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An Investigation On Factors Influencing Girl Child School Dropout Rate In Kasipul Division Rachuonyo District

Abstract In most developing countries, girls do not receive the same educational opportunities as boys. Even when given the opportunity to be educated, the girls typically face formidable barriers to the completion of their studies. For example, while virtually all girls in Kenya are initially enrolled in primary school, approximately 65% of them drop out before completing Standard 8 (source: Forum for African Women Educationalists) and the worse part of it is that, out of the ones who comple...

Factors Contributing to Students’ Drop Out at Ordinary Level A Case Study of Mpigi District, Uganda.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLES ixABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 2INTRODUCTION 21.1 Background of the Study 21.2 Problem Statement 41.3 Purpose of the Study 41.4.1 Main Objectives 51.4.1 Specific Objectives 51.5 Research Questions 51.6 Scope of the Study 51.6.1 Content Scope 51.6.2 Geographical Scope 61.6.3 Time Scope 61.7 Significance of the Study 6Definition of key Terms 6CHAPTER TWO 7CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND LITERATURE REVIEW 72...

An analysis on the role of women in the land reform and resettlement programme in zimbabwe.

ABSTRACT The signing of the Lancaster agreement in 1979 led to Land reform in Zimbabwe and to an effort to more equitably distribute land between the historically disenfranchised blacks and the minority whites who ruled Southern Rhodesia from 1890 to 1979.The distribution of land that was held by the government was the most crucial and most bitterly contested political issue surrounding Zimbabwe. The land reform can be divided into two phase‟s form 1979 to 1997 where the principle of willin...

Investigation On The Female Initiation Practice, Chinamwali/ Chinamwari In Chewa Communities. A Case Of Chegutu Urban 2000 -2016

Abstract Female initiation practice (Chinamwali/ Chinamwari) is a traditional culture practiced by the Chewa speaking people. The study investigates the background of the practice, location of the study, description of the group, the changes it has undergone and reasons behind these changes. The study reveals that the practice involves teachings on menstruation, life skills and sex education in order to mould an ideal woman. The age group of initiates, duration of seclusion, ritual baths and ...


The study focused on the causes of gender disparities in the study of science in second cycle schools in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The mixed method design comprising both qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. Eight purposively sampled senior high schools were used for the study and data collection tools such as interviews, focus group discussions, questionnaire and observations were used to collect data for the research. Results of the study revealed that schoo...

The effectiveness of Child Focused Non-Governmental Organizations in promoting the rights of children: A case of Murerezi Ward.

ABSTRACT In Zimbabwe, children are the primary victims of poverty, which is the main cause of violation of their fundamental rights. It is important to note that poverty remains the principal cause of the violation of children’s rights because lack of funds seriously impedes access to their basic human needs, which are access to health care, water, food, and education. Despite the existence of child focused NGOs; children’s rights are still being violated. This realisation has resultantly...

Haplotype of non-synonymous mutations within IL-23R is associated with susceptibility to severe malaria anemia in a P. falciparum holoendemic transmission area of Kenya

Abstract Background Improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in pediatric severe malarial anemia (SMA) pathogenesis is a crucial step in the design of novel therapeutics. Identification of host genetic susceptibility factors in immune regulatory genes offers an important tool for deciphering malaria pathogenesis. The IL-23/IL-17 immune pathway is important for both immunity and erythropoiesis via its effects through IL-23 receptors (IL-23R). However, the impact of IL-23R v...

An Analysis Of The Presentation Of Namibian History In The Namibian Secondary School History Textbooks

Abstract This research study is a content analysis of the sections on Namibian history of the Namibian Secondary School History Textbooks that were prescribed for use in schools for the period 1991 – 2008. Altogether eleven textbooks were studied. The study sought to establish the relevance of the textbooks in how far they promote reconciliation, inclusiveness and respect for diverse views in terms of their pedagogy and the way they portray Namibian history. A brief historical background on...

Women's Land Rights And Security Of Tenurein Uganda: A Case Study Of Eastern Uganda Mbale District

ABSTRACTThe study was to examine the women's land 1ights and tenure secmity in Uganda case study of Eastem Uganda Mbale distJict. The study objectives included to examine legalframe work of women's land rights and tenure secmity in Uganda, the challenges faced while enforcing women's rights and tenure security in Uganda in Mbale district and themechanisms for the protection of women's rights and land tenure security in Uganda in Mbale district. The study was an entirely book re...

Investigating the Mechanisms of Antimicrobial Resistance and Virulence of Bacteria Isolated from Hospital Environments

Introduction Bacteria are essential components of all ecosystems. They inhabit soil, water, air and even travel in space (Afshinnekoo et al., 2015; Osman et al., 2008). Bacteria also survive on inanimate objects such as fomites either transiently or for long periods (Boone and Gerba, 2007; Miller and Diep, 2008). Some bacteria that live in contact with or infect animals, have been implicated in zoonotic infections, which can be a health risk for humans (Cantas and Suer, 2014) and can modulate...

Culture as an impediment to girl child education in primary schools the case study of kifvmbira p/school, kalama parish, butologo sub- county, buwekvla mubende district uganda.

ABSTRACT . This sh1dy was about culture as an impediment to girl child education. This sh1dy was conducted at Kifumbira Primary School, Butologo, Sub County in Mubende district Uganda. The objectives of the study were to establish the causes oflow enrolment of girls into schools, assess the extent to which culture has hindered girl child education at Kifumbira Primary School, Butologo, Sub county in Mubende district, document the challenges faced in trying to promote girl child education and ...

Factors Influencing the Girl Child Enrolment in Schools; A Case of Rwemamba Parish; Kiruhura District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGESDeclaration .................................................................................... (i)Approval. .................................................................................... (ii)Acknowledgement. ......................................................................... (iii)Dedication .................................................................................... (iv)Table of contents ...............................................................

Antimicrobial Resistant Escherichia Coli Genes In Children Aged Below Five Years Presenting With Diarrhoea At Thika Level 5 Hospital, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Diarrhoea is one of the leading causes of illness and death among children in developing countries, where an estimated 1.3 billion episodes and 4 to 10 million deaths occur each year in children less than 5 years of age. The study envisioned to determine the genetic basis of extended spectrum β-lactam (ESBL) resistance in E. coli isolated from children aged below 5 years attending Thika Level 5 Hospital Kiambu County in Kenya. Faecal samples were obtained from 384 children present...

Amplicon-based assessment of bacterial diversity and community structure in three tropical forest soils in Kenya

Abstract: Forest soils provide a multitude of habitats for diverse communities of bacteria. In this study, we selected three tropical forests in Kenya to determine the diversity and community structure of soil bacteria inhabiting these regions. Kakamega and Irangi are rainforests, whereas Gazi Bay harbors mangrove forests. The three natural forests occupy different altitudinal zones and differ in their environmental characteristics. Soil samples were collected from a total of 12 sites and so...

An Assessment Of The Chinese Geopolitical Interests In Africa: A Case Of Zimbabwe-China Bilateral Engagements From 2003-2015

Abstract The China-Africa relationship has been showing its frailties as build on capitalist matrices in nature, with China being a capitalistic sadist and Africa a masochist. Unlike the West which uses philanthropy a guise for their misanthropy, China has an economically palatable approach called investment, which bring more complication to the African polyandry dilemma (state of being caught in between the Capitalist giants and pseudo communist giants). The Zimbabwe-China engagement present...

646 - 660 Of 959 Results