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The Role Of Naads Programme In Reducing Household Poverty In Dwaniro Sub County, Kiboga District In Central Uganda

Abstract This chapter presented the introduction to the study, background to the study, problem statement, purpose/general objective of the study, specific objectives, research questions, scope of study, significance of the study and the key terms. 1.1 Background The National Agricultural and Advisory Services (NAADS) Programme was created in 2001 by an Act of Parliament to specifically address constraints of lack of access to agricultural information, knowledge and improved technology among ...

Assessment Of Water Quality And Fish Producivity In Three Undrainable Reservoirs Of Naromoru, Nyeri County, Kenya

Abstract Naromoru is a semi-arid area located on the leeward side of Mt. Kenya, and has more than 15 small sized reservoirs constructed to provide water for livestock, irrigation and domestic use. To increase their usefulness, some reservoirs have been stocked with fish, even though no studies have been carried out to establish their suitability and potential for fish culture. This study therefore aimed at assessing the water quality, fish food availability and fisheries productivity of three...


ABSTRACT Modern form of Co-operative leaves their origin in the tension and opportunities created by industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth Century in Europe. Much of the early interested in co-operative structure seemed from deep regards to the social consequence of industrial capitalism, critics of the new order not simply a framework for business organisation but also as a vehicle for the reutilization of radical social and political goals. However, much concepts of c-operat...

Gender appropriateness of field days in knowledge generation and adoption of push-pull technology in eastern Africa

Abstract: The performance of the agricultural sector in many developing countries has been rated as belowaverage, in particular the staple cereal crops whose productivity is limited by both biotic and abioticfactors. Furthermore, underperformance by the agricultural sector has in part been attributed to theinability of women to access resources, yet they represent a crucial resource in agriculture and the ruraleconomy through their roles as farmers and entrepreneurs. These challenges can be ...

The State of Food Security in Africa: A Case Study Of Kenya (2011-2013)

Abstract: While taking Kenya as a case study, the study was designed to assess the state of food security in Africa. It specifically assessed food production and consumption trends, evaluated efforts being made by the Kenyan government and other players (NGOs) to address food security concerns in Kenya, and explored the challenges and opportunities attributed to food security concerns in the country. The type of design adopted for this particular study was a case study. The study comprised n...

The Effect of Agricultural Practices on the Soil

Calibri;mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language: EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA">Agriculture has had a significant effect on the world's landscape for decades. Over the years agricultural practices have seen dramatic changes that have caused a great impact on the soil leading to its degradation. mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;mso-fareast-theme-font: minor-latin;mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;mso-bidi-font-family:"...


ABSTRACT This study examined the perceptions of teachers and students of school farm interventions by an agricultural education NOD known as Development Assistance to School Farms (DASFA). The population for the study was students and teachers who have participated in school farm activities supported by DASFA. Students of the Agro-Youth Clubs at Cape Coast School for the Deaf and Jukwa Senior Secondary School and their teachers, patrons, and farm assistants were purposively sampled because of...

Survey Of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes From Different Vegetation, Seasons And Landscape Units In Small Scale Farming Systems In Lower Nyando-Kenya

ABSTRACT Greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions data from large-scale agricultural activities are available. In developing countries, e.g. Kenya, agriculture is dominated by smallholder farming, data on the assessment of possible contributions of smallholder agriculture to GHG emissions and GHG fluxes data from smallholder farming systems in the tropics is scarce. The study area is a 10 square km area also called the ―Lower Nyando Block‖ in Western Kenya. The basin varies in landscapes (low la...

Soil Organic Carbon Accumulation, Climate Variability And Crop Production In Tanzania’s Semi-Arid Agro-Ecological Zone: A Case Study Of The Kongwa District

Abstract Various ecological and environmental indicators including climate change, soil fertility, water availability and proper agronomic practices that form optimal agricultural systems are needed to be integrated for increasing agricultural productivity in the Tanzanian semi-arid agro-ecological zone. Among these indicators, climate change and soil fertility are the major limiting factors to affect crop yields in this semi-arid agro-ecological zone. To improve crop productivity, this study...

Integration Of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies In Smallholder Potato Production Through A Collective Learning Community In Mauche Ward, Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Global warming has led to intensity of extreme events that affect agricultural production worldwide, and sub-Sahara Africa in particular, where economies are highly dependent on agriculture and adoption of modern technology is low. Kenyan agriculture is vulnerable to climate-induced risks and uncertainty manifested in low crop yields. Although potato is a food security and cash crop for many smallholder farmers in Mauche Ward of Nakuru County, its production is affected by variabilit...

Analysis Of Rainfall Variability On Irish Potato Production In Ol-Joro-Orok Division, Nyandarua County, Kenya.

ABSTRACT This study analysed the effect of rainfall variability on potato yields in Oljoro-orok Division, Nyandarua County. The objective was to investigate the relationship between rainfall variability and Irish potato production in Oljoro-orok division. Specific objectives were: to assess the seasonal and annual rainfall and potato production trends and variability between 1999 and 2009, to analyse seasonal and annual rainfall characteristics and correlate them with potato production, to ev...

Small Holder Acess To Agricultural Resources in The Dangme East And West Districts of Ghana

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers in Ghana are confronted with the problem of low crop yields as a result of their lack of access to agricultural productive resources. Smallholder farmers within the Dangme East and Dangme West districts are no exception. The objective of this study was to examine the socio-economic and institutional factors that influence smallholder farmers‘ access to productive resources. Data was collected from 150 respondents who were selected from the Dangme East and Dangm...

Analysis of The Impact of Commercial Bank’s Loans On the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the Impact of Deposit Money Banks Loan on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Nigeria, between 1990 and 2014. The variables used for this study are secondary data generated from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin, Volume 26, December 2014 and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). These data include the Gross Domestic Product, deposit money bank loans to small and medium enterprises, deposit money bank loans to the Agricultural s...

Assessing Land Use And Land Cover Change In The Keta Municipality Of Ghana Using Remote Sensing

ABSTRACT  Coastal areas around the world are increasingly facing devastating disasters due to land use and land cover changes. Same can be said of Keta Municipality which experiences series of challenges such as unplanned urbanisation, intensive agriculture, flooding and coastal erosions. To design better solutions to these recurring problems, there is the need to understand the landscape and its interaction with its inhabitants. To achieve this, this study employed remote sensing techniques...

Assessing the Loan Repayment Position among Agricultural Borrowers from Financial Institutions in Uganda A Case of Gulu and Pader District

ABSTRACT  The Ugandan economy like most other developing countries has survived upon credit, grants and donations among other things. Credit in Uganda has been extended to business practitioners through commercial banks, non Bank financial intermediaries and non Governmental organizations. However it is believed that there is a rate of default in repayment of borrowed funds from financial institutions and especially so in the agricultural sector. The Main Objective of the study therefore set...

616 - 630 Of 986 Results