by interviews and observation. Managers, employee...

46 - 60 Of 134 Results