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ABSTRACT Having a child is an essential part of every marriage especially in a typical Ghanaian society where children are required for the continuity of lineage. Child adoption provides an alternative for having children and can be used to meet the needs of women who are unable to produce their own children. The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing child adoption among women with infertility in the Bawku Municipality. The study was a qualitative research with an explo...

Customary Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Among South Sudanese Commmunities: A Case Study Of Dinka Bor.

Abstract This study was carried out in order to assess the effectiveness and problems associated with the use of customary dispute resolution mechanisms among the Dinka Bor of South Sudan. It was carried out in the three counties of Bor, Twic East and Duk that make up what is called Greater Bor area in Jonglei State, South Sudan. Data was collected using interviews and questionnaires with a sample of sixty adult respondents. Secondary sources of obtaining information about customary law of th...


CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDYThe aims of producer or marketer is to maximize profit, attain reasonable growth have more market share and to be compete favourable with competition in the market The above mentioned object can be achieved when there is acceptability as a product or service they render or offer by the producer. Therefore, when production is about two take off the target market must be put into consideration despite the modern life that we are used...

An Analysis Of Factors Influencing Low Enrolment And Retention Of Girls With Disabilities In Integrated Primary Schools, Embu County, Kenya

The study investigated the factors that influenced low enrolment and retention rates of girls with disabilities in integrated primary schools. It further explored possible intervention measures that may be employed to mitigate the situation. The study was conducted in selected schools in Runyenjes (Embu East) and Manyatta (Embu North) sub counties in Embu County. The location was purposively chosen in order to enable the researcher easy access to the respondents. Again, factors that limi...

Bottlenecks In The Accessibility Of Secondary Education Among Girls In Tanzania: A Case Of Pastoral Communities In Tarime District

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to examine the challenges in the accessibility of secondary school education among girls in pastoral communities, specifically in Tarime district in Mara region. Three specific objectives guided this study, firstly, to evaluate girls‟ participation in secondary school education, secondly, to examine the bottlenecks that girls face in the accessibility of secondary school education in comparison with boys and thirdly to assess the mitigation meas...

Effects of Remittances on the Livelihood of Farm Households in Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study examined the effects of remittances on the livelihood of farm households in Enugu State Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was used to select 120 remittance recipient households used for the study. Data were collected by the use of structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used in data analysis. The study showed that, households whose heads are within, 51 – 70 year of age and are not highly educated are more likely ...


ABSTRACT The qualitative study investigated the causes of girl child dropout in Kisomoro subcounty The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the institutional factors leading to school dropout, to find out if there are some cultural factors in society which cause girls to dropout of schools, to establish if the government policies have influenced girls to dropout of schools and to find out if family background has influenced girls to drop out of school. The study utilize...

An Investigation into Factors Affecting Girl Child School Dropout in Bundibugyo District Uganda (Case Study of Bubandi Primary School)

ABSTRACT The qualitative study investigated the causes of girl child dropout in Bubandi Primary School- Bundibugyo. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the institutional factors leading to school dropout, to find out if there are some cultural factors in society which cause girls to dropout of schools, to establish if the government policies have influenced girls to dropout of schools and to find out if family background has influenced girls to drop out of school. ...

The Effect Of Savings And Credit Facilities On Migrants’ And Non-Migrants’ Gendered Livelihood Options In Ilula Emerging Urban Centre

ABSTRACT The study presents the analysis of the effect of savings and credit facilities to migrants’ and non- migrants’ gendered livelihood options and development of Ilula Emerging Urban Centre (EUC). Specifically, the study aimed at establishing rural-urban migration determinants, identifying and analysing migrants’ and non-migrants livelihood options across different gender groups, and assessing factors influencing household access to savings and credit services and investment decisi...

The Influence of Indigenous Knowledge On Environmental Management. A Case Study of Lwemiyaga Sub-County, Ssembabule District, Uganda.

Abstract Due to increased global environmental challenges and its emerging problems, it is evidenced that decision-makers have realised that scientific knowledge alone is insufficient to solve them hence the knowledge of the local people often refered to as 1K is increasingly recognised as an important source of environmental management. The main objective of the study was to examine the influence of indigenous 1K in environmental management and the specific objectives were to identify the I...

Workforce Diversity And Employee Performance: A Case Of African Banking Corporation (Abc Bank) Head Office, Kenya

ABSTRACT Performance of employees in banks among other institutions, has numerous human resource related issues. Workforce diversity has been a very critical issue in human resources due to increasing globalization. Organizations that want to remain competitive recognize that employing people with very diverse backgrounds and different capacities of thinking boosts their ability to stay ahead of the competition. Some of these key diverse characteristics in human resources includes age, race, ...

Interleukin (IL)-13 promoter polymorphisms (-7402 T/G and -4729G/A) condition susceptibility to pediatric severe malarial anemia but not circulating IL-13 levels

Abstract Background: Improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in pediatric severe malarial anemia(SMA) pathogenesis is a crucial step in the design of novel therapeutics. Identification of host genetic susceptibility factors in immune regulatory genes offers an important tool for deciphering malaria pathogenesis. The IL-23/IL-17immune pathway is important for both immunity and erythropoiesis via its effects through IL-23 receptors (IL-23R). However, the impact of IL-23R va...

Media Coverage On Women Violence and Exploitation Monitor Newspaper

TABLE OF CONTENTS.INTRODUCTION1.0 CHAPTER ONEI. I Background of the study1.2 Statement of the problem1.3 Objectives of the studyI .4 Hypothesis1.5 Scope of the study1.6 Justification of study2.0 CHAPTER TWO2.1 Cause of violence and exploitation against women2.2 Insitutional responses and societal characteristics that support violence againstwomen2.3 Why women stay in marriages in which they are violated and exploitated'2.4 Legal Provisions to alleviate battering and entrench2.5 Effects of vio...


ABSTRACT Introduction: Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. In the Ghanaian society women bear the brunt for a couple’s inability to have children. Studies put male factors and female factors on the same level of causation. There seem to be little knowledge about male infertility in our communities. This study sought to assess knowledge about male infertility, identify some of the factors associated with knowledge abo...

Cultural Continuity And Change: A Historical Study On Music And Dance Among The Bukusu Of Bungoma County, Kenya, Circa 1900 – 2012

ABSTRACT Traditional Bukusu music and dance have suffered an authenticity crisis since the 20th century. This, we found out, has been as a result of globalization that has seen the adaptation and appropriation of Bukusu folk melodies and dance styles. Of significant influence on Bukusu music and dance have been the activities of colonialists, acculturation and the post- colonial socio-economic, political and cultural dynamics. Innovation and advances in media technology have also greatly impa...

586 - 600 Of 959 Results